DUTIES OF THE COUNTY. 3.1. The County shall have and perform the duties as detailed in “Attachment B: Duties of County.”
DUTIES OF THE COUNTY. The Valencia County Sheriff’s Office shall provide the following law enforcement services to the City: a. Assign one full time deputy (“assigned deputy”), who will be a certified law enforcement officer, to provide standard law enforcement services for the municipality of Rio Communities as set forth by NMSA 1978, Section 3-13-2 (1978). The Sheriff will have the sole discretion of selecting the assigned deputy. b. The assigned deputy shall be commissioned by the City of Rio Communities as Municipal Officer and will enforce municipal ordinances. The City of Rio Communities Municipal Court shall have jurisdiction for traffic violations and municipal ordinance citations issued by assigned deputy. c. The assigned deputy will provide written documentation of criminal activities within the City limits, and will attend regularly scheduled City Council meetings as requested by the Mayor. d. The assigned deputy will wear standard Sheriff’s Office uniforms and comply with the County Personnel Policy, any Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Sheriff’s Office policies and procedures. The City will have no authority to discipline the assigned deputy. e. The assigned deputy will be responsive to requests for duty from the City however untimely requests will be subject to the Sheriff’s Office chain of command including duty supervisor. f. The Sheriff’s Office will provide the assigned deputy standard equipment, fuel and a patrol vehicle with Rio Communities patrol identifier. g. The Sheriff is not obligated by virtue of this Agreement to administer directed patrols, specific traffic enforcement, enforce municipal ordinances or provide a 24 hour presence in the City beyond the assigned deputy. h. The Sheriff may, at the request of the Mayor of Rio Communities by email, assign additional Deputy (s) to attend special events. Rio Communities will pay the County the sum of $36.00 per hour per Deputy (time and ½ pay for each Deputy as well as a reasonable administrative fee cover equipment/fuel) per assignment. i. The County will invoice exact charges for any overtime, training and travel incurred by the assigned deputy. j. The County will invoice the City for any overtime incurred for required detective or SWAT call outs.
DUTIES OF THE COUNTY. 3.1. The County shall serve as the lead agency for the Project for purposes of completion of Campaign plan specified in Exhibit A. Duties include: 3.1.1. Setting planning and coordination meetings at times which work for Cities. 3.1.2. Designing campaign materials with feedback from Cities.
DUTIES OF THE COUNTY. The County shall provide sufficient funds and staffing to the County Tax Assessor- Collector to enable him to perform his obligations under this Agreement.
DUTIES OF THE COUNTY. The COUNTY shall: 1. Supply appropriate information as provided for and defined in federal regulations and state law and policy. 2. Reimburse the County Sheriff for the provision of services as specified in this Cooperative Arrangement to the extent that those services are federally required activities and services as provided in the federal regulations and the IV-D Program.
DUTIES OF THE COUNTY. In conformance with the provisions of Minnesota law and, specifically, Minn. Stat. § 16C. 03, subd. 10, the County will purchase an electronic poll book system through the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing Venture (“CPV”) in consultation with the City. The electronic poll book system purchase will include vendor-supplied technical maintenance and regular maintenance and upgrades of the electronic poll book system, for at least five years from the date of purchase, including assurances of sufficient parts, supplies and accessories, warranty services, and trade-in allowance for all electronic poll book systems owned by the Parties.
DUTIES OF THE COUNTY. 7.01 The County shall cooperate with the Contractor in all matters of law enforcement, security and communications and shall employ its reasonable influence and persuasion to obtain such cooperation from the law enforcement agencies within the County and Slate 7.02 The County shall assist and cooperate with the Contractor in obtaining and providing information needed by the Contractor in the screening of candidates for employment; NCIC checks and driving records. The Contractor is responsible for background and employment history checks. 7.03 It is agreed that the first priority for bed space in the Facility is to assure space is available for such persons that are detained by the County Sheriff, and the New Mexico State Police, and the city of Gallup. However, the County and Contractor agree it shall be to their mutual benefit that the Facility be utilized by an inmate population within the design limits of bed capacity. To this end, and throughout the term of the Agreement, the County and Contractor agree to cooperate and work to manage and limit vacancies by contracting with other jurisdictions, the Navajo Nation, the Pueblo of Zuni, and the City of Gallup for the housing of their offenders.
DUTIES OF THE COUNTY. 7.01 The County hereby covenants and agrees to transfer to the Facility all inmates under the jurisdiction of the County from eligible third party transfer sources. The County covenants and will insure that all incarceration agreements between the County and the third party sources set forth in Section 1.01 of this Agreement will permit such transfer to the Facility. 7.02 The County and the Sheriff shall cooperate with Operator in all matters of law enforcement, security and communications. 7.03 The County and the Sheriff shall assist Operator in the training, at Operator’s expense, of Operator employees to operate the Facility. 7.04 The County and the Sheriff shall assist and cooperate with Operator in providing information needed by Operator in the screening of candidates for employment. 7.05 All jailers must be certified by TCLEOSE prior to undertaking jailer duties. 7.06 The County and Operator agree it shall be to their mutual benefit and interest that the Facility be fully utilized by maintaining the maximum inmate population within statutory or regulatory limits. To this end, and throughout the term of this Agreement, the County and the Operator agree to cooperate in efforts to obtain maximum inmate population from the sources set forth in Section 1.01 of this Agreement (i.e. County will enter into reasonable and advisable inmate housing contracts or related agreements. Operator will actively seek to identify potential inmate sources, etc.). It shall be the primary responsibility of Operator to assist the County in marketing the use of the Facility and in seeking out sources of inmates for incarceration at the Facility, and to assist in negotiation and presentation for acceptance by the County contracts for the incarceration of inmates from sources listed in Section 1.01 of this Agreement.
DUTIES OF THE COUNTY. The County will: A. Purchase and install the listed playground equipment and canopies at the locations shown on Attachment A, attached to and incorporated into this document for all purposes. Costs shown are estimated costs only. The County’s total expenditures shall not exceed the total amounts shown.
DUTIES OF THE COUNTY. The COUNTY shall: 1. Refer appropriate cases to the County Attorney as provided for in federal regulations, state law, and policy. 2. Supply the County Attorney with appropriate information as provided for and defined in the federal regulations, the IV-D Program, the State Plan for Support Collection and Establishment of Paternity under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, and state policy in accordance with DHS Child Support Division Program Manuals (DHS xXXXX and XXX XXXX) and other program instructions DHS may release from time to time. 3. Assist the County Attorney and the courts in carrying out programs for establishing paternity and securing support for children from legally liable persons. 4. Notify the County Attorney about failures to comply with court-ordered xxxxxxxxxxxx and maintenance whenever legal action appears necessary. 5. Consult with the County Attorney about any issues of law that may arise should the COUNTY need legal advice or counsel. 6. Assist in the service of process when the opportunity occurs to serve process before referral to the County Sheriff or other contracted process server. 7. Reimburse the County Attorney for providing services as specified in this Arrangement to the extent these services are federally required activities and services as provided in federal regulation and the IV-D Program. 8. Take any actions necessary to assist the County Attorney in meeting the federally mandated performance standards as set forth below.