Notification of Intent Sample Clauses

Notification of Intent. 1. Bargaining unit members who wish to be considered for a job share position for the following year must submit a Letter of Intent to the Superintendent by March 1st. Final approval for any proposed job share position shall be the decision of the Superintendent and building Principal and shall be binding. Within five (5) school days of receiving a denial of transfer, a unit member may request either written reasons for the denial or a conference with the Superintendent/designee. 2. Once a job share proposal has been submitted, a meeting will be held including, but not limited to, the two (2) teachers who may be involved in the time sharing, the Executive Director of Teaching & Learning, building principal and the PEA President. Upon tentative approval of the Executive Director of Teaching & Learning, the two (2) teachers shall meet with the principal of the building where the job sharing is proposed for the purpose of attempting to reach mutual agreement on the duties and responsibilities (including, but not limited to, in-service, staff meetings, parent- teacher conferences), to be performed by each teacher under the job sharing proposed. The job sharing will not occur if the building principal and teachers are unable to reach mutual agreement on the duties and responsibilities to be performed. 3. Any initial job sharing arrangement provided for in this Article shall have a maximum duration of one (1) school year. In order for a particular job sharing arrangement to continue or be renewed for an additional school year, there must be mutual agreement among the building principal and the participating teachers. An agreement to continue a job sharing arrangement for more than one (1) year shall not establish a past practice entitling the participating teachers to continue the job sharing an additional year in the absence of mutual agreement with the building principal. 4. Within five (5) school days of receiving a denial of transfer, a unit member may request either written reasons for the denial or a conference with the Superintendent/designee. 5. Job sharing bargaining unit members who wish to return to full-time positions shall follow the voluntary transfer provisions established in Article 27, Assignments, Vacancies, and Transfers.
Notification of Intent. Bargaining unit members who have been in the employ of the District for (3) consecutive years who wish to be considered for a job-sharing position for the following school year shall submit a Letter of Intent to the Superintendent by March 1st.
Notification of Intent. Any Employee who declares an intention to offer for the position of President of the Union shall notify the College, in writing, as soon as possible after declaring the intention to seek the office of President.
Notification of Intent. Professional staff members on educational leave are expected to return to the District upon completion of such leave. Staff members shall send written notification of intent to return to the District to the Superintendent of Schools by March 15.
Notification of Intent. Notice of an administrator's intention to retire under this plan shall be filed on the prescribed Application for Administrator's Retirement Supplement Program form, normally at least two months prior to one's last day of employment.
Notification of Intent. Each prospective Bidder(s) receiving a copy of this RFP shall, within 1 day, email an intention to submit or not to submit a proposal addressed to: An open period for submitting questions will begin on the issuance date of the RFP. All questions MUST be submitted to the RFP contact email no later than close of business on August 12th, 2021. Questions will be compiled, and responses sent to all Bidders. All Proposals must be in the English language, signed and dated by an authorized employee of the Bidder. In additional to require documents requested, proposals can include additional items such, i.e., templates, brochures, media, etc. In order to be considered, the proposals must be received by email to the RFP contact email no later than 5pm (EST) Aug 20th, 2021. Bidders are solely responsible to ensure the timely receipt of their proposals. Proposals received after the date and time required will, generally, not be considered unless no other proposals are received. Prospective Bidders are under no obligation to prepare or submit proposals in response to this RFP and do so solely at their own risk and expense. Corus will not reimburse any costs incurred related to this RFP. Proposals may not be altered or corrected after the Date of Receipt, except when Corus at its sole discretion, may permit correction of arithmetic errors, transposition errors, or other clerical or minor mistakes, in cases in which Xxxxx deems that both the mistake and the intended proposal can be established conclusively on the face of the proposal. Proposals must be valid for at least sixty (90) days from the Date of Receipt. In evaluating the proposals, Xxxxx will seek the best value for money. Specifically, proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the following: Quality of project approach, proposed strategy and required resources. Technical Experience in Logistics and/or Procurement operations – Past experience in construction, and supply of quality materials Qualifications- Business licenses, credentials, valid and current articles of incorporation, Licenses issued by government, certification, engineering, infrastructure rehabilitation/ reconstruction experience. Pricing for the supply of material and labor against current market rates for a fair proposal assessment. Bids which meet the lowest minimum quality requirements, and the lowest total price will be considered for final award. If at any time prior to award Corus deems there to be a need for a significant modification t...
Notification of Intent. A. Bargaining unit members who have been in the employ of the district for three (3) consecutive years who wish to be considered for a job sharing position for the following school year shall submit a Letter of Intent to the Superintendent by March 1st. B. Job sharing bargaining unit members who wish to return to full-time positions shall follow the voluntary transfer provisions of this agreement. C. An initial job sharing arrangement shall have a maximum duration of one (1) school year and in order for a particular job sharing arrangement to continue or be renewed for an additional year, there must be mutual agreement among the Superintendent, building principal, and the participating teachers. An agreement to continue a job sharing for more than one (1) year shall not establish a past practice nor establish a precedent entitling the participating teachers to continue the job sharing an additional year in the absence of the mutual agreement of the Superintendent and the building principal.
Notification of Intent. A. Bargaining unit members who have been in the employ of the district for three (3) consecutive years who wish to be considered for a job sharing position for the following school year shall submit a Letter of Intent to the Superintendent by March 1st. B. Job sharing bargaining unit members who wish to return to full-time positions shall follow the voluntary transfer provisions of this agreement. C. An initial job sharing arrangement shall have a maximum duration of one (1) school year and in order for a particular job sharing arrangement to continue or be renewed for an additional year, there must be mutual agreement among the Superintendent, building principal, and the participating teachers. An agreement to continue a job sharing for more than one (1) year shall not establish a past practice nor establish a precedent entitling the participating teachers to continue the job sharing an additional year in the absence of the mutual agreement of the Superintendent and the building principal. 51.1 The District is to adopt and implement written procedures, approved by the Ohio Department of Education, Office of Exceptional Children, ensuring that a free appropriate public education (FAPE) is made available to all children with disabilities, three (3) through twenty-one (21) years of age. Through the IEP process, each student’s needs shall be met to enable the child to be involved in and progress in the general curriculum, to participate in appropriate activities, and to make progress toward their IEP annual goals.
Notification of Intent. 1. Bargaining unit members who wish to be considered for a job share position for the following year must submit a Letter of Intent to the Superintendent by March 1. Final approval for any proposed job share position shall be the decision of the Superintendent and building Principal and shall be binding. Within five (5) school days of receiving a denial of transfer, a unit member may request either written reasons for the denial or a conference with the Superintendent/designee. 2. Once a job share proposal has been submitted, a meeting will be held including, but not limited to, the two (2) teachers who may be involved in the time sharing, the Director of Instruction, building principal and the PEA President. Upon tentative approval of the Director of Instruction, the two
Notification of Intent. A. Bargaining unit members who wish to be considered for a job share position for the following year must submit a Letter of Intent to the Superintendent by March 1. Final approval for any proposed job share position shall be the decision of the Superintendent and building Principal and shall be binding. Within five (5) school days of receiving a denial of transfer, a unit member may request either written reasons for the denial or a conference with the Superintendent/designee. B. Job sharing bargaining unit members who wish to return to full-time positions shall follow the voluntary transfer provisions established in Article 26, Assignment, Vacancies, and Transfers.