MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. The Contractor shall maintain the work during construction and until the work is accepted. This maintenance shall constitute continuous and effective work prosecuted day by day, with adequate equipment and forces so that the work is maintained in satisfactory condition at all times. In the case of a contract for the placing of a course upon a course or subgrade previously constructed, the Contractor shall maintain the previous course or subgrade during all construction operations. All costs of maintenance work during construction and before the project is accepted shall be included in the unit prices bid on the various contract items, and the Contractor will not be paid an additional amount for such work.
MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. The Contractor shall maintain the work during construction and until the work is accepted. Maintenance shall constitute continuous and effective work prosecuted day by day, with adequate equipment and forces so that the work is maintained in satisfactory condition at all times.
MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. The Design-Builder shall prosecute his work so as to avoid obstructions to traffic to the greatest extent practicable. The Design-Builder shall provide for the safety and convenience of the general public and residents along the Roadway and the protection of Persons and property. Highways closed to traffic shall be protected by barricades and other warning devices as required by the Department. Barricades and warning devices shall be illuminated where required during periods of darkness and low visibility. The Design-Builder shall erect warning devices in advance of a location on the Project where operations or obstructions may interfere with the use of the Road by traffic and at all intermediate points where the new work crosses or coincides with an existing Roadway. The Design-Builder shall maintain sign faces and reflective surfaces of warning devices in a clean and visible condition. The Design-Builder shall cover or remove signs when the messages thereon are not applicable. Barricades, warning signs, lights, temporary signals, and other protective devices shall conform to the requirements of Section 512 of the Standard Specifications. The Design-Builder shall maintain the Work from the beginning of construction operations until the Final Acceptance Date. Maintenance shall be inherent to the continuous and effective work prosecuted day-by-day with adequate Equipment and forces to such end that the Roadway and structures are sustained in a safe and satisfactory condition at all times. When a Contract specifies placing a course on another course or Subgrade previously constructed, the Design- Builder shall maintain the previous course or Subgrade in accordance with the Contract requirements during all construction operations. The Road shall be kept open to all traffic while undergoing improvements unless otherwise permitted in the Contract. The Design-Builder shall keep the portion of the Project being used by public, pedestrian, and vehicular traffic in such condition that traffic will be safely and adequately accommodated. However, removal of snow and control of ice on Roads open to public travel will be performed by the Department. The Design-Builder shall bear all costs of performing maintenance work before Final Acceptance and of constructing and maintaining necessary approaches, crossings, intersections, and other features without direct compensation except as provided for herein. When the Design-Builder confines his operation to the surface of the...
MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. The XXXX Contractor shall satisfactorily maintain the entire area within the ROW limits of the Project, from the effective date of the Notice to Proceed (NTP) until the date of Final Acceptance. Adjacent and parallel roadways within the Project limits not affected by construction activities or diversion of traffic will not be the maintenance responsibility of the XXXX Contractor. This maintenance responsibility includes, but is not necessarily limited to, maintaining drainage (sediment from construction must be removed so as not to block drainage outside of the ROW), periodic mowing of roadside vegetation, and removing of debris to the satisfaction of CPRA’s Project Manager, as well as such striping, patching, and shoulder maintenance which will provide safe and convenient conditions at all times for the public. The XXXX Contractor shall continuously and effectively satisfy its maintenance responsibilities with such equipment and forces as may be necessary to maintain a safe and satisfactory condition for the duration of the Project. If the XXXX Contractor fails to comply with XXXX Section 505-7, CPRA’s Project Manager will immediately notify the XXXX Contractor in writing of such noncompliance. If the XXXX Contractor fails to remedy the condition within 24 hours after receipt of the written notice, CPRA’s Project Manager may immediately remedy the condition, and the cost thereof will be deducted from payments for the Work. When the condition requires more immediate remedy due to hazard to life, health, and property, CPRA’s Project Manager may immediately remedy the condition and the costs thereof will be deducted from payments for the Work.
MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. 6.10.1 Commencing upon issuance of the NTP and continuing thereafter during the Work, DBT shall be responsible for (a) maintenance of the existing facilities throughout the Project ROW, and (b) maintenance of all improvements DBT constructs for the Project, in accordance with the Standard Specifications.
MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. 20 6.11.1 Commencing upon issuance of NTP 2 and continuing thereafter during the 21 Work, Developer shall be responsible for (a) maintenance of the existing facilities 22 throughout the Project ROW to the extent set forth in Section 105.15 of the Technical
MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. During construction the Owner agrees:
(a) To take all necessary steps to prevent the raising of dust and the erosion of soil from the Lands onto adjacent lands or onto abutting City, Regional and Provincial roads during construction of the Development. To eliminate dust, the Owner may be required to apply dust suppressants, cover stock piles with tarps or apply ground cover to the areas that have been stripped and left undeveloped. Should such an incident(s) occur, the Owner will take all necessary steps forthwith to correct said problems upon the direction of the Director of Engineering;
(b) To conduct, at a minimum and more frequently as conditions dictate, scraping of the roadway on a weekly basis and daily sweeping of the roadway using methods approved by the City. Should the Owner fail to conduct scraping and sweeping of the roadway to keep it clean and free of excessive dirt, mud, dust, grit and other materials, the City may, without notice to the Owner, take the necessary action to clean up the roadway at the Owner’s cost and the Owner agrees to forthwith pay the same upon demand to the City. If the Owner does not pay the City immediately upon written demand for such payment, it is agreed that performance securities with the City may be drawn upon by the City to satisfy the required payment, and the Owner shall replace or increase said monies or securities to its original value within fifteen (15) business days of receiving notice of such draw or draws;
(c) To be fully liable for all costs and any damages incurred as a result of the raising of dust or the erosion, spillage or tracking of soil or other debris from the Lands onto adjacent lands and municipal highways, and will indemnify the City and the Region against any claim made as a result of such problems;
(d) To regularly inspect the property for discarded waste material or items that may accumulate on lands. The Owner shall collect and dispose of said waste forthwith in an appropriate manner to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering, all to prevent unsightly conditions;
(e) To install and maintain erosion and sediment control and tree protection devices in accordance with the approved plans in Schedule C to this agreement including those that incorporate measures to prevent the discharge of silt to waterways, open channels or City and Regional storm sewers and highways. The Owner shall provide and regularly inspect and maintain these measures to ensure their continued effectiveness th...
MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. 30 Commencing upon issuance of NTP 2 and continuing thereafter during the Construction 31 Period, Developer shall be responsible for maintenance of the D&C Work and the Site; 32 provided, however, that Developer’s maintenance responsibility for portions the D&C 33 Work owned by third parties shall extend until the control of and maintenance 34 responsibility for such portions are officially transferred to the respective third parties.
MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. After grading, drainage, utility installation, construction of streets, street lights, sidewalks and all other improvements with respect to the Easement Areas, Common Areas, Common Elements or any Lot have been completed, any construction on or concerning any Lot by or on behalf of any Ground Lessee shall be governed by the followingrestrictions unless a prior written waiver is obtained fromthe Committee.
MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION. The Contractor shall maintain the Work during construction and until the Work is accepted. This maintenance shall constitute continuous and effective Work prosecuted day by day, with adequate equipment and forces so that the work is maintained in satisfactory condition at all times. All costs of maintenance work before the project is accepted shall be included in the unit prices bid on the various Contract Items, and the Contractor will not be paid an additional amount for such work. Should the Contractor at any time fail to maintain the work as provided herein, the Engineer shall immediately notify the Contractor of such noncompliance. Such notification shall specify a reasonable time within which the Contractor shall be required to remedy such unsatisfactory maintenance condition. The time specified will give due consideration to the exigency that exists. Should the Contractor fail to respond to the Engineer's notification, the Engineer may suspend any work necessary for the County to correct such unsatisfactory maintenance condition, depending on the exigency that exists. Any maintenance cost incurred by the County shall be deducted from monies due or to become due the Contractor.