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ASSIGNMENT OF WORKLOAD. ‌ 10.4.1. In Spring semester, when the approved Program Profile is received from the Ministry, the Xxxx shall advise each department of its activity level for the next budget year. If subsequent developments necessitate a change to this activity level, the Xxxx will advise the department accordingly. The initial proposed allocation of each Professor’s/Instructor’s workload shall first be determined by the Chair of each department (or xxxx if no chair) in consultation with the members of that department. The proposed workload allocations shall be reviewed by the appropriate Xxxx in order to ensure a fair distribution within the department. Differences in contact hours, course preparations, student numbers, travel times, and other parameters which are seen to be relevant shall be considered. The workloads determined shall be consistent with the guidelines and limits in all relevant sections of the Collective Agreement.
ASSIGNMENT OF WORKLOAD. A. Within the limitations and guidelines outlined in this agreement, the assignment of loads for academic employees is the responsibility of the appropriate supervising administrator. Workloads will be developed in consultation with individual academic employees and the employee's department. A change in assignment must be within the faculty’s assigned instruction unit or as mutually agreed. The supervising administrator and academic employee shall meet at least once each academic year to discuss and review the employee’s workload. Other aspects of the employee’s assignment may be discussed at this meeting, including faculty evaluation information as outlined in Article 800. B. The District will consult with an academic employee at least one (1) quarter before assigning significantly new or different duties to the employee. Significant changes in workload that are mutually agreeable to both the academic employee and the District may be implemented earlier. C. The District will seek to fill off campus assignments on a voluntary basis. If no academic employee volunteers, an assignment may be made subject to Article 601.2 (B). Compensation for travel time and mileage to and/or from off campus assignments shall be subject to the following terms: 1. If the off-campus assignment involves additional travel mileage, the employee will be compensated according to OFM travel reimbursement rules and rates. A prior approval form must be completed and submitted to the Office of Instruction. 2. Any cost for parking will be reimbursed. D. If an academic employee, the employee’s department, and/or the supervising administrator cannot reach agreement on workload assignments and/or deviations from the baseline workload standard, the vice president of instruction is responsible for making the final determination after consulting with Governance Council. Academic employees may utilize the grievance procedure beginning at level 3 as outlined in Article 1003.3 if not satisfied with the decision of the vice president of instruction.
ASSIGNMENT OF WORKLOAD. 10.4.1. In Spring semester, when the approved Program Profile is received from the Ministry, the Xxxx shall advise each department of its activity level for the next budget year. If subsequent developments necessitate a change to this activity level, the Xxxx will advise the department accordingly. If budgetary developments necessitate a change to the activity level of a department in the upcoming year, the Xxxx will advise the department accordingly. The initial proposed allocation of each Professor’s/Instructor’s workload shall first be determined by the Chair of each department (or xxxx if no chair) in consultation with the members of that department. The proposed workload allocations shall be reviewed by the appropriate Xxxx in order to ensure a fair distribution 2.1.1 shall be considered. The workloads determined shall be consistent with the guidelines and limits in all relevant sections of the Collective Agreement. After the review and confirmation by the appropriate Xxxx, Professors/Instructors shall be advised of their proposed workload allocation as soon as possible, and normally, no later than the end of the preceding academic year. should be communicated to the appropriate academic administrator. The Chief Xxxxxxx or designate may be part of those communications if desired by the faculty member. Timetabling Professors/Instructors shall be advised of their proposed timetable as soon as possible, and normally, no later than the end of the preceding academic year. The following limits shall be placed on the times that a Professor/Instructor would be expected scheduled to teach: No Professor/Instructor shall be required to teach more than three consecutive one hour classes, labs or seminars, or more than 2 consecutive classes, labs or seminars of duration more than one hour each. No Professor/Instructor shall be required to conduct more than four consecutive hours of class, lab or seminar. Where a Professor/Instructor has child family care commitments, and where the Professor/Instructor makes a written request, the University shall make every effort to ensure that Professor/Instructor has no classes scheduled before 9:00 am. Upon written request to the Chair and/or Academic Administrator, Professors/Instructors shall be entitled to granted a minimum of one continuous hour of unscheduled time in the period between 11:30 and 14:30. Written requests will be submitted at the beginning of the timetabling...
ASSIGNMENT OF WORKLOAD. 1. Student needs shall be the primary factor in the distribution of courses within a department and in the scheduling of classes, taking into account required, elective, survey, advanced, or graduate classes and the allocation of day and evening sections. Insofar as consistent with student needs and the academic integrity of the program, the compactness of faculty schedules will be taken into account. Full-time faculty, where qualified, shall receive precedence in the assignment of a full workload. A full workload shall be provided, where poss- ible, before unit personnel are assigned overloads. 2. The University Registrar shall propose a preliminary schedule of all classes. The Chair will make initial teaching assignments and recommend modifications as necessary. The reviewed schedule of all classes and all teaching assignments shall be submitted to the Xxxx for approval. Should the student needs or the academic integrity of the program not be met by the distribution of course offerings, or its schedule of classes, or its teaching assignments, the department shall be required by the xxxx to make the necessary adjustments. 3. Should there be a serious difference of opinion between a faculty member and the department chair over an assignment of courses, the xxxx shall resolve the matter. If levels of academic and professional expertise are in dispute, the xxxx shall, in consensus with the department personnel committee, decide the issue. 4. Assignment of unit member's regular workload shall be at the Brooklyn Campus except when program requirements—including satellite and extension programs— mandate that a full-time unit member be assigned an off-campus workload, or if there is insufficient workload available on campus. If it is necessary to assign full-time unit members off-campus workloads, the assignments shall normally require the concurrence of the unit member qualified for such assignments, except when the assignment is for purposes of making up an underload. New appointees may have their employment conditioned upon fulfilling all or part of their regular teaching workload off campus. 5. The faculty members of a department shall be notified of their teaching programs as soon as is feasible. Changes in a faculty member’s program may be made if absolutely necessary, but such changes shall be made in writing and dated and signed by the chair of the department. In making such necessary changes, the chair shall consult with the affected member in the inter...
