Job Descriptions and Job Classifications. A33:01 The Employer agrees to provide the Union with job descriptions for all classifications for which the Union is the bargaining agent, within six (6) months of ratifying this Collective Agreement.
A33:02 Where a new classification is created within the bargaining unit, or an existing classification is changed significantly, the Employer shall provide the Union with a copy of the new or revised job description. The Union and the Employer shall negotiate the rate of pay. Failing agreement on the appropriate rate of pay, the dispute may be referred to arbitration in accordance with the arbitration article.
A33:03 If the salary range of a new or revised classification is adjusted as per A33:02, such adjustment shall be retroactive to the date the new or revised classification came into effect. A34:01 The Employer’s Respectful Workplace Policy shall be accessible to all employees.
Job Descriptions and Job Classifications. 33.01 Job classifications are as set out in Appendix "B" of this Agreement. Job descriptions will be prepared, maintained and amended from time to time by the Employer in consultation with the Union and employees concerned and the up-to-date job descriptions shall be provided to an affected employee with copies forwarded to the Union.
Job Descriptions and Job Classifications. 13:01 The Centre agrees to provide the Union with copies of any amendments or additions to job descriptions at least twenty-one (21) days in advance of the effective date of the change.
13:02 The Centre further agrees to consult with the Union as to their contents.
13:03 The Centre agrees to provide the Union with copies of any job description upon request.
13:04 Job Descriptions shall be reviewed every three (3) years.
Job Descriptions and Job Classifications. 14:01 The Employer agrees to provide the Union and the local president with copies of any amendments or additions to job descriptions and further agrees to consult with the Union as to their contents prior to implementation.
14:02 When establishing a new classification, the Employer agrees to consult with the Union regarding job content and to negotiate an appropriate salary range prior to posting the position.
14:03 In the event that there is a substantial change to an existing job description, the Union may within ten (10) days of receiving such amendment, inform the Employer of its intention to meet and/or renegotiate any adjustment(s) to the position’s rate of pay or for a reclassification. Failing agreement by the parties hereto, either party may within the following thirty (30) days, refer the matter to arbitration.
14:04 Should an employee feel that their job description has changed significantly, such employee shall request in writing a reclassification. The employee shall provide to the Employer the reasons why they believe their job should be reclassified and in addition what wage scale they deem appropriate. Copies of the above shall be provided to the Union concurrently.
14:05 Should the employee be denied a reclassification, the employee shall have the right to file a grievance as per the Collective Agreement.
14:06 An employee who is temporarily assigned for five (5) days or more, in accordance with the terms of this agreement, to a higher-paying classification, shall be paid the rate and benefits for that classification for the time he/she performs such job or, where there is a salary range, the next higher rate in the salary range; an employee who is temporarily assigned, in accordance with the terms of the agreement, to a lower-paying classification, shall continue to be paid the rate and benefits of his regular job.
Job Descriptions and Job Classifications. 16.01 The Board or its representatives agree to draw up job descriptions for all positions for which the Union is the bargaining agent. Copies of job descriptions shall be made available to the Union and to Employees requesting same from Management. Management shall notify the Union in writing of changes to a job description or job descriptions.
16.02 Any classification created or changed during the life of this Agreement and whose bargaining area is covered by the Union shall be subject to the Grievance Procedure and rates and conditions shall be effective as of the date of
16.03 The Board has the right to set pay rates on new or significantly changed jobs, and such decision shall be subject to Union appeal under the Grievance Procedure.
Job Descriptions and Job Classifications. 16.01 The Board or its representatives agree to draw up job descriptions for all positions for which the Union is bargaining agent. Copies of job descriptions shall be made available to the Union and to employees requesting same from Management. Management shall notify the Union in writing of changes to a job description or job descriptions.
16.02 Any classification created or changed during the life of this Agreement and whose bargaining area is covered by the Union shall be subject to the Grievance Procedure and rates and conditions shall be effective as of the date of commencement of the classifications. The Board shall notify the Union five (5) working days prior to the posting of a new or changed classification.
16.03 The Board has the right to set pay rates on new or significantly changed jobs, and such decision shall be subject to Union appeal under the Grievance Procedure.
Job Descriptions and Job Classifications.
18:01 Job descriptions will be prepared, maintained and amended from time to time by the Employer in consultation with the Union, and up-to-date job descriptions shall be provided to the Union upon request. Existing classifications shall not be eliminated or changed without prior notification to the Union. Job descriptions shall be appended to this Agreement for informational purposes only.
18:02 When the Employer establishes or proposes to establish a new classification, or if there is a substantial change in the job content of an existing classification falling within the bargaining unit, the Union shall be notified and within thirty (30) days the parties shall commence negotiations for the appropriate salary range. Any dispute as to whether a new or revised classification falls within the bargaining unit or any dispute as to rate of pay may be referred to the grievance and arbitration process for determination. The application of this Article shall not be deemed to constitute the reopening of this Agreement.
18:03 An employee who is assigned, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, to a higher paying classification, shall be paid the rate and benefits for that classification for the time the employee performs such job or, where there is a salary range, the next higher rate in the salary range. An employee who is assigned, in accordance with the terms of the agreement, to a lower paying classification, shall continue to be paid the rate and benefits of the employee’s regular job.
Job Descriptions and Job Classifications. The Union and the Township will continue to develop and analyze job descriptions and classifications for purposes of developing greater flexibility and utilization of the work force. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Pension. The Township and Union agree to investigate the implementation of a defmed contribution plan and elimination of the defined benefit plan. Completion of this task will be by January 1, 2001. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING AFSCME GRIEVANCE #005-92 e Grievance #005-92 involving Xxxx Xxxxxx is resolved. /9 /20{Xx LETIER OF UNDERSTANDING: GRIEVANCES Concerning Grievance #005-92 Elimination of permanent clerk position .and Xxxx Xxxxxx. doing bargaining unit work: This matter will be adjourned for 90 days after ratification for review by AFSCME LOC~ GROSSE ILE TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR Dated: 0c.{L :)..\ I ,0... q 7
Job Descriptions and Job Classifications. Recruitment and Retention Probation All new full-time employees shall be on probation for three (3) calendar months with provision for an extension of the probationary period for another three (3) months, and all new part-time employees shall be on probation for six (6) calendar months from the day of their employment.
Job Descriptions and Job Classifications. I 30:01 The Employer agrees to provide the Union with job descriptions for all classifications for which the Union is the bargaining agent, within six (6) months of ratifying this Collective Agreement.
I 30:02 Where a new classification is created within the bargaining unit, or an existing classification is changed significantly, the Employer shall provide the Union with a copy of the new or revised job description. The Union and the Employer shall negotiate the rate of pay. Failing agreement on the appropriate rate of pay, the dispute may be referred to arbitration in accordance with the arbitration Article.