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Invoicing and Payment Schedule Sample Clauses

Invoicing and Payment Schedule. Payments will be made upon completion of works and execution of the BoQ and SoW • No advance payments will be made. • Payments will be made based on the actual quantities of materials and labor completed by the contractor. • Payments will be made in two installments, 90% as of first payment after completion 100% of the project the second payment as mentioned in Paragraph C below “Retention” • The completion percentage will be based on MC site engineer verification and after handover the site to MC. • Contractor will submit an Invoice in accordance with pricing as specified in the Contract. • All payments will be made by through Bank Transfer to the below bank account: )" دقعلا دوزب نم %90 هلعلا ،نللاددفق زيددن الع م ي ب سب وك ددسرلم موقذددس • ل تسا نم لوي 30 هوح لمعلا نم %100 زاجنأ دعب ةيلكلا دقعلا ةميق "ءاقبْ تِ سلإا " ه ر لا C رقايلا ä ل اع مذ ر ثيلا فقيلا ل ، تروتافلا سب وك سرلالي ك جرعلا مللفأ عب (c) Retention, Hold-Back, and Final Invoice and Payment: Mercy Corps will hold back 10% from the payment invoiced as retention to ensure full and final completion of the Work (“Retention”). The contractor will not invoice Mercy Corps for this amount until the Work has been fully completed and finally accepted by Mercy Corps. Mercy Corps will withhold this final payment for 90 days after final acceptance and receipt of the final invoice. If during this period Mercy Corps becomes aware of a breach of this Contract by Contractor, Mercy Corps will not be obligated to pay the Retention amount until such breach is corrected and after deducting any damages, including, if يااااسريم موقت فوااااس :عفدلاو ةاي ااهنلا ةروتاافلاو زج لا ، ءادقبْ تِ ددددسلإا .ت لمعلا اامتكا اماااضل اقبتاااسإك رتوفم عىبم لك م %10 زج ب سب وك ةروتاف رير تب دقاعتملا موقي ل فواس .ي اهنو لماك لكاشب )" ءاقبْ تِ دسلإا"( لماك لكاشب لمعلا م اهتنلاا متي تح عىبملا اذه ع سب وك ياسريم لا ياااسريم موقت فواااس .سب وك ياااسريم لبق م ي اهن لكاااشب هلوبق متيو ي ااهنلا اوبقلا داعب فقفاوملا يح لا ةاي ااهنلا ةاعفدالا ذاه زج ب سب وك ةرتفلا ذه ا خ سب وك يااسريم ت بااصأ اذإ .ةي اهنلا ةروتافلا م تااساو سب وك يسريم وكت ل فوسف ،دقاعتملا لبق م دقعلا اذه قرخب مىع ىع
Invoicing and Payment Schedule. 3.1 Contractor shall submit invoices on a monthly basis, subject to service performed to the satisfaction of the Court. 3.2 An invoice shall contain a detail of services rendered, materials provided, the Court’s contract number and shall be signed by the contractor. Superior Court, San Mateo County Agreement With 41-12-D0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Invoicing and Payment Schedule. Payments will be done as following: First payment of 25% of total amount of the contract after completion of the 30% of the entire works. Second Payment of 25% of total amount of the contract after completion of the 60% of the entire works. Third payment of 35% of total amount of the contract after completion of 100% of the entire works and initial receiving by ADRA Yemen. Fourth and last payment of 15% of total amount of the contract after final receiving and acceptance to entire works by ADRA Yemen. The above payments will be done by ADRA Yemen to the contractor within five working days from the date of receiving complete and correct supported documentation based on work completion and acceptance certification issued by ADRA Yemen Authorized Engineer. Progress payment invoices must only charge for deliverables (as defined in the Scope of Work) that were completed during the invoice period and in the amount specified for each deliverable in the Scope of Work. Payments shall be issued by ADRA Yemen to the contractor bank account as below details: Bank Name: Bank Address: Account name: Account Number: Account Currency: ب) الجدول الزمني لتقديم الفواتير والتسديد: سيتم الدفع على النحو التالي: دفعة اولى بنسبة 25٪ من اجمالي مبلغ العقد بعد إتمام 30٪ من نسبة الاعمال الكلية. دفعة ثانية بنسبة 25٪ من اجمالي مبلغ العقد بعد إتمام 60٪ من نسبة الاعمال الكلية. دفعة ثالثة بنسبة 35٪ من اجمالي مبلغ العقد بعد إتمام 100٪ من نسبة الاعمال الكلية والاستلام الابتدائي من منظمة ادرا اليمن. دفعة رابعة واخيرة بنسبة 15٪ من اجمالي مبلغ العقد بعد الموافقة والاستلام النهائي من أدرا اليمن للاعمال الكلية. سيتم دفع الدفعات اعلاه من ادرا اليمن للمقاول في غضون خمسة أيام عمل من تاريخ استلام الوثائق المؤيدة كاملة وصحيحة بناء على