LOAD BANKING Sample Clauses

LOAD BANKING. Full-time unit members may, at the member’s option, reduce teaching load by up to 1.0 at full salary by utilizing accumulated or banked overload teaching under the following conditions: 7.11.1 Both "A" contract overload and "A/C" contract hours during fall semester, spring semester, and summer session may be banked at a maximum of .4 load per semester with notification of intent to bank given at the time the class schedule is submitted. "A/C" overload shall be banked at the "A" load value of the class(es).
LOAD BANKING. 23.1 Where a Unit Member assumes an overload assignment or an intersession assignment as provided in Article 9 and Article 10 of this Agreement, respectively, the Unit Member may elect to “load bank” or accumulate all or a portion of the assignment, in lieu of receiving current compensation, for future use as paid load banking leave during a regular semester/trimester.
LOAD BANKING. When a faculty member assumes all or a portion of any assignment (except substitute assignments) that is not part of the faculty member’s regular workload, the faculty member may elect to accumulate (bank) or receive hourly pay for any portion or all of that assignment subject to the limitations in this section. Banked assignments may not exceed eighteen (18) teaching units. All overtime assignments worked after the eighteen (18) teaching unit limitation has been reached shall be compensated at the faculty member’s hourly rate. Banked leave shall be used on a 1:1 teaching unit basis with the exception of taking a full load of banked leave for one semester; under those circumstances, eighteen (18) TUs must be accumulated in order to take fifteen (15)
LOAD BANKING. A. The District and the Association agree that it is desirable to take advantage of Education Code provisions permitting “load banking” based upon the following principles: 1. Only full-course overloads or equivalent will be eligible for load banking. 2. No more than 20 percent of a faculty member’s annual load, not to exceed .4666 FTE, may be banked in any one (1) semester and no more than two (2) semester courses may be banked in any one (1) year. 3. No more than the equivalent of one (1) semester’s full-time load may be accumulated. 4. At any one (1) time no more than 6 percent of full-time faculty members may utilize their banked hours for a full semester reduction of load and such reduction of load may not be taken more than once every five (5) years. 5. A faculty member electing to bank hours must make an election (in writing ) to do so by December 31 of the year prior to the calendar year when the banking will be done. In case of a substantive teaching assignment modification or personal necessity, the faculty member will be asked to complete an exception from which could be available for IRS inspection. In the first year that a faculty member becomes eligible to bank hours the election to bank hours must be made within 30 days of the faculty member becoming eligible to bank hours. 6. Banked hours may be used by a faculty member to reduce a load during a semester. Faculty using banked hours have been granted a reduction of load, not a leave, as defined in Article XIII, Leaves, and are not excused from responsibilities enumerated in Article X, Section H. The faculty member must notify the Administration of his/her intent to utilize a full-semester reduction of load at the time of submission of a tentative annual teaching assignment. B. A faculty member may “cash in” any portion of his/her load banked hours at any time. Where hours are “cashed in” instead of used for load banking, the faculty member shall be paid on the basis of the rate of pay in effect when the hours are cashed in, except that in no event can hours be accumulated beyond five (5) years after they were first earned. C. Should a full-time faculty member die, the total value of his/her accumulated banked hours shall be paid to his/her beneficiary(ies) in a timely manner.
LOAD BANKING. It is agreed to by the Association and the District that both parties will work together in formulating guidelines, procedures, and timelines, as well as resolving record keeping, that will allow faculty to bank their overload hours to be used toward part of their load in the future. It is further agreed that a subcommittee of representatives from the Association and the District will meet to develop contract language, procedures and a timeline for implementation for both the Flexible Calendar and Load Banking. Appendix G‌ In the 2001 Budget Act Appropriation for Part-Time Faculty Compensation, the State of California, provided Fifty-Seven Million Dollars ($57,000,000) for community college districts to make part-time faculty compensation more comparable to frill-time faculty compensation for similar work as determined through the local collective bargaining process; and These funds are to be distributed to community college districts as a Part-Time Faculty Compensation Allocation based upon each district's total actual 2000-01 Full Time Equivalence Students served ("FTES"); and The 2001–02 Part-Time Faculty Compensation Allocation for Merced College is currently estimated to be Four Hundred Fifty-Eight Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifteen Dollars ($458,715); and The Part-Time Faculty Compensation Allocation shall not supplant the resources a community college district expends in compensating its part-time faculty and shall not be used to exceed parity between part-time faculty and full-time faculty; and Merced College has submitted to the Fiscal Services Unit of the Chancellor's office a "Request for Allocation of Part-Time Faculty Compensation Funds 2001-02 Fiscal Year", that Merced College will determine through the collective bargaining process the specific definitions and amounts needed to achieve parity in compensation between part-time and full-time faculty for similar work; and This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into as a result of the local bargaining process by and between Merced College and the exclusive bargaining representative of Merced College' s part- time faculty, Merced College Faculty Association, (MCFA), for the purpose of establishing the percentage of work that is comparable between part-time and full-time faculty. Merced College and MCFA agree as follows:
