Mutual Changes a) An Employee may exchange shifts with a fellow Employee and the exchange will be accepted providing:
i. it does not breach fatigue management principles;
ii. subject to sub clause (d), it does not breach any condition of this Agreement; and
iii. the request for the exchange is in writing and provided to the rostering section two (2) working days (not including Saturday or Sunday) prior to the change coming in to effect.
b) An Employee may indefinitely exchange positions on the same Operational Roster with a fellow Employee and the exchange will be accepted providing:
i. it does not breach fatigue management principles;
ii. subject to sub clause d), it does not breach any condition of this Agreement; and
iii. the request for the exchange is in writing and submitted through the rostering section prior to posting of the Actual Roster where the change will come into effect and the exchange is on the same home line.
c) In circumstances other than those in sub-clauses a) and b), a request for an exchange will not be unreasonably refused where:
i. the shifts to be exchanged are of the same duration on the same line/roster on the same day; and
ii. the request is provided to the rostering section or, outside of the rostering section’s working hours to Transit Supervisor on duty for the relevant Line, at least three (3) working hours’ prior to the change coming into effect.
d) Where a mutual exchange is accepted:
i. the hourly Base rate of pay, shiftwork allowance and weekend penalties paid to each of the Employees who exchange shifts shall be paid based on the shifts worked by each Employee.
ii. Other Line Allowance shall not be payable unless the total allowance payable to both Employees as a result of the exchange would not exceed the total allowance which would have been payable to those Employees if the change were not approved; and
iii. the mutual exchange shall otherwise be cost neutral to the Employer.
Mutual Changes. Any part of this Agreement may be changed at any time during the existence of this Agreement if both parties signify their agreement to the change in writing.
Mutual Changes. Subject to the following guidelines, a shift employee may exchange scheduled work days with another employee (mutual change) or work a scheduled day off in place of a scheduled work day (self-swing):
(a) these arrangements are not considered a change of schedule and time worked in excess of scheduled hours due to a mutual change or self-swing will not be paid at overtime rates.
(b) mutual changes or self-swings will only be considered when the minimum shift crew strength is not compromised or where there will be no additional cost to the company. Self-swings must be administered on a "with pay exchange" basis only.
(c) mutual changes and self-swings must be documented in advance and approved by the Supervisor. Self-swings require an additional approval step by the Process Leader or designate.
(d) mutual changes and self-swings must be closed off (taken) within the current calendar year where possible.
(e) self-swing payback shifts must be worked at a mutually agreed upon time as per Clause 7.08(c).
(f) consecutive mutual changes will be limited to one set of shifts at one time.
Mutual Changes. Any changes deemed necessary to this Agreement may be made by mutual agreement at any time during the terms of this Agreement. Pages (regular duties)
1. Shelving and shelf reading all library items including but not limited to books, non-print materials, catalogued government documents, pamphlets, microfilm and fiche.
2. Buying newspapers, shelving newspapers and magazines.
3. Emptying book drops.
4. Taking the mail.
5. Assist with craft preparation under supervision.
6. Assist with displays under supervision.
7. Helping to set up and assist with children’s programs.
8. Moving chairs and tables.
9. Grounds maintenance including salting and snow removal.
10. Answering basic public directional questions.
11. Fill paper and pencil containers.
12. Tidy and straighten at closing.
13. Clean Computers. Librarian - Wallaceburg Librarian - Children's Services 2010 $30.48 $31.74 $33.07 $34.44 Librarian - Collection Development 2009 $29.59 $30.82 $32.10 $33.44 Librarian - Circulation Services 2008 $28.73 $29.92 $31.17 $32.47 Grade 7 2010 $27.58 $28.73 $29.92 $31.16 2009 $26.78 $27.89 $29.05 $30.26 Grade 6 2010 $25.80 $26.88 $27.98 $29.15 Library Technician 2009 $25.05 $26.10 $27.17 $28.30 Branch B Head 2010 $26.88 $27.98 $29.15 2009 $26.10 $27.17 $28.30 Grade 5 2010 $24.72 $25.76 $26.80 Branch C Head / MID 2009 $24.00 $25.01 $26.02 Grade 4 2010 $22.56 $23.52 $24.49 Senior Clerk 2009 $21.91 $22.83 $23.77 Grade 3 2010 $20.75 $21.61 $22.51 Clerk 2009 $20.15 $20.98 $21.85 Branch Assistant 2008 $19.56 $20.37 $21.22 Grade 2 2010 $18.04 $18.79 $19.58 Van Driver 2009 $17.52 $18.25 $19.01 Grade 1 2010 $16.71 $17.40 $18.13 Assistant Clerk 2009 $16.22 $16.89 $17.60 2008 $15.75 $16.40 $17.09
Mutual Changes. This Agreement shall be subject to change or supplement at any time by mutual consent of the parties hereto. Any such change or supplement agreed upon shall be reduced to writing and signed by the parties hereto.
Mutual Changes. Mutual shift changes between employees will be authorized by the Company subject to the following:
Mutual Changes. Where this Agreement provides for changes by mutual agreement, such changes are to be initialed by the supervisor and the employee.
Mutual Changes. (a) Time worked in excess of the normal daily or weekly hours of work by reason of an exchange of working hours, by mutual agreement between employees concerned, and with the approval of the Supervisor, will not be paid at overtime rates.
(b) The employee’s pattern of days off may be altered from time to time with Company and employee consent. This refers to flexibility for business or personal reasons, not bridging to a new schedule and will not be paid at overtime rates.
Mutual Changes. Employees may trade shifts by mutual agreement with the advance approval of the Company provided such change shall not involve additional cost to the Company. Dated this day of , 20 . UNISOURCE CANADA, INC. UNIFOR ANNACIS DISTRIBUTION CENTRE LOCAL #433
Mutual Changes a) Employees in the same job classification shall have the option of switching from day to evening shift and vice versa due to extenuating circumstances, on a temporary basis, with a written request, and Company approval.
b) The requesting employee will be responsible for organizing this mutual switch with an employee in the same job classification.
c) The written request for the change will be presented to the Company at least one (1) week prior to the date of the change.
d) Requests will be considered and approved based on individual circumstances.