LITERATURE SURVEY. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is one of the symmetric key cryptographic algorithms [22] in which keys are mutually shared between the nodes in WSN for achieving cryptographic services. WSN is prone to security breaches and hence there is a need to develop lightweight security algorithms for securing WSN. Security is a very challenging task in WSN, the current state-of-the-art security mechanisms are presented in Nesteruk et al. [25]. A method for efficient key generation clusters is proposed in Xxxxxxxx [1] using the one-way hash function and a random variable for hierarchical WSN clusters to overcome the node compromise attack. This method relies on updating keys by Cluster Heads (CHs) periodically. If CHs fail to update their keys, it is considered a malicious node, even if the nodes are not malicious. Key generation plays a vital role in security. A method based on polynomial key distribution is being proposed in WSN [3]. Polynomial-based random key generation assures the existence of pair-wise keys between sensors in WSN. The method is prone to node capture attacks which need to be addressed. WSN gets compromised when a fixed number of sensors become compromised. Node capture attack that occurs due to capturing sensitive sequences is overcome to some extent in this proposed method. A detailed survey regarding key management, authentication, and trust management is done and the need for proposing lightweight protocols for key management is identified. A hybrid encryption algorithm is being proposed in Xxxxxxx et al. [19] in which the processes involved in asymmetric key cryptography are reduced with increased inclusion of processes involved in symmetric key cryptography. The work focuses on reducing energy consumption, communication costs, and computing costs with increased security. Security is increased by avoiding node-capture attacks that occur due to the capturing of sequences in our proposed protocol. A two-party Quantum Key Agreement (QKA) with strong fairness property is proposed in Naresh and Reddi [24] and extended to a Multiparty Quantum Key Agreement (MQKA) with strong fairness property withstanding both inner and outer attacks. A comparative analysis was performed with existing techniques. Cryptographic information gets stolen when an SN gets captured by an adversary. An extensive survey of various detection and key pre-distribution schemes used for resilience against node capture attacks is carried out and discussed in Butani et al. [5...
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LITERATURE SURVEY. The venture capital industry is crucial in the creation of new firms. VCs not only provide the necessary capital but their presence also signals quality as they are usually heavily involved with decision making and monitoring the firm (x.x. Xxxxx 1994, Jain and Kini 2000). Xxxxx et al. (1990) examine IPOs of VC-backed companies in the US between 1978 and 1987 and find that VCs perform intensive monitoring. They also report that consistent with this monitoring role, VCs hold substantial shareholdings, and in many cases, VCs retain their investments well beyond the IPO contrary to the commonly held view of IPOs being an exit route. They also find that VCs often serve on the boards of the firms they invest in, typically holding two board seats or one third of the total. Xxxxxxxxx and Xxxxx (1991) focus on the `certification hypothesis' formally developed by Xxxxx and Xxxxx (1986) and the role of VCs in ‘certifying’ the value of issuing firms and the quality of company information reported at the IPO. They find evidence to support their hypothesis that VC backing may reduce the asymmetry of information between the issuing firm and investors and hence lower the costs of going public. In this context, VCs play a similar part as underwriters and auditors, in that, as repeated players in the IPO market, they may be able to commit themselves credibly to the accuracy and completeness of disclosed information as false certification would lead to the loss of valuable reputation. In addition, the services of VC certification are costly to the issuing firm in terms of the very high returns VCs generally expect on their investments and the stringent conditions they impose on portfolio companies, such as the right of the VC to replace the entrepreneur as a manager under certain conditions. The cost, stringency and limited availability of VC backing may act as a screening device as only high-quality firms that expect to gain most from VC involvement seek investment by VCs. Xxxx and Xxxx (2000) argue that the presence of VCs influences the managers’ decisions on strategic resources allocation and report evidence that VC backing increases the post-IPO survival time of firms. Recent studies have examined the lock-in agreements entered into by the existing shareholders of IPO companies. One aspect of interest is the length of the lock-in periods agreed upon by directors and VCs. Obviously, the longer the lock-in period the longer everyone has to wait to sell their holdings. Th...
