Geotechnical Engineering Services. Perform and/or review geotechnical reconnaissance of landfill sites and adjacent properties • Perform and/or review slope stability analyses • Perform literature review of previous geological, hydro-geological, and geotechnical investigations • Perform and/or review field geological, and hydro-geological mapping and interpretations • Perform and/or review soil borrow studies, both on-site and off-site, including soil properties and quantities • Perform and/or review subsurface exploration, including subcontracting for drilling or other exploration services • Perform and/or review geophysical investigation, including surface and borehole surveys • Perform and/or review geotechnical and analytical laboratory testing • Perform and/or review subsurface soil condition explorations • Perform and/or review excavation and earthwork observations and recommendations • Perform and/or review erosion potential and slope evaluation of cut and fill slopes • Perform and/or review stability of cut and fill slopes and evaluate landslide potential • Perform other geotechnical engineering services as required
Geotechnical Engineering Services. 9.01 Perform or review geotechnical reconnaissance of landfill sites and adjacent properties.
9.02 Perform or review slope stability analyses.
9.03 Perform literature review of previous geological, hydro-geological, and geotechnical investigations.
9.04 Perform or review field geological, and hydro-geological mapping and interpretations.
9.05 Perform or review soils borrow studies, both on-site and off-site, including soil properties and quantities.
9.06 Perform or review subsurface exploration, including subcontracting for drilling or other exploration services.
9.07 Perform or review geophysical investigation, including surface and borehole surveys.
9.08 Perform or review geotechnical and analytical laboratory testing.
9.09 Perform or review subsurface soil condition explorations.
9.10 Perform or review excavation and earthwork observations and recommendations.
9.11 Perform or review erosion potential and slope evaluation of cut and fill slopes.
9.12 Perform or review stability of cut and fill slopes and landslide potential evaluation.
9.13 Provide construction quality assurance and quality control or review of plans.
9.14 Perform other geotechnical engineering services as required.
9.15 Develop CADD design and drawing standards using the latest version of ACAD Land Desktop or ACAD Civil 3D. Tetra Tech BAS, Inc. and Team Member fee schedules follow. Exhibit C All reimbursable charges require pre-approval of the Site Project Manager.
Geotechnical Engineering Services. A. The Designer, together with the geotechnical engineer, upon assessing information provided by the subsurface explorations, shall provide the following geotechnical services as BASIC SERVICES:
i) Foundation design criteria to include engineering design parameters and settlement analyses for shallow spread footings, mat foundations, driven piles, drilled piers (caissons), auger cast piling, pressure injected footings (PIFs), and other foundation systems.
ii) Settlement and subsidence analysis to include analyzing loose granular deposits for liquefaction potential, calculating consolidation settlement in soft clay and organic deposits under new earth embankment or area fill.
iii) Earth retaining structures and reinforced earth (i.e., cantilever systems, tied-back walls, gravity retaining walls, and other earth retention systems).
iv) Slope design to include soil and rock stability.
v) Requisite construction administration services relating to foundation, underslab utilities within the building footprint, and retention systems work (i.e., field observations, review and approval of relevant submittals, preparation of responses to relevant RFIs (Requests for Information), review of substructure related tests, verification of design intent, and other similar activities).
B. The following shall be considered ADDITIONAL SERVICES:
i) Subsurface explorations, including but not limited to: soil borings, test pits, percolation tests, observation xxxxx, geothermal xxxxx, mapping of existing underground utilities and appurtenances (active, inactive and abandoned), and detrimental conditions, including but not limited to: buried foundations, dump sites, hazardous materials, peat, ledge, and other elements that may impact proposed new construction.
ii) Where hazardous materials are suspected, discovered and/or known to exist, the procurement of the services of a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) to analyze such materials and recommend appropriate remediation. Analyses shall not be performed by a geotechnical engineer, unless she/he is also an LSP.
iii) Services related to on-site instrumentation and monitoring of the installation of deep foundations, including but not limited to: driven piles, drilled piles, and pressure-injected footings (PIFS), to the extent these are incorporated into the final design.
Geotechnical Engineering Services. Conduct geotechnical investigations, including field explorations and tests, laboratory tests, and seismic investigations, to assess the general conditions of a project site area and prepare geotechnical reports of final design and construction recommendations.