شهادة انتهاء وقبول الاعمال الصادرة من المهندس المفوض في ادرا اليمن. ويجب أن تتضمن فواتير الدفع بحسب الإنجاز على تلك المخرجات المحددة في بيان الأعمال والتي فعلا تم انجازها خلال فترة الفاتورة وبالمبلغ الذي تم تحديده لكل مخرج على حدة في بيان الاعمال) يتم اجراء الدفعات من قبل أدرا اليمن إلى الحساب المصرفي للمقاول على النحو التالي: اسم البنك: عنوان البنك: أسم الحساب: رقم حساب: عملة الحساب: ADVANCE PAYMENTS: الدفعات المقدمة : ADRA Yemen strongly disfavors any advance payments. When advance payments are required, they should be justified by reference to Contractors start-up costs. Advance payments should be limited to no more than 10% of the total contract value, but may go up to 20% if the upfront costs justify it. In the event that an advance payment is required, the Contract...
Invoicing and Payment Schedule. Payments will be made upon completion of works and execution of the BoQ and SoW No advance payments will be made. Payments will be made based on the actual quantities of materials and labor completed by the contractor. Payments will be made in two installments, 90% as of first payment after completion 100% of the project the second payment as mentioned in Paragraph C below “Retention” The completion percentage will be based on MC site engineer verification and after handover the site to MC. Contractor will submit an Invoice in accordance with pricing as specified in the Contract. All payments will be made by through Bank Transfer to the below bank account: Account No:
Invoicing and Payment ScheduleProducts and services delivered under the executed Contract shall be delivered according to the schedule specified in the executed Contract (to be prepared jointly by the County and the selected Bidder). Payments will be tied to the following specific milestones in Phase 1 and Phase 2: Phase 1 Payment Milestones __________________________ - 40 percent of total Phase 1 costs within 30 days after delivery and installation of the hardware, software and documentation - an additional 20 percent of total Phase 1 costs within 30 days after successful completion of site acceptance test of Phase 1 hardware and software components - An additional 20 percent of total Phase 1 costs within 30 days after successful implementation of final software and training - Final 20 percent within 30 days after a 60-day period of continuous operation after completion of Phase 1 implementation of final software and training Phase 2 Payment Milestones __________________________ - 60 percent of total Phase 2 costs within 30 days after delivery and installation of the Phase 2 hardware, software, and documentation - an additional 20 percent of total Phase 2 costs within 30 days after successful completion of site acceptance test of the Phase 2 hardware and software components - Final 20 percent within 30 days after a 60-day period of continuous operation after completion of Phase 2 site acceptance testing After delivery and installation and implementation of all hardware and software, according to the schedule in this Contract, the Contractor will be allowed a 60-day period to successfully perform all site acceptance tests and training. If, after this 60-day period, the site acceptance tests have not been satisfactorily completed, the County reserves the right to extend this period or to terminate the Contract. The County is under no obligation to complete any / all phases of the Contract without liability to the Contractor except for services rendered to date of notice of termination.
Invoicing and Payment Schedule. Invoices for hourly fee assignments will be rendered biweekly for services rendered in each biweekly period. Billing periods begin on Sundays and end on the second Saturday following. Invoices for fixed fee assignments will be rendered in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the payment and milestone schedule set forth in the applicable SSA. No more than 90% of the fixed fee will be invoiced prior to acceptance of the assignment by Empower, with an invoice for the remaining portion rendered when the assignment is accepted by Empower. In the event that, after execution of an SSA and prior to commencement of work by Superior on the assignment, Empower decides, for any reason, not to proceed with the assignment then Superior shall credit Empower with any amounts received by Superior in connection with that SSA. Invoices for reimbursable expenses will be rendered