LITERATURE SURVEY. The scientific and scholarly articles which were searched on this topic were first identified google scholarly articles for the term ‘Crowdfunding’, the search was continued based on the citations which were given, after which led us to the terms such as P2P crowdfunding, social lending and person- person lending were stumbled upon and later investigated. This is a very recent trend hence the papers which were referred to follow a “Phenomenon- Based-Approach” (Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxx, 2012). Before crowdfunding was used [2] Since crowdfunding is currently a relatively new field the amount of scholarly articles and papers are very limited. The first publications addressing the issue of how to make crowdfunding more sustainable were published in 2011, then after a two-year hiatus, another study on the subject was released in 2013. As a result, while research in this topic is still in its early stages, the number of articles published has been steadily growing. In terms of the research methodologies employed, quantitative methods have recently gained popularity [3]. According to our investigation, no significant journal in this subject has published more than four articles on the long-term viability of crowdfunding, leading our team to the conclusion that any type of research in this sector is only seldom published. According to our research, donation based crowdfunding received the highest amount of attention. Lending based crowdfunding approaches are the most relevant type of crowd funding practices when assessed by market based volume of 76%, but addressed only in 16% of the publications. The same contrast was also derived from in the crowd funding platforms examined, among what were examined, kickstarter which is a reward based crowdfunding platform is the favorite chosen source of data. Crowdfunding is a relatively new trend which is slowly gaining popularity. According to one definition, "crowdfunding" is the ability to gather a generous amount of money from a large pool of potential investors and stakeholders. Thus far, crowdfunding has gained a lot of popularity driven mainly because of the international financial crisis of 2008 [7], which resulted in credit institutions tightening their financial strength and solvency criteria. In this new age which relies heavily on the internet for their day to day tasks and the unlimited access almost everyone has, it is possible to sustain large crowds of local and foreign investors in a cost-eff...
LITERATURE SURVEY. Map Reduce :-The author is Xxxxx A, Xxxxx X, Xxxxx M, Xxxxx X. The advantages of this algorithm is the technology is more scalable, tamper proof and time stamped, making health data more secure. The limitation of this algorithm is Large amount of Dataset Required. • Map Reduce:- The author is Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx X. Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx. The advantages of this algorithm is this system gives patients a comprehensive, immutable log and easy access to their medical information across providers and treatment sites. The limitation of this algorithm is face a critical need for Electronic Health Records (EHRs).
LITERATURE SURVEY. In order to strengthen the system from these issues, various group-based authentication mechanisms have been proposed especially for MTT [5]. Subsequently, Xxx et al. [5] proposed a mass gadget to get a confirmation plot for Mobile Type Transmission in LTE to organize. It took a total mark innovation in which a gathering head of MTC gadgets totals every mark that is created by each Mobile Type Transmission gadget and sends the total mark to MME, at that point MME could viably and rapidly verify a lot of MTT gadgets. Be that as it may, its computational overhead is moderately vast in light of the fact which takes bilinear matching and Elliptic Bend Calculation innovation. Lai et al. [2] devised another standard protocol namely SE-AKA of protective and productive AKA convention, that can be fitted to make major validation possibilities in the LTE systems. This can resolve the group verification method over the calculation of GTK. However, that can receive Elliptic bend Diffie– Xxxxxxx to acknowledge key forwarding reverse mystery and utilizations keys in the cryptosystem to ensure client protection. In any case, it can't check a gathering of MTC gadgets at the same time, and it just generally decreases correspondence overload. , Xxxxx et al. [2] suggested a GB dynamic verification mechanism that can be similar to SE-AKA. Initially, MTCD plays a complete verification with native condition, the rest Mobile Type Transmission Devices of this gathering simply verify with the serving system. Later, a group key update method can be planned to suits the dynamic grouping MTC. Subsequently, in ref [3] advised a light-weight authentication protocol for MTC using group key especially for the LTE systems, named as LGTH. At this, it embraces a total mark dependent on information verification codes, and it could validate a gathering of Mobile Type Transmission gadgets rapidly and at the same time. LGTH has a next to no calculation and correspondence costs, yet it can't give security insurance. Xxxx et al. [5] proposed another gathering confirmation convention for Mobile Type Transmission in LTE-A systems. For proficiency and in reverse similarity, symmetric cryptography is just utilized in the suggested a plan. Be that as it may, it likewise does not consider the DoS assault and security assurance. The Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) protocols used a GRAKA in which it simplifies whole verification procedure by computing a GTK; secure and efficient group AKA (SE AKA)...