Geotechnical Engineering Services. 1. Geotechnical Exploration - It is proposed to provide exploratory core borings along the pipeline route at about every 1000 feet. Additionally, borings will be drilled at the junction boxes and on both sides of the two proposed horizontal bore crossing as described.
a. Select appropriate locations along the proposed pipeline alignment for exploratory borings and notify Texas 811 and the appropriate City of Xxxxxx department of the planned borings in order to locate existing underground utilities prior to commencement of the field exploration activities.
b. Subcontract with a drilling contractor to drill the following proposed schedule: Drill 2 borings each at I-35 W and KCS Railroad/Fort Worth Avenue – 4 @ 30 feet deep Drill 1 boring each at the Junction Boxes – 2 @ 25 feet Anticipate up to 4 creek crossings – 8 @ 30 feet Drill 6 borings, in addition to the above, along the route – 6 @ 20 feet In addition to the 14 borings for the structures described above, 6 additional borings are proposed along the line, resulting in a spacing of about one boring per 1000 feet. Therefore, a total of 20 borings is planned as indicated above. We will attempt to locate these borings along the route in locations accessible to truck- mounted drilling rigs; no site clearing has been budgeted in this present geotechnical scope of service.
c. Samples will be collected intermittently using continuous flight augers and either split-spoon or tube samplers. Rock and rock-like materials may be sampled using an NX-size core barrel, or tested in-situ using a TxDOT Cone Penetration Test, as appropriate for the material. At completion, the boreholes will be backfilled with auger cuttings to the ground surface.
d. Provide an Engineer or Geologist experienced in logging borings to direct the drilling, log the borings, and handle and transport the samples. Visual classification of the subsurface stratigraphy shall be provided according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).
2. Laboratory Testing - Testing shall be performed on samples obtained from the borings to determine soil classification and pertinent engineering properties of the subsurface materials.
a. The Engineer will select samples for laboratory testing, assign tests, and review the test results.
b. Laboratory tests will be appropriately assigned for the specific subsurface materials encountered during exploration, but are expected to include:
Geotechnical Engineering Services. Optional upon request by the District, Consultant shall provide supplemental services to perform investigation and analysis of subsurface site conditions at sites selected by the District that may be required as part of evaluating water reuse alternatives. The geotechnical engineering services include, but are not limited to, performance of soil borings and associated activities, soil properties analysis (physical/mechanical and chemical), evaluation and assessment of risks posed by the site conditions, and hazards analysis. District selected sites may include areas previously utilized for activities such as wastewater treatment and/or landfill of municipal waste.
Geotechnical Engineering Services. The Owner shall pay the costs of all geotechnical engineering services required for the Project and requested by the Professional and Owner. Such services shall include, but are not limited to, tests borings, samples, field and laboratory reports, final soil reports and logs, and foundation engineering evaluations and recommendations.
Geotechnical Engineering Services. Carollo team member, Antillian Engineering, will perform the following; The team will review available information to develop a general understanding of the proposed improvements. They will compile field and laboratory test results to characterize subsurface conditions at the boring locations and evaluate the suitability of the subsurface conditions for the proposed construction. The results will be prepared into report-quality boring logs, including maps and plans. These will be attached to a geotechnical-engineering report which will contain a summary of available information pertaining to the proposed improvements, appropriate subsurface characterizations, a summary of the laboratory testing results, and geotechnical recommendations for sanitary-sewer design, earthwork, excavation safety, groundwater control, and other concerns as appropriate. The report would be sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in Florida. A geotechnical engineer will examine the recovered soil samples to confirm the field descriptions and classify the soils using visual-manual methods. The engineer will select representative specimens for laboratory testing which would consist of 12 percent-fines (“single-sieve”) tests, 4 moisture content tests, 2 organic content tests and 2 Atterberg limits test series.
Geotechnical Engineering Services. Moderate complexity geotechnical analyses, pre-designs, designs, reports and plan preparation, .2 Small scale on-site geotechnical inspections, opinions and memo reports, .3 Related Engineering and Technological disciplines may be required for project purposes including: .1 Concrete Materials Engineering including prescriptive and/or performance criteria, laboratory and field concrete performance testing and assessment, .2 Construction materials sourcing and quality acceptance testing, including laboratory and field performance testing and assessment .3 Geotechnical drilling and laboratory testing of soils, .4 Test instrumentation systems design, installation and monitoring surveys .5 Topographic and Utilities Survey Services
Geotechnical Engineering Services. I. FIELD SERVICES A. Mobilization of Crew and Equipment 1. Truck Mounted Equipment Each $ 1,000.00