Building Closing. In the event of a building being closed teachers with continuing contract rights shall participate in a similar pool process prior to the district transfer pools described in 8-5-4-1 and 8-5-4-2.
Building Closing. 1. When the Superintendent closes the schools and other buildings to all employees, O.R.C. Section 3319.081 (G) provides that they will be paid for all regular hours of work lost when such school or building in which they are employed is closed to all employees by the Superintendent due to an epidemic or other public calamity up to the equivalent of four (4) days each school year. Examples of a public calamity include, but are not limited to: (a) tornado, (b) flood, (c) ice conditions, (d) snow storm and (e) other calamity situations as determined by the Superintendent.
2. Should a building be closed to all employees by order of the Superintendent due to such an epidemic or other public calamity, any emergency essential employee required to work and in fact working in the closed employee’s building shall be compensated at the rate of one and one half times their rate, except maintenance employees will be compensated at (2) times their regular hourly rate for each hour worked. Any employee who is not required to work, but chooses to come into work will not receive additional compensation. The Superintendent has the right to determine if and where employees are to work during times of public calamity or when schools are closed.
3. For any school closures due to an epidemic or other public calamity in excess of the equivalent of four (4) days in a school year, the employee will either need to report to work or reschedule the work day by agreement with their supervisor. Employees on a 193-day contract or less are expected to report on student days if student days are rescheduled. Twelve-month and emergency essential employees required to report to work on the calamity days/hours that are called after the equivalent of the fourth calamity day shall not be entitled to additional compensation. Twelve-month and emergency essential employees will not be required to report to work if so advised by the Administration or if there is a level 3 emergency declared by the sheriff of the employee’s county of residence or of Xxxxxx County. All other employees will receive the daily pay for those calamity days or hours not worked. Calamity days or hours not worked may be rescheduled and those employees shall report to work with no additional compensation for the rescheduled day(s).
4. Previously scheduled personal, sick or vacation leave will not be charged against an employee for emergency closing days/hours.
Building Closing. 1. In the event weather or other conditions necessitates the closing of an ISD building or program, bargaining unit members of that building or program will be informed via text, auto call, radio, and television stations.
2. To verify an announcement or to check for building closings, a bargaining unit member may call 000-0000 to secure the status of Kent ISD operations.
3. Any bargaining unit members scheduled to work in a local district that is not in session may be asked to report to work that day at the Intermediate District office, or at such other work location as may be approved by the employee’s supervisor. If staff have no alternate work location, the staff member will not be expected to work remotely if his/her program/building is closed. Planned remote instruction periods do not constitute a closure of the program.
4. In the event of inclement weather and other conditions, Center-Based Program closures will be considered if the district where the building(s) are located close and by the total number of districts in the county that close. Staff will be notified by text, auto call, radio, and television stations that their program is closed.
5. In the event of inclement weather and other conditions, Itinerant and Early On staff cannot service children/families that reside in a district that is closed due to weather conditions. Staff should service children/families in the districts that are open. Staff are expected to report to work remotely if there are gaps in scheduled service times or if partial services areas are closed, unless agreed upon by their Supervisor. If all assigned districts are closed, staff members will not be expected to work.
Building Closing. The following procedures will be implemented:
1. All vacancies that arise in the school year prior to the closing of a school building(s) will be kept open until the First Selection Meeting with the teachers of the closing school building(s). Reassignment of full-time teachers within a building may occur, however no other voluntary nor involuntary transfers will occur prior to the First Selection Meeting.
2. If there are more than one school buildings closing in the same year, the Selection Meeting for the respective school buildings will be combined.
3. In the event of a school building(s) closing, teachers in that (those) building(s) will have transfer rights before any other teacher having transfer rights for the year of the closing. After all teachers assigned to a closing school are placed in a new building, then any other displaced involuntarily transferred teacher will be offered, in order of seniority (subject to Section C(2)(b)(i)), any remaining vacancies.