LITERATURE SURVEY. To host the data into the cloud, standard agreements such as confidentiality and service level agreements need to be extended [26]. Cloud computing governance elements are Confidentiality agreements, Non-disclosure, legal location and restricting the software license. Nondisclosure contract is equal to the confidentiality agreement. There is a difference between the confidentiality agreement and Nondisclosure agreement. Nondisclosure agreement needed the certifier not truly reveal the information. Confidentiality agreement signatory responsibility is to secure the information. If a dealer has signed on a nondisclosure agreement, if it has security violation, they will not consider as a defect for any revelation whereas in confidentiality agreement, if a security breach occurs when a dealer has signed on the confidentiality agreement ,the dealer should responsible for the results of the security violation. Locating the server on the network with some specified speed of bandwidth is not an issue from user side but location matters legally. Every user specifies with a service level agreement by the service provider. Dynamic negotiation is occurred when the user needs to specify the exact condition for the requests of users. There are three kinds of Models to know that, which service provider is offering best service such as Weighted sum model, Multi-criteria decision Making(MCDM) and Dynamic Model. Weighted sum model defines that the service provider who meet the Quality of service elements such service, data and deadline for the user. Weighted sum model (WSM) decides that which provider is offering better user service. Multi- criteria Decision Making (MCDM) paradigm is used to get the best service provider for cloud user request. This paradigm is used to decrease the service cost to the user. This model contains multi-level SLAs for multiple users and dynamic negotiation. Construct a table for every cloud service provider which contains service, data and infrastructure to confirm that which provider offers the best service for a user’s request. Service provider and Infrastructure provider has connected internally, but they have their service level agreements. A Service provider would like to run his service in infrastructure to store and to compute. If the infrastructure provider services are accepted by service provider he needs to pay the money to process his service. In this model, there is a broker between cloud user and service provider, users will get ...
LITERATURE SURVEY. Xxxxxx et al [4] proposeda comprehensive and verifiable threshold multi-authority access control scheme where encryption is achieved by a cryptographic guiding device that ensures data owners have long-term control over their data. The proposed Attribute based Encryption (ABE) intends to unite and to maintain the entire quality collectionwhich can be passed down a single stage. There is a bottleneck in terms of security and execution.The results of the security and execution evaluations show that the device isn't only verifiably safe when no amount of money is involved. Zhong Hong et al[5] proposed a hierarchical threshold multi-secret sharing system which suggested a different multi-secret sharing limit that is more evenly distributed based on dealing with the uncomplicatedly unrestricted conditions. The basic secret can be recreated as far as possible by access configuration, but not by the non- endorsed subset, and the scale of all offers is similar to that of the secret. Be that as it may, in our arrangement, there are more secrets imitated at the same time during a sharing collaboration. Dong Kunet al [6] proposed a Data Outsourcing Systems with Attribute-Based Access Control and Efficient Revocation. The necessity of approval approaches and the assistance of plan refreshes are needed in the Information rethinking situation which is challenging one. For authorizing access control approaches, cipher-text- strategy trait dependent encryption is a promising cryptographic solution.
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LITERATURE SURVEY. Nowadays, E-auctions can be classified into two types: public bids and sealed bids. A public bid is when bidders could raise the priceto bid on the products. Thus, the bidding price gets increasing continuously until no bidders are willing bids the highest price for such a product. During public bids, bidders can bid several times; thus, the public bid is also called a multi-bidding auction. A sealed bid is when bidders encrypt the bill and only send the bill once. If the time is due, the auctioneer compares all of the bills. The bidder who bids for the highest price is the winner of the sealed bid. Due to bidders only can bid once, it is also called a single-bidding auction. In the sealed bid, all bidders’ prices are sealed until the bid opening deadline is compared to the prices of all bidders.There is a common shortcoming in electronic seal ticket auctions. Before the deadline for opening bids, the bidder cannot ensure that the bid price has been leaked by a third party (the principal bidder), resulting in malicious bidders may collaborate with the bid winner to obtain the best bid price The blockchain is a technology that accesses, verifies,and transmits network data through distributed nodes. It uses a peer-to-peer network to achieve a decentralized data operation and preservation platform sender’s public key to decrypt the message, and theidentity of the sender can be confirmed. Message delivery and broadcasting: Message delivery and broadcasting are performed using a peer-to-peer technique, allowing each node to connect and exchange messages with each other. The transactions are stored in the same ledger. Eachnode in the blockchain can verify the transactions using the zero-knowledge of the decentralized access structure. Data preservation and linking: The transaction data is stored in a block to generatea hash value and the block is linked to the previous block with the hash values to construct a blockchain The fields in the block, as shown in Fig below, to detail the records of the block such as time-stamp, transaction quantity, hash value, etc. Inthe blockchain, there might be different transactions in a block. When a new transaction is just triggered, each node collects unverified transactions to the block to produce a POW (Proof of Work). That is, the node can calculate the Nonceto verify the transaction as soon as possible to get some rewards. If the node completes the proof of work, it broadcast the block to other nodes to verifywhether the t...
LITERATURE SURVEY. The authors of [1] suggest a blockchain-based system for storing property paperwork in a secure manner. When a person buys land in our system, the government authority gives the purchaser a tangible copy of the property papers, which our system then storesin the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS), a decentralised database. The documents from the government authorities will be validated and verified via smart contracts. This will result in a decentralised, tamper-proof ledger from which we can simply extract the data.The author [2] propose a device in which we use a clever agreement to deal with the belongings and transactions of the majority of the contributors, which is extremely time consuming, less stable, and unsynchronized, and in which sports such as corrup- tion and fraudulence are likely related throughout the execution of the specified process. We propose a blockchain-primarily based totally land registration device that offers a transparent, secure, and decentralised approach for execution of transactions among contributors using the hyperledger idea, based on a combination of inspection and evaluation of the vintagetraditional method and considering that Blockchain has improved transparency and integrity upkeep in conjunction with the portability factor . The authors in [3] Proposes The device that we’re looking to put into effect isprimarily based totally on Ethereum Blockchain in order to shop all of the transactions made inthecourse of the manner of land possession switch. Using the idea of clever contracts ofblockchain era we are able to triggers diverse activities like get right of entry to of land files to a land inspectorand fund switch occasion from purchaser to vendor after a hit verification of the land possession switch. This device makes the mannerof land registration resilient and reduces the instances of fraud with inside the manner. Using the device, validation of the lands is likewise feasible as immutable transactions are being saved with inside the public ledger.
LITERATURE SURVEY. Juels et al. [9] explain the secrecy and confidentiality issues of the first generation passport. According to their observation, since contact less chip is embedded [11] there is a possibility of data leakage from the E- Passport without direct contact with ES. Therefore, data available in the chip will be eavesdropping. The key used for BAC is derived from MRZ information, so that the entropy of the key used for authentication is low, causes brute force attack to find out the key value. The risk of xxxxx dropping is more, if the border control is fully automated. This causes possible collection of E- Passport data by the intruder. In 2006, aware about these weaknesses, a new proposal has suggested by European Union (EU) known as EAC provides E-Passport specification for second generation protocol. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx et al. [18], Justice and Home Affairs (European Committee) [10] identified the shortcomings in the EAC protocol. The authors express their concerns that the EAC protocol still uses BAC to derive the session key. So, the problems present in BAC are also addressed here. suggested a new solution based on elliptic curve Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx agreement protocol for avoiding above threats. In their method they generate elliptic curve based on selecting 32 minutiae points from the finger print of the E-Passport holder in an ordered manner. But, in real time scenario, to verify the user’s identity selecting 32 points in an ordered manner is a critical task. In the proposed method to rectify the above problems, a new authentication protocol by making a slight modification over the protocol based on variation in Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxx key agreement protocol using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is suggested. In the proposed method, elliptic curve parameters A, B and G are derived from the all minutiae points and these values are stored in the E- Passport chip and database of the DOV. From this a shared secret session key between E-Passport and ES is generated.
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