Accumulated Leave Days. Leave days accumulated prior to a leave shall be held for said employee until completion of leave under this section at which time those days shall be re-credited to the employee, unless employee is on qualifying FMLA leave as the District will run concurrently the employee’s accrued paid leave with the FMLA leave.
Accumulated Leave Days. Leave days accumulated prior to a leave under this section hereof shall be held for said employee until completion of leave under this section at which time those days shall be re-credited to the employee.
Accumulated Leave Days a. Accumulated leave days are carried over for those teachers returning from the previous year or teachers who are returning from an approved leave of absence.
b. A list of accumulated leave days will be provided to each teacher and will be placed in the teacher’s opening packet at the beginning of the school year.
c. Leave days used above those accumulated shall be deducted from the next pay period after the time of usage.
Accumulated Leave Days. All the unused leave days shall be added at the end of each fiscal year to the employee's unlimited accumulated leave day reserve. Said leave day reserve may be used for reasons A, B, C and D above and/or as a basis for calculating severance pay.
Accumulated Leave Days. All the unused leave days shall be added at the end of each fiscal year to the employee’s leave day reserve, provided that such leave day reserve shall not exceed a total of one hundred eighty (180) days. Said leave day reserve may be used for reasons 1, 2 and 3 above and/or as a basis for calculating severance pay of one half of a maximum of eighty (80) days of accumulated leave upon termination of employment in the Xxxx School District, providing the employee has five or more years of active service with the District. In addition, an employee who is leaving employment with the District for purposes of immediately activating his/her retirement from the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System, shall be eligible to accrue and calculate severance pay on an additional twenty (20) leave days upon termination of employment. Said leave day accrual and severance calculation shall be done on the same basis as the first eighty (80) leave days. Severance pay will not be paid in cases where two weeks’ notice of leaving was not given or where illegal conduct by the employee is involved. In case of death, the employee’s beneficiary or beneficiaries as stated on the retirement card shall receive all benefits due the employee. Terminal Pay. All bargaining unit employees who retire with ten or more years of service in Xxxx shall, at their option, be paid terminal pay as set forth below in lieu of severance pay for accumulated sick leave. An employee who opts to receive severance pay for accumulated sick leave shall not be eligible for terminal pay.
Accumulated Leave Days. All the unused leave days shall be added at the end of each fiscal year to the employee's leave day reserve. Said leave day reserve may be used for reasons A, B, and C above and/or for a basis of calculating severance pay upon voluntary termination of employment with Xxxx Schools. Severance pay will not be paid in cases where at least two weeks notice of leaving was not given or where illegal, immoral, or other unethical conduct by the employee is involved. In case of death, the beneficiary designated on the Office of Retirement Services’ Public School Employees Beneficiary Nomination form shall receive said reimbursement. In order to be eligible to receive severance pay, an employee must have a minimum of thirty
Accumulated Leave Days. Each Teacher shall accrue twelve (12) leave days and the number of extended leave days to which the Teacher may be entitled for the current school year effective on the first day the Teacher reports to duty each year. When a Teacher has exhausted all accumulated sick leave, the Board may require certification by a physician.
1. Teachers may accumulate leave days to a maximum of one hundred (100) days.
2. Teachers who are employed on a part-time basis shall accrue days on a pro-rated basis. Example: Teacher is 0.6 part-time. Teacher uses 3 of the 12 leave days in current school year. Teacher has 9 accrued days that carry over into the next school year, pro- rated at 9 times 0.6 = 5.4 days. The following year the teacher is 0.8 part-time; this teacher will start the year with 12 part-time days plus 5.4 divided by 0.8 = 6.75 days. Total accrued 0.8 days = 12 + 6.75 = 18.75 days.
3. At the beginning of the school year, accumulated leave days shall be adjusted by deducting days used and adding the days due for the new school year. Any time off due to illness in excess of the allotted and accumulated sick days then in effect shall not be compensated, except as may otherwise be provided pursuant to the LTD policy or except as the Superintendent, at his/her discretion may decide otherwise.
Accumulated Leave Days.
A. Principals shall receive 12 days of accumulative leave at the start of each school year. A principal working a partial year will receive a prorated number of accumulative leave days.
B. The School District shall maintain a record of all accumulative leave transactions in the School District's electronic principal attendance system and principals shall enter time off requests in a timely manner.
Accumulated Leave Days. All the unused leave days shall be added at the end of each fiscal year to the employee's leave day reserve. Said leave day reserve may be used for reasons A, B, and C above and/or for a basis of calculating severance pay upon voluntary termination of employment with Xxxx Schools. Severance pay will not be paid in cases where at least two weeks notice of leaving was not given or where illegal, immoral, or other unethical conduct by the employee is involved. In case of death, the beneficiary designated on the Office of Retirement Services’ Public School Employees Beneficiary Nomination form shall receive said reimbursement. In order to be eligible to receive severance pay, an employee must have a minimum of thirty (30) days in his/her accumulated leave bank. Employees with a minimum of thirty (30) accumulated days shall be paid 50% of their daily rate up to a maximum of one hundred ten (110) accumulated leave days. Seriously ill/disabled employees may receive donated days once during a school year. Prior to receiving donated days, he/she must have exhausted all of his/her sick leave days and all but five
Accumulated Leave Days. Each Teacher shall accrue twelve (12) Leave Days and the number of Extended Leave Days to which the Teacher may be entitled for the current School Year effective on the first day the Teacher reports to duty each year. “Report to Duty” means actual presence for the purpose of performing duties on a scheduled work day, or notification of illness with the intent to return to work when health permits. In cases where a Teacher has exhausted all accumulated sick leave, the Board may require certification by a physician.