biweekly for expenses incurred in each biweekly period. Billing periods begin on Sundays and end on the second Saturday following. Invoices for hourly compensation for terminated fixed fee SSAs will be rendered within two (2) weeks following termination, and will include documentation. Payment is due in full upon rendering of invoice. If payment is not received by Superior within thirty (30) days after payment is due, interest on the amount owing will accrue at the rate of 1-12% per month, or the maximum interest rate allowed by law, whichever is less, until the-amount owing is paid in full. In the event that collection efforts are required, Empower agrees to pay Superior the reasonable cost and expenses of collection, including attorneys' fees.
Invoicing and Payment ScheduleUpon execution of this Statement of Work by the Parties, Customer shall pay the total recurring software fees due to AkitaBox during the upcoming (12) month(s) period as calculated in accordance with the terms of this Statement of Work and the total Recurring Subscription Price as set forth above. AkitaBox shall invoice Customer for the recurring subscription fees prior to the start of each Renewal Term, which shall be payable by Customer within thirty (30) days of receipt of such invoice. Any amounts unpaid by Customer after thirty (30) days will be charged a late charge equal to two percent (2%) per month or the maximum rate allowed by law, whichever is lower. Use of software and services (e.g. Customer requested additional asset or space data collection, building renovations, remodeling, document scanning or construction activities, et al) that exceeds gross square feet or services as quoted in this proposal is subject to additional compensation to AkitaBox and will be invoiced at the agreed upon unit pricing. Use of software and services for implemented square footage that exceeds contracted square footage will be reconciled by AkitaBox and will be invoiced at the agreed upon unit pricing.
Invoicing and Payment Schedule a) Forty-five days after the end of each fiscal quarter, the MHB will provide the SELPA with an itemized statement setting forth the costs incurred by the MHB in providing services to students of the SELPA under this Agreement and related ISAs during the relevant quarter. This itemized statement will include, at a minimum, each student's name, the services rendered to each student, the dates of service, a n d the cost for each service. The SELPA will provide payment in full, on behalf of the LEAs, to the MHB within thirty days of receiving a statement. For purposes of this section, “payment” means written authorization by email to the MHB Director that invoice amounts may be deducted from AB100 funds on deposit with MHB, until AB100 funds are exhausted. If the SELPA believes the statement is not in accord with Attachment A or with an individual student's ISA, the SELPA and LEA may contest the charges in the statement. However, if the SELPA fails to authorize or pay the uncontested balance set forth on a statement within thirty days of receipt, the MHB reserves the right to discontinue services to the LEA's students, without penalty, or to charge a reasonable interest rate on the unpaid balance. b) The SELPA Administrator shall ensure each approved charge is authorized or paid promptly and within thirty days of receipt. The parties understand and agree that coordination with and billing of other payor sources may take significant time and that, even after initial action by such payors, further adjustments may take place. The Parties agree to work together in good faith to address any reconciliations that are necessary after authorizations or payments have been made. If, after the SELPA Administrator has provided authorization or paid an invoice, MHB subsequently receives payment from another payor source for services paid for by the SELPA Administrator, MHB shall reimburse (or make appropriate adjustments to the invoice amount) the SELPA Administrator within sixty (60) days to the extent of payment received from the other payor source. c) If there is a disagreement or inquiry regarding any portion of an invoice, the SELPA Administrator will promptly authorize or pay the undisputed portion of the invoice, and the SELPA and MHB will consult in good faith in an attempt to resolve any disputes or inquiries prior to pursuing other dispute resolution methods.

Related to Invoicing and Payment Schedule

  • Invoicing and Payment Terms [Upon written acceptance by Mercy Corps of each Services deliverable] [Upon completion of the Contract] Contractor will submit an Invoice in accordance with pricing as specified in the Contract. Mercy Corps will make payment to Contractor for all sums not in dispute within 30 days of receipt of Contractor’s invoice(s) (the “Payment Terms”).

  • Invoicing and Payment All work performed by the Contractor must be approved in advance by the State. Once work has been completed, delivered and accepted by the State, invoicing can occur. The State’s payment terms are net 30 days. SOW-RFP PROJECT NAME: PRICE PROPOSAL: $ _ COMPLETION DATE: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDUMS (IF APPLICABLE) 1.

  • Invoicing and Payments II.4.1 Pre-financing:

  • Fees, Invoicing and Payment 7.1. EAGE charges an Exhibition Fee. Besides, if applicable, Exhibitor may order additional goods and services from EAGE under the Agreement for which Exhibitor shall be charged as well. 7.2. Amounts mentioned in the Agreement are in Euros, exclusive of VAT or other taxes as may be applicable in the country where the Exhibition takes place. 7.3. Payments must be made at the latest on the due date of the relevant invoice(s), unless indicated otherwise. 7.4. For credit card payments, a 5% (five percent) surcharge is applicable. 7.5. If Exhibitor requires a purchase order number on the invoice, the purchase order number must be indicated on the Exhibition Con- tract Form. In the event of the failure of Exhibitor to provide a purchase order number on time, the absence thereof on an invoice or related documentation shall not affect Exhibitor’s payment obligations, the payment term or EAGE’s rights under the Agreement. 7.6. Exhibitor is (automatically) in default after the expiry of any payment period, without any demand, notice of default or judicial intervention being necessary. If Exhibitor is in default, EAGE may cancel booth/space and assign it to another exhibitor without any rebate or allowance to the defaulting Exhibitor, without prejudice to EAGE’s rights to demand immediate payment of the entire outstanding amount, and without prejudice to EAGE’s other rights in such situation. In case of default, Exhibitor is liable for the payment of EAGE’s actual collection costs (including all legal fees and court fees) and not entitled to a refund of any amounts already paid. 7.7. EAGE is entitled to set off payments made by an Exhibitor first of all against any outstanding debts of Exhibitor to EAGE and/or its affiliated companies.

  • FEES AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE The fees and payment schedule for furnishing services under this Contract shall be based on the rate schedule which is attached hereto as Exhibit B and by this reference incorporated herein. Said fees shall remain in effect for the entire term of the Contract. Contractor shall provide County with his/her/its Federal Tax I.D. number prior to submitting the first invoice.

  • Pricing and Payment Prices for each Product and any terms and conditions for invoicing and payment will be established by Customer’s Reseller.

  • Pricing and Payments 5.1 In exchange for the Deliverables, the Supplier must invoice the Buyer for the charges in the Order Form. 5.2 All Charges: 5.2.1 exclude VAT, which is payable on provision of a valid VAT invoice; and 5.2.2 include all costs and expenses connected with the supply of Deliverables. 5.3 The Buyer must pay the Supplier the charges within 30 days of receipt by the Buyer of a valid, undisputed invoice, in cleared funds to the Supplier's account stated in the invoice or in the Order Form. 5.4 A Supplier invoice is only valid if it: 5.4.1 includes all appropriate references including the Purchase Order Number and other details reasonably requested by the Buyer; and 5.4.2 includes a detailed breakdown of Deliverables which have been delivered. 5.5 If there is a dispute between the Parties as to the amount invoiced, the Buyer shall pay the undisputed amount. The Supplier shall not suspend the provision of the Deliverables unless the Supplier is entitled to terminate the Contract for a failure to pay undisputed sums in accordance with clause 11.6. Any disputed amounts shall be resolved through the dispute resolution procedure detailed in clause 36. 5.6 The Buyer may retain or set-off payment of any amount owed to it by the Supplier under this Contract or any other agreement between the Supplier and the Buyer if notice and reasons are provided. 5.7 The Supplier must ensure that all Subcontractors are paid, in full, within 30 days of receipt of a valid, undisputed invoice. If this doesn't happen, the Buyer can publish the details of the late payment or non-payment.

