Payment for Public Holidays Sample Clauses
Payment for Public Holidays. A casual employee is not eligible for payment in respect of public holidays, unless the employee works on a public holiday.
Payment for Public Holidays. (a) An employee not required to work on a day solely because the day is a public holiday will be paid for the ordinary hours that the employee would have worked as if the day had not been a public holiday.
(b) Payment for holidays will be in accordance with the usual hours of work.
Payment for Public Holidays. (a) When an employee does not work on a public holiday, and they would have ordinarily worked on that day, they will be paid for the ordinary hours they would have worked if the day was not a public holiday.
(b) Part‐time employees when not working on an applicable public holiday will be paid for the hours they would ordinarily work on that day had it not been a public holiday.
(c) Casual employees will only be paid for public holidays on which they work.
(d) When an employee works on a public holiday they will be paid a full day’s wage at the rate applicable for ordinary time worked on such a day plus payment for the time actually worked at 150% of the rate prescribed for such work with a minimum of 4 hours. For the purpose of clause 6.10.4, a ‘full day’s wage’ means 7.6 hours for employees rostered to work an average of 38 hours per week. However, where an employee’s ordinary hours established under clause 4.3 (Hours of Work) are other than 7.6 hours, those ordinary hours will be used as the minimum payment for the day. For the purpose of clause 6.10.4, ‘rate applicable for ordinary time worked’ includes applicable penalty payments for shift work and weekend work that forms part of the employee’s ordinary hours for the week.
(e) However, where an employee does not ordinarily work Saturdays as part of their ordinary hours they will not be entitled to payment for Easter Saturday when not worked.
(f) When a full‐time employee’s rostered day off falls on a public holiday and cannot be moved to another day, they will be paid (7.6 hours) for that day.
(g) In cases where an employee is required to work on a day substituted for a public holiday, the employee will be paid the rate applicable for the holiday that has been substituted and will be paid in accordance with clause 6.10.4(d).
(h) Where a public holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday but is observed on a Monday or Tuesday, employees will be paid for working the Saturday or Sunday at the penalty rates for Saturdays and Sundays. Where employees work on the gazetted Monday or Tuesday public holiday, they will be paid the penalty rates applicable for working on the gazetted public holiday.
(i) Where overtime is worked on a public holiday either as a whole additional shift or as additional hours worked on the day above any ordinary hours, payment will be at double the normal overtime rate.
Payment for Public Holidays. (a) Employees required to work on a Public Holiday
Payment for Public Holidays. (1) (a If an employee does not work on a public holiday that falls on a day which otherwise is an ordinary working day for such an employee, including periods of short time and lay offs, he shall be paid at his ordinary rate for the ordinary working hours of that day of the week. ((1)(a) substituted by Government Notice R.59 of 28 January 2005)
Payment for Public Holidays. 170.1 An employee, who is absent on a day or part-day that is a public holiday in the place where the employee is based for work purposes, is entitled to be paid for the part or full day absence as if that day or part-day was not a public holiday, except where that person would not have normally worked on that day.
Payment for Public Holidays. Employees taking the Public Holidays listed above and not working shall be entitled to payment equivalent to ordinary hours pay. Where an employee is required to work on a Public Holiday he/she shall be paid for all time worked at the rate of two and one-half times the ordinary hourly rate of pay. Employees working on Public Holidays shall be entitled to a minimum payment of no less than four hours at two and one-half times the ordinary rate of pay.
Payment for Public Holidays. (a) If an employee does not work on a public holiday that falls on a day which would otherwise be an ordinary working day for such an employee, he shall be paid at his ordinary hourly rate for the ordinary working hours of that day of the week.
(b) If an employee works on a public holiday that falls on a day which would otherwise be an ordinary working day for such an employee, he shall be paid for the number of hours payable in terms of subclause (1)(a) and, in addition, he shall be paid at one and two third times the hourly rate for time worked up to the said number of hours. Thereafter he shall be paid two and a half times the hourly rate until the usual starting time the next day.
(c) If an employee works on a public holiday that falls on a day which would otherwise not be an ordinary working day for such an employee, he shall be paid an amount which shall be not less than the wage payable to such an employee in respect of the time which is ordinarily worked by him on a working day and in addition, he shall be paid at one and two thirds times the hourly rate for time worked. Thereafter he shall be paid two and two thirds the hourly rate until the usual starting time the next day.
(2) For the purposes of this clause, the ordinary hourly rate of employees employed on incentive bonus work shall be the hourly rate for the class of work scheduled in this Agreement.
Payment for Public Holidays. 32.1 An employee who is rostered to work on a public holiday but is not required to work will be paid his or her base rate of pay for that day without overtime or shift penalties included.
32.2 An employee who does not work on a public holiday is not entitled to payment for that day where he or she was not rostered to work on that day.
32.3 Any employee who is rostered to work and does work on a public holiday will be paid their base rate of pay for their ordinary hours on that day plus time and a half for all hours worked, including overtime hours.
32.4 Any employee who is not rostered to work and does work on a public holiday will be paid double time and a half for all hours worked.
32.5 For the purposes of this section, an employee will be regarded as being rostered to work on a public holiday where most of the non-overtime hours are on the public holiday.
32.6 Where an employee is required to work on a public holiday, the employee will be paid for at least 4 hours of work, including any hours that are part of the shift on the day before or day after the public holiday.
Payment for Public Holidays. A Full time or Part time employee is entitled to a day off on all Public Holidays without loss of pay. If the employer requires the employee to work on a Public Holiday the employee will be paid for those hours worked at the ordinary hourly rate plus a loading of 100% A Casual employee may be requested to work on a Public holiday and will be paid a loading of 120% on the ordinary hourly rate. The employer will seek volunteers for work on Public Holidays but in the absence of volunteers will attempt to schedule employees to work on Public holidays on an equitable basis. No full time or part time employee will be required to work more than 3 Public Holidays in each twelve month period from the day of the employee’s appointment. The employer will make every effort to roster employees in a manner that is fair and equitable to ensure that allocation of weekend and Public Holiday hours are divided equally on a rotating basis. The employer will endeavor to accommodate the needs of employees if they have family or study commitments. An employee may receive time in lieu of the penalty rate for work performed on a Public Holiday. All such work shall be paid at the ordinary hourly rate for each hour worked, an employer shall also accrue one hour time in lieu to be taken at a mutually convenient time.