Local Union Representatives Sample Clauses
Local Union Representatives. 1. Officials of any of the signatory Unions shall be provided access to projects covered by this Agreement. Requests shall be arranged through the Contractor for such visitations in keeping with Owner’s uniform rules of safety and security as expeditiously as possible. Each Local Union shall designate one (1) official as its representative and so inform the Contractor.
2. If relations between the Local Union Representative and the Contractor become non- cooperative, the Contractor may request the Administrator of the General Presidents’ Committee on Contract Maintenance to investigate the circumstances and take the necessary action to keep this Agreement enforced in good faith. Continuing problems will be resolved by the General Presidents’ Committee on Contract Maintenance and the Contractor’s representatives.
Local Union Representatives. The term "
Local Union Representatives. Officials of the Union shall be provided access to projects covered by this Agreement. Requests shall be arranged through the Company for such visitations in keeping with Government's uniform rules of safety and security as expeditiously as possible.
Local Union Representatives. The Union agrees to appoint, and the Employer agrees to recognize the Union President, the Grievance Chairperson, and three (3) other grievance committee members as local Union representatives who may deal with the Employer concerning problems arising under this Agreement and grievances at Step 2 and above. The Employer agrees to recognize Union Vice Presidents and unit representatives designated by the Union as local Union representatives who may deal with immediate supervisors concerning problems in their units and Step 1 grievance. The Union will notify the Employer of the local Union representatives’ and designees’ unit designations and authority and any change in either. One (1) local Union representative and one (1) other employees who attends a jointly scheduled grievance hearing or arbitration hearing will not lose any pay for his/her regularly scheduled hours because of such attendance.
Local Union Representatives.
1. Officials of any Unions shall be provided access to projects covered by this Agreement. Requested visits shall be arranged through the Contractor, in keeping with the Owner’s uniform rules of safety and security, as expeditiously as possible. Each Local Union shall designate one (1) official as its representative and so inform the Contractor.
2. If relations between the Local Union Representative and the Contractor become non-cooperative, the Contractor or Union may request, in writing, the applicable state LMCC to investigate the circumstances and take the necessary action to keep this Agreement enforced in good faith. Continuing problems will be resolved by the LMCC and the Contractor’s representatives.
Local Union Representatives. 1. Officials of any of the signatory Unions shall be provided access to projects covered by this Agreement. Requests shall be arranged through the Contractor for such visitations in keeping with Owner’s uniform rules of safety and security as expeditiously as possible. Each Local Union shall designate a working journeyman as a xxxxxxx. The xxxxxxx shall be a qualified worker performing the work of the craft and shall not exercise any supervisory functions. Each xxxxxxx shall be concerned solely with the employees of the Contractor. The role of the xxxxxxx is to represent employees in the craft in Step I of the grievance adjustment procedure.
2. If relations between the xxxxxxx and the Contractor become nonco- operative, the Contractor may request that the Council investigate the circumstances and take the necessary action to keep this Agreement enforced in good faith. Continuing problems will be resolved by the Joint Administrative Committee.
3. The xxxxxxx shall be the last journeyman to be laid off in the craft, provided that he/she is qualified to perform the required work. When there are only two craftsmen of the same discipline remaining on the job site working directly for the Contractor and one is the Job Site Representative and the other is the craft xxxxxxx, should a further re- duction in force be required, then the Job Site Representative will be retained so long as the work of the Contractor continues and provided that he/she is qualified to perform the required work. (LRS-33) The Local Union shall be notified by the Contractor prior to the xxxxxxx being laid off or terminated.
4. Augmented employees are represented by the same xxxxxxx as em- ployees working directly for the Contractor. Where there are both aug- mented and directly supervised employees in a craft, the xxxxxxx designated by the Local Union is to be a working journeyman working as a directly supervised employee. (LRS-42) In the event augmentation work continues beyond other project work, the job xxxxxxx shall be retained as the xxxxxxx for augmentation workers employed by the same Contractor at the same site, provided the augmentation work includes the work of his or her craft and fur- ther provided he or she is currently qualified to perform the augmen- tation work, including possessing all necessary certifications and meeting all clearance requirements. (LRS-48.10)
Local Union Representatives a. The Union will notify the State of the names of Local Union Representatives and the districts represented. Local Union Representatives will be designated by the Union and shall not exceed a total of seventeen (17). Upon mutual agreement, the Union may designate additional Local Union Representatives. Local Union Representatives may cross agency lines.
b. Time spent by Local Union Representatives under this Section shall be limited solely to the duties related to governmental operations such as:
(1) investigating, preparing and processing grievances and representing the Union at all steps of the Grievance Procedure;
(2) assisting and acting as a witness for the individual handling the case at Steps Four and Five of the Grievance Procedure;
(3) representing employees at pre-disciplinary meetings; and,
(4) participating in Labor-Management Committees or other meetings with management.
c. A Local Union Representative’s signature on his/her attendance record shall constitute certification that each use of this bank was solely for the purpose stated above.
d. Under no circumstances shall release time be used under this bank to compensate employees for activities that violate I.C. 35-44-2-4 or any other State or Federal law or regulation including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) political activity;
(2) Union administrative activity prohibited by Executive Order 90-6; or
(3) other functions unrelated to governmental operations.
e. Local Union representatives shall have no lesser rights than other bargaining unit members to apply for promotions.
Local Union Representatives. 1. Officials of any of the signatory Unions shall be provided access to projects covered by this Agreement, if individual access is requested and approved through Department of Defense Security Clearance and Government Contracting procedures. Requests shall be arranged through the Contractor for such visitations in keeping with Owner’s uniform rules of safety and security as expeditiously as possible. Each Local Union shall designate one (1) official as its representative and so inform the Contractor.
2. If relations between the Local Union Representative and the Contractor become non- cooperative, the Contractor may request the Administrator of the General Presidents’ Committee on Contract Maintenance to investigate the circumstances and take the necessary action to keep this Agreement enforced in good faith. Continuing problems will be resolved by the General Presidents’ Committee on Contract Maintenance and the Contractor’s representatives.
Local Union Representatives. The Employer will recognize local Officers or Stewards, not to exceed one xxxxxxx per Engine Company, whose name(s) appear on the most recent Union roster provided by the Local President (or designee) in accordance with Section 1 of this Article.
Local Union Representatives. The Union agrees to appoint and the Employer agrees to recognize the Union President, the Grievance Chairperson, and grievance committee members as designated by the Union as local Union representatives who may deal with the Employee concerning problems arising under this Agreement and grievances at Step 2 and above. The Employer agrees to recognize Union Vice Presidents and department representatives designated by the Union as local Union representatives who may deal with immediate managers concerning problems in their departments and Step 1 grievances. The Union will notify the Employer of the local Union representatives' and designees' department designations and authority, and any change in either. One (1) local Union representative together with the grievant who attends a jointly scheduled grievance hearing or arbitration hearing will not lose any pay for his/her regularly scheduled hours because of such attendance. In the case of a class action grievance the Union representative will attend together with the local Union representative.