Entitlement to long service leave Sample Clauses
Entitlement to long service leave. An Employee is entitled to a period of paid long service leave after 10 years continuous service, equivalent to one thirtieth of the period of service (17.33 weeks) and thereafter an additional 2 months long service leave on the completion of each additional 5 years’ continuous service.
Entitlement to long service leave a. On completion of 7 years’ continuous service, employees will have accrued 9.1 weeks (345.8 hours) of long service leave (1.3 weeks 49.4 hours per year).
b. For any continuous service beyond 7 years, employees will accrue a pro-rata amount of long service leave at the rate of 1.3 weeks per year.
c. Part-time employees accrue 9.1 weeks of long service leave over 7 years, however this is paid on a pro-rata basis.
d. Casual employees may accrue continuous service towards long service leave provided they are re- engaged on a casual or other (e.g. fixed-term or permanent) basis within 3 calendar months of the date of their employment with the Company ceasing. The amount of long service leave that accrues is based on the total aggregated hours employed as a casual. A casual employee may only access their accrued long service once they have 7 years of service. The 7 year period restarts if the employee is not re-engaged within 3 months.
Entitlement to long service leave. 36.2.1 A Full-time Employee will accrue a LSL entitlement of 65 days (487.5 hours) for each qualifying period. Qualifying periods are reached upon: Completion of an initial 10 years’ Continuous Service with the Employer, including recognition of any applicable prior service; and Completion of each subsequent period of seven years of Continuous Service with the Employer.
36.2.2 A Part-time Employee will accrue, on a proportionate basis, the LSL entitlement provided for in clause 36.2.1, calculated according to the average weekly hours worked by the Employee during the period of Continuous Service with the Employer.
36.2.3 A Casual Employee who has Continuous Service with the Employer, may be entitled, on a proportionate basis, to LSL as provided in clause 36.2.1, calculated according to the average weekly hours worked by the Employee during the period of continuous service with the Employer.
Entitlement to long service leave. 1.1 Employees who have completed 20 years' continuous service as defined below may be granted once only four weeks' long service leave.
1.2 (a) Continuous service is defined as not less than six months' continuous service with the following: Health Service/Crown Health Enterprises/Hospital and Health Service Area Health Boards Health Department Teaching Service (includes University Teaching) Non-Teaching Service within Education Boards, Secondary Schools, Tertiary Education Institutions Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries NZCDC The Nurse Xxxxx District Nursing Association The Royal New Zealand Plunket Society Regular Force Service in New Zealand Armed Forces Other service as recognised by the Employer.
Entitlement to long service leave on death of employee If an employee who has become entitled to long service leave in accordance with subclause 43.1, dies before taking that leave, payment in lieu of that leave will be made to such spouse or other dependant.
Entitlement to long service leave. (i) An employee who has completed at least ten (10) years of continuous employment with Xxxxxx is entitled to a period of long service leave calculated in accordance with clause 51(v).
Entitlement to long service leave. (a) Employees are entitled to 1.3 weeks long service leave for each year of continuous service.
(b) The term “continuous service” will be as provided in the Long Service Leave Act (NT) at section 12.
(c) For the purposes of portability of long service leave, where:
(i) an employee has completed a period (or periods) of continuous service with another catholic school employing authority; and
(ii) the other catholic school employing authority (or authorities) recognises and has agreed to participate in a portability of long service leave scheme; and
(iii) the other employing authority (or authorities) has agreed to transfer the relevant sums; and
(iv) the periods of service would be deemed continuous service by either section 12 of the Long Service Leave Act (NT) and/or section 22 in the Fair Work Xxx 0000; then the subject employee will be entitled to long service leave calculated by taking into account all of the periods of service referred to in sub-clauses (i) to (iii) above and their service with the employer.
(d) For the purposes of portability of long service leave, where
(i) an employee has completed a period (or periods) of continuous service with another catholic school employing authority; and
(ii) the other catholic school employing authority (or authorities) does not participate in a portability of long service leave scheme; then the subject employee will be entitled to access long service leave by counting the service with the employer and the employing authority(s) identified in sub-clauses (d) (i) and (ii) above; however, the service with the employing authority(s) identified in sub-clause (d) (i) and (ii) above will not be included in calculating the quantum of long service leave accrued to be paid.
Entitlement to long service leave. (a) For employees employed prior to the commencement of this Agreement, each employee shall be entitled to two months long service leave on ordinary pay after ten years’ continuous service, thereafter additional long service leave shall accrue on the basis of five months long service leave for each ten years’ service. This additional leave may be taken on a pro-rata basis each five years after completing the initial 10 year period of service.
(b) For employees employed post the commencement of this Agreement, each employee shall be entitled to two months long service leave on ordinary pay after ten years’ continuous service. Thereafter additional long service leave shall accrue on the following basis: • one further month for an additional 5 years of continuous service • and thereafter an additional one and a half months for an additional 5 years of continuous service.
(c) Clause 36 Leave Without Pay explains the effect of leave without pay on service and continuity for long service leave purposes.
(d) Where an employee’s employment has been terminated by the employer or by the employee, continuity of employment will cease, consistent with the Long Service Leave Act (Section 4 (11) to (13)).
Entitlement to long service leave. A Government Owned Electricity Employee (GOE) industry employee is entitled to long service leave under this part if:
(a) the employee has at least 10 year continuous service; or
(b) the employee resigns because of a domestic or other pressing necessity and has at least seven years continuous service ending when the person resigns; or
(c) the person dies or resigns and has at least five years continuous service ending when the person dies or resigns.
Entitlement to long service leave. An employee is entitled to:
54.1 (a) 13 weeks of long service leave on ordinary pay on completing 15 years of continuous employment with RACV; and