ASSIGNMENT OF WORKLOAD. 10.4.1. If budgetary developments necessitate a change to the activity level of a department in the upcoming year, the Xxxx will advise the department accordingly. The initial proposed allocation of each Professor’s/Instructor’s workload shall first be determined by the Chair of each department (or xxxx if no chair) in consultation with the members of that department. The proposed workload allocations shall be reviewed by the appropriate Xxxx in order to ensure a fair distribution within the department. Differences in contact hours, course preparations, student numbers, travel times, and other parameters which are seen to be relevant including those factors set out in Article 10. 2.1.1 shall be considered. The workloads determined shall be consistent with the guidelines and limits in all relevant sections of the Collective Agreement. After the review and confirmation by the appropriate Xxxx, Professors/Instructors shall be advised of their proposed workload allocation as soon as possible, and normally, no later than the end of the preceding academic year. should be communicated to the appropriate academic administrator. The Chief Xxxxxxx or designate may be part of those communications if desired by the faculty member.
ASSIGNMENT OF WORKLOAD. 10.4.1. In Spring semester, when the approved Program Profile is received from the Ministry, the Xxxx shall advise each department of its activity level for the next budget year. If subsequent developments necessitate a change to this activity level, the Xxxx will advise the department accordingly. The initial proposed allocation of each instructor's workload shall first be determined by the coordinator of each department (or xxxx if no coordinator) in consultation with the members of that department. The aim shall be to distribute workload fairly within the department. Differences in contact hours, course preparation, student numbers, travel times, and other parameters which are seen to be relevant shall be considered by the coordinator. The workloads determined shall be consistent with the guidelines and limits in Articles and 20.3.1.
ASSIGNMENT OF WORKLOADAssignment of bargaining unit member’s regular workload shall be at the Post Campus except when program requirements mandate full-time unit member assignments off-Campus, or if there is insufficient workload available on Campus. Whenever possible unit members shall be assigned workloads off-Campus on a voluntary basis. Should this method fail and it becomes necessary to assign full-time unit members off-Campus workload, the assignments shall be equitably rotated among faculty qualified for such assignments. When assigning a unit member’s workload, the University shall give consideration to the academic requirements of the program and the unit member’s seniority. New appointees may have their employment conditioned upon fulfilling all or part of their regular teaching workload off-Campus.
ASSIGNMENT OF WORKLOAD. The in consultation with the individual Member and Rep, will assign instructional hours for the
ASSIGNMENT OF WORKLOAD. 10.4.1. In the Spring semester, the Xxxx shall advise each department of its activity level for the next budget year. If subsequent developments necessitate a change to this activity level, the Xxxx will advise the department accordingly. The initial proposed allocation of each University-College Professor’s/Instructor’s workload shall first be determined by the Chair of each department (or xxxx if no chair) in consultation with the members of that department. The proposed workload allocations shall be reviewed by the appropriate Xxxx in order to ensure a fair distribution within the department. Differences in contact hours, course preparations, student numbers, travel times, and other parameters which are seen to be relevant shall be considered. The workloads determined shall be consistent with the guidelines and limits in all relevant sections of the Collective Agreement.
ASSIGNMENT OF WORKLOAD. 10.4.1. In Spring semester, when the approved Program Profile is received from the Ministry, the Xxxx shall advise each department of its activity level for the next budget year. If subsequent developments necessitate a change to this activity level, the Xxxx will advise the department accordingly. The initial proposed allocation of each instructor's workload shall first be determined by the coordinator of each department (or xxxx if no coordinator) in consultation with the members of that department. The proposed workload allocations shall be reviewed by the appropriate Xxxx in order to ensure a fair distribution within the department. Differences in contact hours, course preparations, student numbers, travel times, and other parameters which are seen to be relevant shall be considered. The workloads determined shall be consistent with the guidelines and limits in all relevant sections of the Collective Agreement. Timetabling The following limits shall be placed on the times that an instructor would be expected to teach: No instructor shall be required to teach more than three consecutive one hour classes, labs or seminars, or more than 2 consecutive classes, labs or seminars of duration more than one hour each. No instructor shall be required to conduct more than four consecutive hours of class, lab or seminar. Where an instructor has child care commitments, and where the instructor makes a written request, the University-College shall make every effort to ensure that instructor has no classes scheduled before 9:00 am. Instructors shall be entitled to a minimum of one continuous hour of Instructors shall be entitled to a minimum of twelve continuous hours of unscheduled time between workdays. Where an instructor is required to teach at more than one campus, there shall be reasonable provision for travel time in the instructor's teaching schedule. The University-College shall make every effort to ensure that no instructor shall be required to conduct a class, a lab or a seminar that ends more than 9 hours after the start of their first class, lab or seminar of that day. Where a full-time instructor is assigned upper level courses and engages in scholarly activity, and where the instructor makes a written request, the instructor shall have no classes, labs or seminars scheduled on at least one of Monday to Friday. All instructors shall be entitled to two consec...