Fitness Incentive Sample Clauses

Fitness Incentive. A member who qualifies for the Voluntary Fitness Pin shall be rewarded as follows: 5 years to 9 years of service 4 hours accumulated time 10 years to 14 years of service 8 hours accumulated time 15 years or more of service 16 hours accumulated time A member can qualify for this incentive only once in a calendar year.
Fitness Incentive. Any bargaining unit member that passes the optional yearly fitness test based on the PFAT (Physical Fitness Agility Test) shall receive a one-time lump sum payment of $250.00 each year that they pass the test. The test will be completed prior to 6/30 of each year and the payment will be made on the first paycheck subsequent to that deadline. The test will be comparable to the standards put forth by the police academy, will be administered by a third party, and the result of the test will not be subject to the grievance procedure in Article 22.
Fitness Incentive. Employees shall be eligible to receive Fitness Incentive Pay according to the metrics outlined in APPENDIX II. These amounts are not cumulative, and only the highest attained amount shall be awarded to each employee. Employees shall be tested annually in the month of September, with at least two witnesses signing off on the results of the test using the appropriate form. Fitness Incentive Pay shall be paid as a lump sum on the first pay date in November. Fitness Incentive Pay shall not be considered applicable to base wages for the purposes of computing overtime.
Fitness Incentive. The Treasurer recognizes that fitness and preventive health care initiatives contribute to the reduction of sick leave usage. In that effort, the Employer will reimburse to employees, one time per year, up to three hundred dollars ($300) annually upon presentation of receipts documenting membership at a health club, fitness center, or gym.
Fitness Incentive. NDF employees covered under this Agreement are entitled to receive forty dollars ($40.00) per month to support their fitness. All employees covered under this Agreement will abide by Department/Division policies regarding physical fitness training.
Fitness Incentive. All Department employees shall participate in the Department’s fitness program. Employees may receive a fitness incentive payment upon completion of the run twice a year. The incentive will apply for successful testing at the approved Xxxxxx Standard levels of performance based upon the following schedule: Completion within 60th percentile $700 Completion within 50th percentile $500 Completion within 40th percentile $400 Officers will continue to receive (2 hours) compensatory time for participation (4 hours) compensatory time for meeting the “Fair” standard, (6 hours) compensatory time for meeting the “Good” standard, and (8 hours) compensatory time for meeting the “Excellent/Superior” standard. The fitness test will be conducted two (spring and fall) times per year. In order to receive the fitness incentive, employees must successfully complete the test per the Xxxxxx Standards two times during the fiscal year. If an employee has previously demonstrated and achieved a fitness goal prior to being placed on Workers Compensation or FMLA/OFLA, then the employee will be paid for the same level as last achieved during the testing period.
Fitness Incentive. 21.01 Any member who qualifies for the Voluntary Fitness Pin shall receive one (1) compensating day off equivalent to the member’s assigned shift when the pin is achieved.
Fitness Incentive. The Company agrees to pay one half (½) of the membership fee for employees and immediate family, for basic fitness membership at the Sherk Complex, Leamington, on the following basis:
Fitness Incentive. A. As an incentive for police officers to maintain their physical fitness in order to perform strenuous law enforcement duties, a voluntary physical fitness test will be administered during the first and second weeks of May during each year of this Agreement. The test will be announced with at least one (1) week’s prior notice, and offered at appropriate times in order to accommodate officers working various shifts. It is emphasized that this is a voluntary pass/fail test. Police Officers Association members will not be required to participate in this incentive program. Those who do participate will be eligible for a one-time bonus of three hundred (300) dollars (not to base salary), to be issued on the first pay period in June, in each year of this Agreement. The test is to be proctored by the Chief of Public Safety or his/her designee. The test requirements are as follows: • Thirty (30) push-ups. This will address upper body strength. • Thirty (30) sit-ups, performed within one (1) minute. These will address core body strength. • A one and one -half (1.5) mile run, this is to be performed by officers with-in sixteen (16) minutes. • A three hundred (300) meter sprint is to be performed by officers within seventy- one (71) seconds. This will address cardio-respiratory fitness. B. Police Officers Association members will be afforded the same opportunity to have a membership at the University’s Student Recreation Center and/ or West Hills Athletic Club. Because POA members are required to work on weekends and at different times of the day and night, these memberships shall be non-restrictive and shall include scheduled access and use of the recreational facilities when these facilities are generally open to the public. Accepting either or both of these memberships will result in tax consequences of reported income on a POA member’s W-2 income tax form, and will cause tax withholding to occur in the pay period in which this option is elected (approximately $270 reported income for either membership). However, this amount is evaluated annually and may change.
Fitness Incentive. Recognizing that physical fitness is beneficial to the health and well-being of employees, in addition to lowering the potential costs of healthcare and work related injuries a physical fitness incentive will be established for represented employees. For those employees who voluntarily wish to participate, the employee will annually complete the ORPAT Obstacle Course used by DPSST. The employee must complete the ORPAT course within a specified time, based on the current DPSST standards for Police and/or Corrections certification. If the employee successfully completes the ORPAT course within the specified time, the employee will receive an additional twenty-five dollars ($ 25.00) per month for twelve