Disciplinary Records. Any disciplinary records, as well as letters of instruction or expectation, shall be removed from an employee's file after eighteen (18) months from the date of the offence, provided that there have been no similar warnings in that period, in which event the time for the application of this section shall be counted from the date of the succeeding warning. Absences of two (2) or more consecutive months will extend this period by the duration of the absence. It is understood that disciplinary records include any written records of verbal warnings, written warnings and letters of suspension.
Disciplinary Records. (a) Any disciplinary action taken beyond a verbal warning will be documented and form part of the employee’s personnel record maintained in the Department and at Human Resources. This written record of discipline will be provided to the employee within three (3) working days of the meeting at which the employee is informed of the reasons for discipline, and will be copied to Human Resources and the Union. The employee may also respond in writing, and this response will also be filed in the employee’s personnel record.
(b) An employee may request in writing that any formal written record of discipline issued in accordance with Article 8 be removed from the employee's Department and Human Resources personnel file after eighteen (18) months worked (or in the case of an employee registered in a full-time academic degree program, three academic terms worked), provided no other disciplinary offence was committed during that period that resulted in a written record of discipline, unless the original offence was of such a serious nature as to warrant a lengthy suspension [more than five (5) days]. In the latter case, the request would be considered on its merits and, if denied, may be resubmitted annually.
Disciplinary Records. Disciplinary actions resulting from misdemeanour offenses will be removed from an employee's record after one (1) year. Records of more serious disciplinary actions will be removed after two (2) years.
Disciplinary Records. This letter is to confirm an understanding reached between the Company and the Union during 1983-84 negotiations in respect to the disciplinary record of employees. The Company gives an undertaking not to use the disciplinary record of an employee which exceeds a three year period, in matters of evidence during grievance or arbitration proceedings, or when assessing current discipline. Xxxxx Xxxxxx Manager, Labour & Employment Relations Union Gas Limited TT/pk June 6, 2003 As indicated by signature, the following Locals/Units agree to a reciprocal arrangement in the recognition and acceptance of Union seniority where a transfer of an employee between Locals occurs. Xxx XxXxxxxx Local 999 Chatham Operations & Clerical Units Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Local 758 Windsor Operations Unit Local 999 Production Unit Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Local 758 Windsor Clerical Unit Xxxx Xxxxxx Local 8833 Waterloo Operations Unit Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Local 8833 Clerical Units Xxx Xxxxxx Local 8833 Xxxxxxxx Operations Unit Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Local 938 London Operations Unit Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Local 8833 Brantford Call Centre Unit Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Local 938 London Clerical Unit Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Local 56 Brantford Operations Unit Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Local 5 Simcoe Operations & Clerical Units Xxxx XxXxxxx Local 914 Sarnia Operations & Clerical Units Xxx Xxxxx For Local 999 Dunnville Operations Unit June 6, 2003
Disciplinary Records. An employee will receive a copy of all written censures, letters of reprimand, adverse reports and adverse evaluations/performance appraisals. Should an employee dispute any such entry on their file, they shall be entitled to recourse through the grievance procedure and the eventual resolution thereof shall become part of their personnel record. Upon the employee's request, any such document, other than performance appraisals shall be removed from the employee's file after the expiration of 18 months from the date it was issued, provided there has not been a further infraction. The Employer agrees not to introduce as evidence in any hearing any document from the file of an employee, the existence of which the employee was not aware at the time of filing.
Disciplinary Records. In the event of any discipline, at the employee's request, a meeting will be scheduled with the affected administrator, employee and, at the employee's request, a Union representative, if no meeting has previously occurred in which the employee has had an opportunity to respond to the events giving rise to the disciplinary action. A copy of written disciplinary material shall be given to the employee and the Union before being placed in the employee’s personnel file. The employee may be required to acknowledge receipt of a copy by signing it; such signature acknowledges receipt and does not signify agreement with the content. If material placed in the file is found to be false or unsubstantiated by the Employer or an arbitrator, the material will be corrected or expunged from the file, as appropriate.
Disciplinary Records. (A) When no discipline is imposed after disciplinary proceedings have been initiated or if disciplinary action is set aside following grievance or arbitration, no records of such proceedings or action shall be placed in or remain in an employee's Official Personal File.
(B) All records of disciplinary notices, warnings or suspensions shall be removed from the employee's Official Personal File after four (4) years have elapsed without further disciplinary action having been imposed.
Disciplinary Records. Each employee shall be given a copy of all disciplinary materials placed in his/her file. An employee may include an explanatory statement for the personnel file in answer to any reprimand or other form of discipline if the employee chooses not to grieve such action.
Disciplinary Records. An employee may, six (6) months or more after issuance of any disciplinary action, request of their department head the removal and destruction of such material. If the employee is not satisfied with the decision of the department head, the employee may, within seven (7) days of receipt of the department head’s decision, appeal that decision to the City Manager.
Disciplinary Records. Records of disciplinary action shall cease to have force and effect or be considered in future discipline matters, provided that there has been no intervening discipline from the date of issuance, according to the following schedule: Letters of Instruction and Cautioning twelve (12) months Written Reprimands eighteen (18) months All other Discipline twenty-four (24) months Discipline for drug and alcohol related offenses or violations of the parties’ drug and alcohol testing policy are not subject to the provisions listed above and shall be considered in all future discipline involving drug and alcohol offenses.