Forestry. (a) An employee occupying an FLSA-exempt position shall have their overtime pay rate changed from one (1) hour of time off for every hour of authorized overtime worked that exceeds eight (8) or ten (10) hours in a day, whichever is applicable, or forty (40) hours in a workweek to time and one-half (1½) for any authorized overtime worked that exceeds eight (8) or ten (10) hours in a day, whichever is applicable, or forty (40) hours in a workweek when all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The employee is relieved of all of their regularly assigned duties and assigned by the Agency to perform assigned duties during a fire emergency or other incident; and,
(2) The Agency has authorized the employee to work overtime.
Forestry. (1) Payment for overtime shall be no later than one (1) month following the pay period in which the overtime is worked.
(2) Overtime will be paid in cash whenever funds are available, except an employee shall have the option of maintaining a maximum of one-hundred and twenty (120) hours of compensatory time for authorized overtime. Employees must indicate their preference to accumulate compensatory time in lieu of cash. An employee’s request for cash or compensatory time will remain in effect until the employee elects a change. The employee may not elect a change more often than once a month. All overtime earned on fires outside the assigned district, and overtime earned as “extra costs” within the district will be paid in cash at the rate specified in Article 32, Section 4 of this Agreement. Straight time eligible positions may be paid cash when such time is earned on in- district fires. Such cash payment may be made when mutually agreed by the employee and the Agency. When funds are not available for cash payment of overtime, compensatory time may exceed one-hundred and twenty (120) hours and compensation will be in the form of compensatory time off up to the maximum allowable under the Fair Labor Standards Act (most employees two-hundred forty (240) hours).
Forestry. 1. The Parties agree on the need to protect, conserve, and manage in a sustainable manner forest resources and their biological diversity for the benefit of current and future generations.
2. The Parties endeavour to continue their cooperation to improve forest and land fire management, combating illegal logging and its associated trade, forest governance, and the promotion of sustainable forest management.
3. The Parties shall develop cooperation programmes, among others on:
(a) cooperation via the relevant international, regional and bilateral fora on promoting the establishment of legal instruments, dealing with illegal logging and related trade;
(b) capacity building, research and development;
(c) Support for the development of a sustainable forest sector;
(d) the development of forest certification.
Forestry. Payment for overtime shall be no later than one (1) month following the pay period in which the overtime is worked.
Forestry. 13.1.1 In this chapter,
Forestry. 1. The Parties, recognizing that stable supply and sound trade of forest products is a critical element of the bilateral strategic relationship, shall promote mutual cooperation in enhancing the security of supply of forest products between the Parties, through:
(a) working collectively to secure the stable supply of forest products;
(b) making best efforts to avoid any export restrictive measures on forest products unless such measures are presented with reasonable justifications;
(c) promoting the trade of forest products from legal sources; and
(d) promoting and facilitating mutual investment in the field of forestry, including forest plantation and wood processing industries.
2. The Parties shall endeavor to cooperate in the field of forestry. Such cooperation may include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) development, utilization, and sustainable management of forest resources;
(b) cooperation on the conservation of natural ecosystem and restoration of rare or endangered species;
(c) facilitating the cooperation on addressing problems regarding illegal logging and the common understanding on timber legality verification;
(d) strengthening the exchange and cooperation on the storage techniques of forest germplasm resources;
(e) promoting the development of the woody ornamental plants, tree seed and treeseedling industries; and
(f) other fields of forestry which may be agreed through discussions by the Parties.
3. Types of cooperation may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) experience sharing and information exchange in the areas of mutual interests;
(b) promotion of joint fora, seminars, symposiums, conferences, research and development, education and training;
(c) exchange of researchers, technicians, experts and officials; and
(d) other types of cooperation as may be mutually determined by the Parties.
Forestry. 1. The Parties shall promote the sustainable management of forests and the sustainable use of forest resources, reduce and halt deforestation and forest degradation, conserve forest biodiversity and ecosystems, combat illegal logging and associated trade, and promote resource- and energy-efficient products from sustainably managed forests.
2. The Parties shall promote sustainable value chains of agro-industries and forest commodities and products, prioritising the creation of jobs and other economic opportunities in the conservation of ecosystems. They shall cooperate in the sustainable management of forests, including the legal and sustainable provision of products for commercial gain and the sustainable commercialisation of forest flora and fauna, in full respect of international best practices and standards and relevant international agreements. They shall collaborate and promote the use of appropriate technology and methods to identify and develop herbs and other forest-based materials that would contribute to medicinal products, while ensuring that no loss of biodiversity is incurred, that no ecosystem imbalance is created, and that access to medicinal products is not hindered.
3. The Parties shall cooperate to improve the governance and sustainability of forests, including by taking into consideration the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Action Plan (FLEGT) and by encouraging the development of voluntary partnerships agreements. They shall strive to strengthen coherence and positive interactions at country level between FLEGT and climate action in the forest and land-use sector, including in the context of other international initiatives, particularly the Warsaw Framework on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). They shall engage in the development and review of policies, legislation, regulations, strategies and plans for climate action in the forest and land-use sector, in line with countries' Nationally Determined Contributions. They shall take steps to improve the quality of inventories for emissions and removals from the forest sector.
4. The Parties shall support the development of forest adaptation and conservation strategies, and initiatives to enhance forest health, reverse deforestation, restore degraded forest landscapes, enhance resilience to climate change and re- establish forest cover. Recognising the importance of natural and virgin forests in providing ecosystems, climate and cultural servic...
Forestry. (a) An employee occupying an FLSA-exempt position shall have their overtime pay rate changed from one
(1) hour of time off for every hour of authorized overtime worked that exceeds eight (8) or ten (10) hours in a day, whichever is applicable, or forty (40) hours in a workweek to time and one-half (1½) for any authorized overtime worked that exceeds eight (8) or ten (10) hours in a day, whichever is applicable, or forty (40) hours in a workweek when all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The employee is relieved of all of his/her regularly assigned duties and assigned by the Agency to perform assigned duties during a fire emergency or other incident; and,
(2) The Agency has authorized the employee to work overtime.
(3) The term ―other incident‖ shall be defined as flood, earthquake, or insect infestation that requires the Agency to mobilize an incident management team.
(b) The terms and conditions under which the FLSA- exempt employee will receive time and one-half (1 ½) overtime pay under this Agreement will be consistent with Article 32.3, Section 5(b)(2) of this Agreement.
(c) When an employee is released from fire emergency or other incident duties and returns to his/her regularly assigned duties, the employee will receive the overtime pay rate consistent with Article 32, Section 4(b) of this Agreement. (See also ODOT Coalition Letters of Agreements 32.3A- 03-84 & 32.3E-03-95 & 32.3E-07-145 in Appendix A.) 00 0000-0000 SEIU Local 503, OPEU/State of Oregon CBA
Forestry. Seller shall, by December 31, 2005, cause its wholly-owned wood fiber suppliers to be formally certified in one of the internationally-recognized forest certification programs, such as the American Forest and Paper Association’s (AF&PA) Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) program. In addition, Seller will use its commercially reasonable efforts to work with and encourage its industrial contract wood fiber suppliers to be so certified by December 31, 2005 and shall encourage its non-industrial contract wood suppliers to adopt the principles of sustainable forestry and to seek independent certification of their woodlands in an appropriate program such as the American Tree Farm System’s Standards of Sustainability for Forest Certification.
Forestry. LICENSEE: