EXTRA LEAVE FOR SHIFT EMPLOYEES. Shift work" is defined as the same work performed by two or more employees or two or more successive sets or groups of employees working successive periods. 11.6.1 Any shift work performed during a period which is not overtime that meets any of the following criteria qualifies for additional leave: The shift work performed each day: (a) Extends over at least 13 continuous hours; and (b) Is performed by two or more employees working rostered shifts; and (c) the shift involves at least two hours of work performed outside the hours of 0800 hours to 1700 hours. The following leave is granted to any employee working the required number of qualifying shifts per annum:
EXTRA LEAVE FOR SHIFT EMPLOYEES. Shift work" is defined as the same work performed by two or more employees or two or more successive sets or groups of employees working successive periods. 13.7.1 Any shift work performed during a period which is not overtime that meets any of the following criteria qualifies for additional leave: (a) The shift work performed each day: (i) extends over at least 13 continuous hours, and (ii) is performed by two or more employees working rostered shifts, and (iii) the shift involves at least two hours of work performed outside the hours of 0800 hours to 1700 hours. (b) The shift work does not extend over at least 13 continuous hours each day but at least four hours of the shift work are performed outside the hours of 0800 hours to 1700 hours. (c) The shift work performed: (i) is rostered and rotating, and (ii) extends over at least 15 continuous hours each day, and (iii) not less than 40% of the hours worked in the period covered by the roster cycle is outside the hours of 0800 hours to 1700 hours. The following leave is granted to any employee working the required number of qualifying shifts per annum:
EXTRA LEAVE FOR SHIFT EMPLOYEES. Shift work" is defined as the same work performed by two or more employees or two or more successive sets or groups of employees working successive periods. 13.7.1 Any shift work performed during a period which is not overtime that meets any of the following criteria qualifies for additional leave: (a) The shift work performed each day: (i) Extends over at least 13 continuous hours, and (ii) Is performed by two or more employees working rostered shifts, and (iii) The shift involves at least two hours of work performed outside the hours of 0800 hours to 1700 hours. (b) The shift work does not extend over at least 13 continuous hours each day but at least four hours of the shift work are performed outside the hours of 0800 hours to 1700 hours. (c) The shift work performed: (i) Is rostered and rotating, and (ii) Extends over at least 15 continuous hours each day, and (iii) Not less than 40% of the hours worked in the period covered by the roster cycle is outside the hours of 0800 hours to 1700 hours. The following leave is granted to any employee working the required number of qualifying shifts per annum as at the 31st December each year: Number of qualifying Shifts per annum Number of days additional Leave per annum 121 or more 5 96-120 4 71-95 3 46-70 2 21-45 1 13.7.2 Qualifying shifts - Extra leave for shift workers A qualifying shift can be any shift worked on any hours outside of 0800-1700 hours Monday to Friday and includes all weekend shifts worked. For the purpose of this clause any period of on-call of between six hours and 15 hours shall be counted as on shift Overtime shall not qualify for shift leave.
EXTRA LEAVE FOR SHIFT EMPLOYEES. This clause (23.5) applies only to Waikato, Hutt Valley, South Canterbury and Southern (in respect of all sites that were formerly part of the Otago DHB) District Health Boards. Dental officers who work shifts and medical officers employed full-time in emergency departments and who work shifts that involve at least two additional hours worked outside the hours of 0700 to 2100 will, on completion of 12 months employment on shift work become entitled to additional leave according to the table below: 121 or more 5 96 – 120 4 71 – 95 3 46 – 70 2 21 – 45 1 A pro-rata entitlement will be given to dental officers who work part time. Casual employees are not entitled to receive extra leave for doing shift work. Provided that employees will not be disadvantaged by the implementation of the above. Accordingly whatever entitlements they enjoyed under their previous applicable collective agreement will be preserved.
EXTRA LEAVE FOR SHIFT EMPLOYEES. Shift work" is defined as the same work performed by two or more employees or two or more successive sets or groups of employees working successive periods.
EXTRA LEAVE FOR SHIFT EMPLOYEES. (this clause shall not apply to the Christchurch site): “Shift work” that meets any of the following criteria qualifies for additional leave as provided for in the table below. (a) Any shift work: (i) that involves the individual working at least two hours outside the hours of 0800 to 1700 hours, and (ii) is rotating, alternating or occasional, and (iii) the work is performed by two or more employees over a span that extends over at least 13 continuous hours. OR, (b) where the majority of hours worked by an individual employee fall between 0000 and 0800. NOTE: Permanently worked shifts, (i.e the same shift worked by an employee on a continuous and indefinite basis) which is rostered but is not alternating, rotating or occasional, do not qualify for additional leave except as provided for in (b) above. Leave shall accumulate on the basis of the table below: 121 or more 00-000 00-00 00-00 00-00 5 4 3 2 1 NOTE: Where eleven or more but fewer than twenty-one qualifying shifts are worked in one year then that number of shifts will continue to count for the purposes of leave calculation in the following year, but will not count beyond that second year.
EXTRA LEAVE FOR SHIFT EMPLOYEES. Employees who are assigned to shift work are entitled to 40 hours paid leave in addition to their annual leave entitlement pro rata for periods of less than a full year assignment to shift work.
EXTRA LEAVE FOR SHIFT EMPLOYEES. An employee who works shift work during a leave year, shall be granted up to 40 hours (prorated for part time employees), additional annual leave on completion of 12 months employment on shift work in accordance with the provision outlined below, provided the employee's shifts are part of a roster which is: (a) Rostered and Rotating and (b) Covers the 24 hour period % of duties on shift Number of working work during a year hours additional leave per year 50% or more 40 hours 40 to 49% 32 hours 30 to 39% 24 hours 20 to 29% 16 hours 10 to 19% 8 hours 5.0.1 An employee who is regularly required to work ordinary fixed hours of work which commence after 6.00 pm but are not part of a rostered shift system will not qualify for additional leave. 5.0.2 Casual Employees are not eligible for shift leave. South Island MECA clause 16.0 For CDHB employees Full time or part time employees engaged on shift work for 50% or more of their duties during a leave year shall be entitled to an additional weeks annual leave (5 days), provided that this shall be calculated pro-rata according to the following table where an employee works less than 50% of their duties during a leave year on shift work: % of duties on shift work during a year Percentage of additional weeks leave 40 to 49% 80 30 to 39% 60 20 to 29% 40
EXTRA LEAVE FOR SHIFT EMPLOYEES. If an employee works a regular shift pattern they will receive, on their anniversary date, up to one week (five working days) additional leave (pro rata according to the proportion of the year on shift work) as follows:
EXTRA LEAVE FOR SHIFT EMPLOYEES. Formatted: Justified 11.6.1 Any shift work performed during a period which is not overtime that meets any of the following criteria qualifies for additional leave: The shift work performed each day: (a) Extends over at least 13 continuous hours, and (b) Is performed by two or more employees working rostered shifts, and (c) The shift involves at least two hours of work performed outside the hours of 0800 hours to 1700 hours. The following leave is granted to any employee working the required number of qualifying shifts per annum: 121 or more 96 - 120 71 - 95 46 - 70 21 – 45 54321