Directorate Sample Clauses
Directorate. General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (including its Central Taiwan Division)
Directorate. 1. The Director General shall be the chief executive of the Organization and shall be responsible for the conduct of the general business of the Organization in accordance with the policies and decisions of the Review Conference and the Executive Council.
2. Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 1 of this Article, the Director General shall:
a) be responsible for the administration and the appointment of all staff of the Organization subject to the provisions of Article VIII, paragraph 2(b) of this Agreement;
b) prepare the annual report of the Organization;
c) prepare the annual budget of the Organization, which shall be submitted to the Executive Council for approval;
d) prepare the annual accounts of the Organization, which shall, after audit, be submitted to the Executive Council for approval;
e) report to the Executive Council from time to time on the activities of the Organization; and
f) represent the Organization in its dealings with third parties, and enter into such agreements and arrangements on behalf of the Organization as the Executive Council shall authorize.
Directorate. People Department: To be agreed Location: To be agreed Reports to: Regional Officer Salary: PO5 (plus on-call allowance) Hours: 37hrs Duration: Permanent
Directorate. (1) The NFDI shall have a Director and a managing office (Directorate). The managing office shall support the work of the entire NFDI. The Director will be an expert from the science sector and shall be appointed for a five-year term. The Directorate will also include staff with commercial, legal and IT expertise. The Director shall also be chair of the Scientific Senate.
(2) The Director shall manage the NFDI on the basis of the decisions and consultations of the Scientific Senate and the Consortia Assembly in accordance with relevant funding provisions. He/she can submit issues to the Scientific Senate and the Consortia Assembly for discussion and decision-making. Furthermore, he/she shall coordinate cooperation across the NFDI, represent the interests of the NFDI, draft agreements with the consortia and monitor adherence to them.
(3) The Director shall represent the NFDI internally and externally.
Directorate. Specific Outputs and Deliverables The following five (5) Focus Areas (FAs) have been defined for adoption by all Directors to guide target setting: Policy Formulation, (Cabinet Memos, Legislation, Standards, Guidelines, Regulations) Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Service Delivery (Operationalisation of the Client Service Charter)
Directorate. In Case of inadvertent typographical mistake found in the specific price schedule of rate the same will be treated to be so corrected as to conform with the prevailing relevant Schedule of Rates and /or technically sanctioned estimate. The intending tenderer is required to quote their rates in figures as well as in words in his/her own hand writing. The intending tenderer is required to sign either in English or Bengali or in Hindi. Signature of tenderer in all locations must be identical.. Signature, name, address and occupation of witness to the contractors' signature should be properly filled up. A participating tenderer in the same work must not be a Witness. Conditional Tender will not be entertained. The Accepting Authority reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever and he will not be bound to accept either the lowest tender or any of the tenders. Payment will depend on availability of fund and no claim whatsoever will be entertained for delay of payments, if any. Intending tenderers may consider this criterion while applying for permission and while quoting their rates. Tenders for any supplementary item of works not provided in the estimate but finding a place in the schedule of rates will be subjected to be same percentage deduction/increment in rates that is applicable to the Original Tender. If any tenderer withdraws his offer before acceptance or refuse within a reasonable time without giving any satisfactory explanation for such withdrawals, he shall be disqualified for submitting tender to this division (or subdivision under this division) for a minimum period of 1(one) year. Cess @ 1% (One Percent) of the cost of the construction work will be deducted from the bills of the contractor on all contracts awarded on or after 01.11.2006 in pursuance with GO No. 599A/4M-28/06 Dated 27.09.2006. Before issuance of the Letter of Acceptance, the tender accepting Authority may verify the credential and other documents of the lowest bidder if found necessary. After verification, if it is found that such documents submitted by the lowest bidder is either manufactured or false in that case, work order will not be issued in favour of the bidder under any circumstances and action will be taken as per rule in force along with forfeiture of Xxxxxxx Money Deposit. Successful tenderers will be required to produce valid registration certificates and Labour license from respective Regional Labour Offices where Const...
Directorate. The Directorate Branch provides overall management support and advice to the Minister under the direction of the Deputy Minister. The Directorate is also responsible for strategic planning, providing leadership in the development of legislation and policy, communications, budget coordination and financial services, and capital planning, human resource planning, and systems support. Leadership and coordination in the areas of professional practice standards, regional service delivery, and overall departmental quality assurance are also key functions of this Branch. The Directorate is composed of the following units:
Directorate. Jakarta, 7th April 2008 I, Uki Ukanto, a sworn and authorized translator by virtue of Decree of Governor of Jakarta No. 2238/2004, certify that the above is true and accurate English version translated from its original Indonesian text. [Official Translation] General of Common Law Administration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights the Republic of Indonesia, dated 15-02-2006 (the fifteenth day of February two thousand six) number C-04216 HT.01.04.TH.2006; – Deed dated 05-05-2006 (the fifth day of May two thousand six) number:31, drawn up and passed before AULIA TAUFANI, Bachelor of Law, then as alternate notary for SUTJIPTO, Bachelor of Law, notary Public practicing in Jakarta, the notice of which has been accepted and recorded in the Database of Legal Entity Development Management Information System (Sisminbakum) Directorate General of Common Law Administration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights the Republic of Indonesia, dated 02-06-2006 (the second day of June two thousand six) number C-16129 HT.01.04.TH.2006; – Deed dated 21-09-2006 (the twenty first day of September two thousand six) number:129, drawn up and passed before AULIA TAUFANI, Bachelor of Law, then as alternate notary for SUTJIPTO, Bachelor of Law, notary Public practicing in Jakarta, the notice of which has been accepted and recorded in Jakarta, 7th April 2008 I, Uki Ukanto, a sworn and authorized translator by virtue of Decree of Governor of Jakarta No. 2238/2004, certify that the above is true and accurate English version translated from its original Indonesian text. [Official Translation] the Database of Legal Entity Development Management Information System (Sisminbakum) Directorate General of Common Law Administration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights the Republic of Indonesia, dated 05-10-2006 (the fifth day of October two thousand six) number W7-HT.01.04-1787; – Deed dated 09-11-2006 (the ninth day of November two thousand six) number:38, drawn up and passed before AULIA TAUFANI, Bachelor of Law, then as alternate notary for SUTJIPTO, Bachelor of Law, notary Public practicing in Jakarta, the notice of which has been accepted and recorded in the Database of Legal Entity Development Management Information System (Sisminbakum) Directorate General of Common Law Administration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights the Republic of Indonesia, dated 28-11-2006 (the twenty eighth day of November two thousand six) number W7-HT.01.04-4134; The recent Structure of Board of Directors and Board of Commiss...
Directorate. Advice and Business Solution (ABS)s is split into three distinct functions – Advice, customer solutions and performance and development (a support function for the directorate). The vision for ABS is to deliver insightful, impactful, innovative, and intuitive services that help to prevent and solve workplace conflict and increase productivity. Our customers are firmly at the heart of decision- The ABS team delivers Advice Services to our customers as well as delivering tailored customer support on a chargeable basis. Activities include: We strengthen relationships with external stakeholders, and with colleagues in other directorates, thus working together to keep pace with the changing world around us, and the fluctuating needs of our customers. making, as we strive to understand their needs and respond to the challenges they face. • High quality, practical support to organisations through advice designed to prevent the occurrence of disputes, including complex and tailored support advice, • High quality, practical support to organisations through training to help them be the best employers they can be for their people, • Active identification and development of potential new products for the world of work • Building key customer relationships and identifying commercial opportunities in support of delivering Acas strategy.