OTHER COMPENSABLE BENEFITS. Sec. 801 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS: Employees who are required to use their personal vehicles for County business shall be reimbursed at the rate equivalent to the standard mileage rate established by proclamation of the Internal Revenue Service.
OTHER COMPENSABLE BENEFITS. Sec. 801 Mileage Reimbursement: Employees who are required to use their personal vehicles for County business shall be reimbursed at a rate equivalent to the Standard Mileage Rate established by proclamation of the Internal Revenue Service. Sec. 802 Necessary And Actual Expenses: Necessary and actual expenses incurred by an employee while attending to business of the County may be reimbursed with the approval and authorization of the Department/ Agency Head. A statement of justification satisfactory to the Auditor- Controller shall be submitted with the claims. Such reimbursement, however, does not apply whenever the provisions in law provide for payment of such expenses.
OTHER COMPENSABLE BENEFITS. Sec. 801 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: Employees who are required to use their personal vehicles for County business shall be reimbursed at the rate equivalent to the standard mileage rate established by proclamation of the Internal Revenue Service. Sec. 802 NECESSARY AND ACTUAL EXPENSES: Necessary and actual expenses incurred by an employee while attending to business of the County may be reimbursed with the approval and authorization of the department/agency head. A statement of justification satisfactory to the Auditor shall be submitted with the claims. Such reimbursement, however, does not apply wherever the provisions in the law provide for payment of such expenses. Sec. 803 CLOTHING MAINTENANCE ALLOWANCE: Effective May 6, 2018, all VCDSA represented employees shall receive a total annual clothing maintenance allowance of $928. Effective May 5, 2019, the annual clothing maintenance allowance shall be increased to $1,106. The maintenance allowance will be paid the first pay period of each November. Employees who terminate prior to November shall not be eligible to receive any maintenance allowance. Employees who on any November 1 have been on an unpaid leave of absence continuously since the prior November 1 shall not be eligible to receive the uniform allowance for that year. Regular part-time employees shall receive this allowance on a pro- rata basis. Sec. 804 COMPENSATION FOR COURT APPEARANCES: Subject to the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, each employee who is required, while off duty, to attend court or any other official proceeding in response to a subpoena in connection with a matter arising out of and during the course and scope of that individual's employment as a peace officer shall receive compensation for each appearance in court or other official proceeding at the rate of straight hourly compensation for each hour actually spent in such proceeding, with a minimum compensation of four (4) hours, at straight time. An employee who is required to make an appearance in response to one subpoena in the morning and required to make an appearance in response to a different subpoena in the same afternoon, shall be deemed to have made two (2) appearances on that same day for the purpose of ascertaining when the four (4) hour minimum per appearance requirement shall apply. Sec. 805 EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY: A. The educational incentive pay shall be paid biweekly to those employees who possess Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Interme...
OTHER COMPENSABLE BENEFITS. 8 18 Textbook and Tuition Reimbursement ....................................................... 9 22 Work Schedules ....................................................................................... 10 25 Overtime................................................................................................... 11 28 Vacations ................................................................................................. 12 31 Holidays ................................................................................................... 13 34
OTHER COMPENSABLE BENEFITS. 8 18 TEXTBOOK AND TUITION REIMBURSEMENT...................................... 9 24
OTHER COMPENSABLE BENEFITS. 8 17 WORK SCHEDULES .............................................................................. 10 24 OVERTIME ............................................................................................. 11 27 ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE ..................................................................... 12 29 VACATION ............................................................................................. 13 30 HOLIDAYS.............................................................................................. 14 32
OTHER COMPENSABLE BENEFITS. Sec. 801 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: Employees who are required to use their personal vehicles for District business shall be reimbursed at a rate equivalent to the standard mileage rate established by proclamation of the Internal Revenue Service. Sec. 802 NECESSARY AND ACTUAL EXPENSES: Necessary and actual expenses incurred by an employee while attending to business of the District may be reimbursed with the approval and authorization of the Fire Chief. A statement of justification satisfactory to the Auditor shall be submitted with the claims. Such reimbursement, however, does not apply whenever compensation has been received from other sources.
OTHER COMPENSABLE BENEFITS. Sec. 801 Mileage Reimbursement: Per Diem Employees who are required to use their personal vehicles for County business shall be reimbursed at a rate equivalent to the Standard Mileage Rate established by proclamation of the Internal Revenue Service. Sec. 802 Expense Reimbursement: Expense reimbursement shall be made pursuant to provisions set forth in the County’s Administrative Manual. Sec. 803 Professional Dues/Licenses/Memberships Reimbursement: Payment of up to a maximum of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750) per fiscal year for membership fees to a job-related professional organization or reimbursement of professional fees. Organizations eligible are in addition to those required by the agency/department head.