Clothing Maintenance Allowance. The Department of Public Safety agrees to continue its present uniform policy together with existing cleaning allowances by paying a minimum of one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175.00) semi-annually in December and June. Additionally, employees of the Department of Natural Resources shall have a clothing allowance of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per year to be utilized for ordering clothing or for cleaning of existing clothing.
Clothing Maintenance Allowance. The clothing maintenance allowance shall be paid to those full-time employees serving in titles in which the employees are required to wear special clothing or a uniform and which title received a cash clothing allowance in fiscal year 1998-1999.
Clothing Maintenance Allowance. Each member of the Middletown Fire Department shall receive an annual allowance for maintenance of clothing and equipment, as indicated below which shall be paid within six (6) weeks of commencement of the fiscal year of the Town of Middletown: FY 2014-2015: $ 900.00 FY 2015-2016: $1,000.00 FY 2016-2017: $1,100.00 FY 2014-2015: $450.00 FY 2015-2016: $500.00 FY 2016-2017: $550.00 Upon retirement or other termination from the Fire Department, employees shall return any serviceable PPE, personal issue SCBA mask, PASS device and ID cards to the Fire Department. A “Retired Fire Fighter” ID card will be issued upon retirement. Clothing maintenance allowance shall be considered full payment for purchase of station uniforms mandated by 1988 legislation implementing the requirements of NFPA Standard 1500 (1987 edition) The Town shall provide each new member with the new clothing and personal protective equipment listed below and such clothing and equipment shall be issued within sixty (60) days of employment.
1 Bunker Coat with scotchlite trim and initials 1 Pair Bunker trousers with suspenders 1 Pair leather short boots with safety soles 1 Pair long boots with safety soles 1 Helmet with chin strap and adequate eye protection 1 Nomex hood
2 Spanner wrenches 1 Hose strap 1 Pair insulated fire fighting gloves 1 Rechargeable flashlight; Streamlight Survivor Model SL-90X or equivalent 1 Utility jacket 1 Dress uniform with hat, shirt and tie
1 Hat badge and 1 shirt badge
Clothing Maintenance Allowance. A clothing maintenance allowance of THREE HUNDRED ($300) DOLLARS will be provided to every employee covered by this Agreement for the cleaning and maintenance of uniforms per year. Effective on July 1, 2013, the Clothing Maintenance Allowance shall be FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY ($450) DOLLARS per year. The clothing maintenance allowance will be paid during the month of October. An employee must be on the payroll as of October 1 to qualify for payment for clothing maintenance allowance. If an employee is absent from work due to sick leave, personal leave, injury leave, suspension or unpaid leave for more than 30 days, the clothing maintenance allowance shall be prorated for the year immediately preceding the date of such allowance at the rate of one/fifty second (1/52) of the total amount payable for each week that the employee was absent (including the first 30 days).
Clothing Maintenance Allowance. The Department of Public Safety agrees to continue its present uniform policy together with existing cleaning allowances by paying a minimum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) semi-annually in December and June. Additionally, employees in non-uniformed divisions of the Department of Public Safety shall be paid a clothing allowance of three hundred dollars ($300.00) semi-annually in December and June to be utilized for purchasing clothing. Employees of the Department of Natural Resources shall have a clothing allowance of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per year to be utilized for ordering clothing. Additionally, employees of the Department of Natural Resources shall be paid one hundred dollars ($100.00) annually on the first day of the pay period that includes July 1st to be used for cleaning and maintenance.
Clothing Maintenance Allowance. 1. The clothing maintenance allowance shall be paid to all those full-time employees serving in titles in which the employees are required to wear special clothing or a uniform and which title received a cash clothing allowance in fiscal year 2002-2003 and to all titles listed in Side Letter #3.
2.a. Each full-time employee who while serving in a covered title under the conditions described in C.1. above, and who will have completed one (1) full year of service on or before July 1, 2007, or on or before July 1 of any subsequent year, shall receive an annual cash clothing maintenance allowance of $650 in FY’08, $650 in FY’09, $675 in FY’10, and $700 in FY’11.
Clothing Maintenance Allowance. Effective January 1, 2005, the County shall provide a clothing maintenance allowance as follows:
Clothing Maintenance Allowance. 1. Beginning on July 1, 2019, employees with an annual base compensation of less than $100,000, shall be eligible for a Clothing Maintenance Allowance (“CMA”) if they meet the following criteria:
a. They are required to wear a uniform, protective clothing or special clothing, and the State does not pay for and launder the uniform, protective clothing or special clothing; or
b. Their jobs require them to come into contact with toxins, dyes, dirt, contaminants, chemicals, blood or other bodily fluids, or other materials that ruin or soil employee clothing, or their clothing requires special or separate washing or cleaning, or they engage in direct care or direct education work that includes physical contact with students or institutional clients Intermittent or occasional contact with such substances does not satisfy the B.1.b. standard.
2. Effective each July 1, the following employees are presumed to be eligible for a CMA:
a. Employees in a title that received the CMA under the 2019-2023 contract or in a successor title, who continue to perform the same or similar duties, excluding employees on the disputed list paid pursuant to the settlement agreement reached by the parties effective April 14, 2018;
b. Employees in a work unit, in a title or successor title, where 80% or more of the employees in that same title or successor title and in that same work unit receive a CMA;
c. Employees who received a CMA prior to July 1, 2023 and who continue to perform the same or substantially similar duties; and
d. Employees who were hired, promoted, or transferred into positions that were occupied by employees who received a CMA prior to July 1, 2023.
3. Beginning February 1, 2020 and each February 1 thereafter, a department may challenge an individual’s eligibility by providing the Union notice of the disputed individuals along with an explanation for the department’s claim that the individuals do not meet the criteria set forth in paragraph 1 above and any evidence upon which the department relies in support of its position. For example, if an employee is part of an otherwise approved title, but only performs office duties, the department may submit a challenge to the eligibility. Within thirty (30) days of the Department’s notice of objection, the Union and the department will meet in an effort to resolve any disputes.
4. Each February 1, the Union may ask a department to review eligibility for CMA of employees not covered by paragraph 2 above but who the Union main...
Clothing Maintenance Allowance. Each employee covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to receive the sum of four hundred dollars ($400.00) per contract year for the maintenance of his clothing and equipment. The payment shall be made on January 15 of each contract year.
Clothing Maintenance Allowance. The Borough shall provide a first set of work boots, rain gear and cold weather gear to newly hired employees after their 90 day probation period is complete. Gloves and safety vests will continue to be the responsibility of the Borough. Any new mandatory changes to safety gear will have to be negotiated. Effective January 1, 2012, clothing and maintenance allowance shall be discontinued. Employees shall be responsible for purchasing their uniforms and for cleaning and maintaining their uniforms and any outerwear clothing and boots provided by the Borough.