Motor Vehicle Policy. The University shall not require an employee to own or use their own vehicle as a condition of employment.
Motor Vehicle Policy. The parties hereby agree to the following:
SECTION 1. The parties agree to the following:
A. The Insurance Company that provides liability coverage for the Employer shall set the appropriate policies for Motor Vehicle coverage in general and DWI restrictions in specific.
B. The procedures and rules required by the Insurance Company shall be incorporated into a Work Rule entitled Motor Vehicle Policy. This Work Rule will replace the existing DWI Work Rule and shall be accepted by the parties as a proper Work Rule under the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
C. This Work Rule shall not be used to remove any employee from employment with the Employer unless the employee can no longer perform needed job duties. Said action by the Employer shall be appealable through the arbitration provision of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
SECTION 2. The Employer will give the Union copies of any changes of rules and regulations, as proved by the Insurance Company.
Motor Vehicle Policy. The University shall not require an employee to own or use their own vehicle as a condition of employment. Whereas employees may find difficulties in transportation at night, it is agreed that where such problems arise with employees required to work after and before
Motor Vehicle Policy. 9.5.1 All Employees are at all times required to comply with Australian road rules.
9.5.2 It is an express condition of employment by the Company that all Employees at all times during their employment hold and maintain a current Australian driver’s Licence. The Company, at its discretion, may terminate the employment of an Employee who does not hold, loses or fails to maintain a current Australian Driver’s Licence where such and Employee is required as part of his/her duties to hold such a licence.
9.5.3 A copy of each Employee’s current Australian Driver’s Licence must be forwarded by the individual Employee to the Company on a yearly basis, or otherwise as requested.
Motor Vehicle Policy. SECTION 1. The parties hereby agree to the following:
1. The Insurance Company that provides liability coverage for the Employer shall set the appropriate policies for Motor Vehicle coverage in general and DWI restrictions in specific.
2. The procedures and rules required by the Insurance Company shall be incorporated into a Work Rule entitled Motor Vehicle Policy. This Work Rule will replace the existing DWI Work Rule and shall be accepted by the parties as a proper Work Rule under the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
3. This work rule shall not be used to remove any Employee from employment with the Employer unless the Employee can no longer perform needed job duties. Said action by the Employer shall be appealable through the arbitration provision of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
4. Texting and cellphone use governed by the state law. Current law prohibits texting and cell phone use in all CDL rated vehicles.
SECTION 2. The Employer will give the Union copies of any changes of rules and regulations as provided by the Insurance Company.
Motor Vehicle Policy. Each employee with a motor vehicle is required to comply with the ECL Group Motor Vehicle Policy.
Motor Vehicle Policy. The Commission operates a motor vehicle fleet to assist it to carry out its functions. Wherever practicable Employees are required to use a fleet vehicle rather than their personal vehicle when conducting Commission business. The Commission has a vehicle policy, which clearly distinguishes between the types of motor vehicle usage permitted by Employees and the responsibilities of the Commission with respect to the usage of fleet vehicles. The policy addresses all fleet management issues with the following employment related objectives in mind: • Facilitate the achievement of one of the Commission’s primary goals which is to ensure the Commission has a qualified, skilled and motivated workforce; • Recognise general industry practice both in terms of work activities their remuneration package, within defined guidelines, to best suit their individual needs; • Adopt the principles which will be used to calculate the vehicle costs to be attributed to relevant Employees; • Adopt the principles which will be used to calculate the contribution required by Employees who are given access to vehicles for commuter use; and • Allow specified Employees the flexibility to manage and maximise their remuneration package, within defined guidelines.
Motor Vehicle Policy a) If issued a vehicle as part of your placement; you will in all instances take good care of the vehicle and maintain it in a clean and tidy condition, serviced as per the manufacturer’s recommendation.
b) You will ensure that the conditions of any insurance policy on the vehicle is observed.
c) Not permit the vehicle to be driven except in accordance with the Client of the Employer’s rules relating to the Client of Employer vehicle.
d) Return the vehicle and its keys to the Client of the Employer immediately on the termination of the Employment for any reason.
e) Not drive any Client of the Employer vehicle in a manner or at a time which would be a breach of laws including the law relating to blood/alcohol content.
f) Drive in a manner, which does not discredit the Client of the Employer and at all times, be cautious and courteous to other road users.
g) Drive in accordance with the Client of the Employer’s vehicle policy as published and varied from time to time. Where the Employee is found to be at fault in a motor vehicle accident in a company motor vehicle, the Employer reserves the right to recover from the Employee the costs of the incident or the insurance excess payable in relation to any such at fault accident.
h) The Employer reserves the right to recover from the Employee where the vehicle has sustained damage and was being used negligently, and/or in such a manner that it is uninsured.
i) Employees are responsible for the payment of any traffic infringement fines that are incurred by themselves whilst driving a Client of the Employer’s motor vehicle.
Motor Vehicle Policy. The Agreement
Motor Vehicle Policy.
10.4.1 Employees are to refer to the Company’s existing Motor Vehicle Policy & Procedure document for the substantive procedures they are required to follow. That policy may be amended from time to time.
10.4.2 It is an express condition of employment by the Company that all Employees hold and/or maintain a current Australian Drivers Licence. The Company, at its discretion, may terminate the employment of an Employee who does not hold, loses, or fails to maintain a current Australian Drivers Licence where such an Employee is required as part of their duties.
10.4.3 A copy of each Employee’s current Australian Drivers Licence must be forwarded by the individual Employee to the Company on an annual basis, or otherwise as requested.
10.4.4 Company vehicles are to used for work purposes only, unless otherwise approved, and Employees are not to use Company vehicles after hours or for private use without Company approval.
10.4.5 If a Company vehicle is involved in an infringement whereby the Employee is not identified (e.g., speed, red-light camera, parking), it will be referred to the Employee to whom the Company vehicle is assigned. For this reason, no other person should be permitted to drive the Company vehicle. In the unavoidable event that another person is required to drive the Company vehicle, such use should be noted and is the responsibility of the individual to whom the Company vehicle is assigned.
10.4.6 Repeated infringements may result in the revocation on an Employee’s entitlement to use of a Company vehicle.
10.4.7 Employees are not to drive Company vehicles when they are unlicensed or when they are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Employees will be subject to immediate dismissal should this occur.
10.4.8 Employees are prohibited from smoking in a Company vehicle.
10.4.9 All Employees required or authorised by the Company to operate a Company vehicle must completed all required documentation in an approvals log. This log will contain name, age, address and license number, and license expiry date.