LOAD BANKING. It is agreed to by MCFA and the District that both parties will work together in formulating guidelines, procedures, and timelines, as well as resolving record keeping, that will allow faculty to bank their overload hours to be used toward part of their load in the future. It is further agreed that a subcommittee of representatives from MCFA and the District will meet to develop contract language, procedures and a timeline for implementation for both the Flexible Calendar and Load Banking. ‌ ‌ ‌ Appendix J‌ ACTG-04A 55 ACTG-04B 55 ACTG-51 55 ACTG-52 55 ACTG-53 55 AGBS-10 50 AGBS-11 50 AGBS-12 50 AGBS-13 50 AGBS-14 50 AGBS-17 50 AGBS-18 24 AGBS-30 35 AGBS-31A 35 AGBS-31B 35 AGBS-31C 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00X-X varies ALLH-60 30 ALLH-67 55 ANSC-10 50 ANSC-11 50 ANSC-12 50 ANSC-13 50 ANSC-16 28 ANSC-17 28 ANSC-18 28 ANSC-19 28 ANSC-30 28 ANSC-40 28 ANSC-41 28 ANSC-49 28 ANSC-70AA-ZZ varies XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 AOM-50A 20 AOM-50B 35 AOM-51 35 AOM-52A 00 XXX-00 00 XXX-00 00 XXX-00 40 AOM-60 33 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00X 50 ART-01 50 ART-02 50 ART-06 50 ART-12AB 24 ART-15 24 ART-17AB 24 ART-20AB 24 ART-23AB 24 ART-24AB 24 ART-26AB 24 ART-29AB 24 ART-45 24 ASLG-01 33 ASLG-02 33 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00X 45 ATHL-01B 45 ATHL-01D 45 ATHL-01G 45 ATHL-01I 45 ATHL-01J 45 ATHL-01K 45 ATHL-01L 45 ATHL-02A 45 ATHL-02B 45 ATHL-02G 45 ATHL-02G 45 ATHL-02I 45 ATHL-02K 45 ATHL-03 45 ATHL-13 45 ATHL-36A 45 ATHL-36B 45 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00X 00 XXXX-00X 00 XXXX-00X 10 AUTO-48D 10 AUTO-48E 10 AUTO-48F 10 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 48 BIOL-04A 48 BIOL-04B 24 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 48 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 55 BUS-10 55 BUS-18A 30 BUS-35 55 BUS-43 55 BUS-49A-ZZ 55 CHEM-02A 48 CHEM-02B 48 CHEM-04A 48 CHEM-04B 48 CHEM-12A 48 CHEM-12B 48 CLDV-01 55 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 20 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00X 16 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00X 55 CLDV-30D 55 CLDV-33 55 CLDV-34A 55 CLDV-34B 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00X 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 55 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00 00 XXXX-00X 00 XXXX-00 55 COMM-01 28 COMM-02 33 COMM-04 33 COMM-05 33 COMM-30 33 CORR-01 55 CORR-42 55 CORR-43 55 CORR-44 55 CORR-49A-ZZ 55 CPSC-01 24 CPSC-05A 24 CPSC-06 55 CPSC-07 50 CPSC-14 33 CPSC-30 30 CPSC-39 45 CPSC-40A 49 CPSC-40B 25 CPSC-42 30 XXXX-01 55 XXXX-02 55 XXXX-03 55 XXXX-04 55 XXXX-05 55 XXXX-06 55 XXXX-08 55 XXXX-10 38 XXXX-11 XXXX-30 55 XXXX-33 55 XXXX-35 55 XX...
LOAD BANKING. Bargaining unit members may bank up to 1.0 FTEL of overload or extra assignment credit in lieu of receiving pay under the following terms and conditions: 1. Overload or extra assignment credit must be banked within two consecutive semesters and redeemed within the following two semesters. 2. The bargaining unit member must submit a request to the immediate supervisor to bank load during the scheduling process for the period in which the overload or extra assignments are agreed upon. The request shall indicate the amount of load to be credited and the semester(s) in which the bargaining unit member plans to redeem it. 3. The bargaining unit member’s request shall be granted unless one or more of the following conditions exists: a. There are no other faculty in the discipline qualified or able to take on the vacated workload. b. An undue hardship would exist if the request were granted. c. The bargaining unit member is due for a performance evaluation in the semester the load is redeemed and alternative arrangements are not feasible. d. The bargaining unit member has a less than satisfactory performance evaluation in the most recent evaluation period. e. The request is to bank an exempt assignment as defined in this section. 4. If a request is denied, the bargaining unit member shall be allowed to appeal the decision to the appropriate vice-president.
LOAD BANKING. Tenured faculty of the District, including Counselors and Librarians, will be eligible to participate in “load banking” based on the provisions set forth in this article.
LOAD BANKING. When a faculty member assumes all or a portion of any assignment (except substitute assignments) that is not part of the faculty member’s regular workload, the faculty member may elect to accumulate (bank) or receive hourly pay for any portion or all of that assignment subject to the limitations in this section.
LOAD BANKING. 1. All unit members, both teaching and student development, regardless of regular work duties, may bank classes they teach. See 11.10.2 and 11.12.x.X and/or Article XXI for submitting proposals for the accumulation of overload hours for the purpose of taking banked leave.