  • Pricing and Payment Terms Customer Payment terms shall be as set forth in the Master Agreement.

  • Billing and Payment Terms 3.1 You acknowledge and agree that NCR Voyix will charge all applicable fees and charges due to the payment card or other form of non-invoice payment method that you provided to NCR Voyix: (a) at the beginning of each billing cycle for all recurring fees for the Service; (b) at the end of the billing cycle for all transaction fees incurred during the billing cycle; (c) upon Order placement and prior to shipment of any Hardware purchased outright or subject to the terms of an Extended Payment Program (as defined below) when applicable; and (d) upon Order placement for any additional services that are not included as part of the recurring fees for the Service. NCR Voyix or its vendor may charge an additional fee for payments processed by credit card. 3.2 You agree to maintain current, valid payment and contact information (including telephone number and email address) on file. You certify to NCR Voyix that you are authorized to provide the payment card or other form of non-invoice payment method to NCR Voyix and that you will not dispute the payment with your credit card company or your financial services provider as long as the transaction corresponds to these terms. You acknowledge that your payment authorization will remain in effect until it is canceled by you in writing. 3.3 NCR Voyix may charge late fees on unpaid, undisputed amounts. Late fees will be the lesser of 1.5% per month of the unpaid amount, or any applicable limit imposed by law. In the event that your account becomes delinquent, you agree to pay all collection costs incurred by NCR Voyix, including reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses.

  • INVOICE AND PAYMENT A. Grantee will request payment using the State of Texas Purchase Voucher (Form B-13) on a monthly basis and acceptable supporting documentation for reimbursement of the required services/deliverables. Additionally, the Grantee will submit the Financial Status Report (FSR-269A) and the Match Certification Form (B-13A). Vouchers, supporting documentation, Financial Status Reports, and Match Certification Forms should be mailed or emailed to the addresses below. Department of State Health Services Claims Processing Unit, MC 1940 0000 Xxxx 00xx Xxxxxx P.O. Box 149347 Austin, TX 00000-0000 FAX: (000) 000-0000 EMAIL: xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx, Xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx & XXXXxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx B-13, B-13A, and supporting documentation should be sent to: xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx, Xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx & XXXXxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx FSRs should be sent to: xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx, Xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx, XXXXxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx & XXXXxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xxx B. Grantee will be paid on a monthly basis and in accordance with Attachment B, Budget. C. System Agency reserves the right, where allowed by legal authority, to redirect funds in the event of financial shortfalls. System Agency will monitor Xxxxxxx’s expenditures on a quarterly basis. If expenditures are below that projected in Grantee’s total Contract amount, Xxxxxxx’s budget may be subject to a decrease for the remainder of the Term of the Contract. Vacant positions existing after ninety days may result in a decrease in funds. X. Xxxxxxx may request a one-time working capital advance not to exceed 12% of the total amount of the Contract funded by System Agency. All advances must be expended by the end of the Contract term. Advances not expended by the end of the Contract term must be refunded to System Agency. X. Xxxxxxx will repay all or part of advance funds at any time during the Contract’s term. However, if the advance has not been repaid prior to the last three months of the Contract term, the Grantee must deduct at least one-third of the remaining advance from each of the last three months’ reimbursement requests. If the advance is not repaid prior to the last three months of the Contract term, System Agency will reduce the reimbursement request by one- third of the remaining balance of the advance.