4. The First Selection Meeting of the closing school's teachers will be held on or about April 25th. A compiled list of vacancies will be presented to each teacher. Each teacher present, in school corporation seniority order, will be allowed to choose his or her assignment for the subsequent school year. If a teacher is not present, that teacher may select a vacancy by a written selection or through a written proxy authorizing another teacher attending the meeting the right to select for the absent teacher. The written selection or written proxy designation must be provided to the principal any time prior to the meeting. If a selection is not made by any of the designated methods, then the teacher will be considered to have passed. At the First Selection Meeting some of the displaced teachers of the closing school may pass on an assignment from the prepared corporation list on the assumption that retirees yet to be known and other teachers who may leave the corporation will create vacancies that are more desirable to them. Those vacancies which (1) were offered to the teachers in the closing school building and (2) remaining will be offered to the other displaced involuntarily transferred teachers. If other vacancies occur after the First Selection Meeting, those will be held until the Second Selection Meeting.
5. The Second Selection Meeting will occur in June. The compiled list of vacancies will be presented to each teacher. Each teacher present, in seniority order, will be allowed to choose ...
Building Closing. 1. In the event weather or other conditions necessitates the closing of an assigned building or program, bargaining unit members of that building or program will be informed via text, auto call, radio and television stations.
2. To verify an announcement or to check for building closings, a bargaining unit member may call 000-000-0000 to secure the status of Kent ISD operations.
Building Closing. Section 1. In the event an elementary building is closed, the Employer and the Union will meet to discuss bumping procedures for those employees affected.
Building Closing. 1. In the event weather or other conditions necessitates the closing of an assigned building or program, bargaining unit members of that building will be informed via radio and television stations. In addition, if the district or the building in which the program operates is closed for any reason other than professional development or district in-service, bargaining unit members need not report. Consideration shall be given by administration to all requests from bargaining unit members to work in an alternate location when such closures occur.
2. In the event that a bargaining unit member is scheduled to participate in professional development or professional learning community meeting in another LEA or at KISD, bargaining unit members will follow the following closing policy:
a. If the location of the PD/PLC is open but the bargaining unit member’s LEA building is closed, the bargaining unit member is only required to work during the scheduled hours of the planned PD/PLC.
b. If the location of the PD/PLC is closed but the bargaining unit member’s LEA building is open, the PD/PLC will be cancelled and the bargaining unit member will report to their LEA for their normal work hours.
c. If the location of the PD/PLC and bargaining unit member’s LEA building are both closed, the bargaining unit member need not report to either location.
Building Closing.
1. In the event weather or other conditions necessitates the closing of an assigned building or program, bargaining unit members of that building or program will be informed via radio and television stations. In addition, if the district or the building in which the program operates is closed for any reason other than professional development or district in-service, bargaining unit member need not report. Consideration shall be given by administration to all requests from bargaining unit members to work in an alternate location when such closures occur.
2. In the event that a bargaining unit member is scheduled to participate in professional development or professional learning community meeting in another LEA or at Kent ISD, bargaining unit members will follow the following closing policy:
a. If the location of the PD/PLC is open but the bargaining unit member’s LEA building is closed, the bargaining unit member is only required to work during the scheduled hours of the planned PD/PLC.
b. If the location of the PD/PLC is closed but the bargaining unit member’s LEA building is open, the PD/PLC will be cancelled and the bargaining unit member will report to their LEA for their normal work hours.
c. If the location of the PD/PLC and bargaining unit member’s LEA building are both closed, the bargaining unit member need not report to either location.
3. Periodically, the schedule of the hosting district may result in a planned building closures on what is otherwise a scheduled workday for GSRP staff members. When this occurs, the program supervisor or Director of Early Childhood should be notified and he/she will work with the hosting district to arrange for building access. In the event that building access cannot be arranged, staff will be expected to work remotely for purposes of lesson planning, professional development, parent contacts and staff collaboration. Remote instruction will not be required unless previously arranged
Building Closing. In the event of a school building closing, the following procedures shall be implemented:
Building Closing. In the event there is no vacancy or unassigned positions, the layoff-recall language will be used for placement purposes.