PAID MEAL BREAKS. 19.1 All meal breaks throughout the duration of the shift are to be deemed as time worked unless established meal breaks are authorised by the Incident Controller. 19.2 Any meal break not provided after five (5) hours work constitutes a cribbage arrangement and therefore Clauses 22.3 and 22.4 of the Wages Parity (Salaried) Enterprise Agreement 2010 do not apply. 19.3 No employee shall have time deducted from pay for meal breaks during an incident or on standby, unless they are actually relieved of incident or standby duties (or as per Clause 19.1) for the period of the break, e.g. 30-45 minutes, or except when a recognised meal break away from the incident is granted. 19.4 Where shifts commence two (2) hours prior or two (2) hours after ordinary hours, and meals are not provided, Clauses, and 5.
PAID MEAL BREAKS. 88.1 The manager/supervisor may roster an employee for a shift that incorporates a paid meal break in the following circumstances: (a) where work is performed in isolated locations; (b) a shift is worked by only one or two employees; and (c) for reasons of patient and employee safety, it is not appropriate for the employees to leave the workplace to take a meal break. 88.2 The manager/supervisor will consult with affected employees before paid meal break provisions are implemented, and will consult with the unions and employees about any subsequent withdrawal or extension of the arrangement. 88.3 A paid meal break will be paid at ordinary time rates. 88.4 The incorporation of a paid meal break into an existing shift pattern will not usually result in a change to the starting and finishing times of a shift. 88.5 A paid meal break will not count towards the accumulation of an ADO or any entitlement to leave. 88.6 The provisions in Clause 87 (Tea Breaks) of this Agreement also apply to these employees. 88.7 When an employee is rostered on a shift of more than 6 (six) hours duration that includes a paid meal break, the employees will be permitted to take a 30 (thirty) minute break during the shift. 88.8 An employee may take tea breaks and a meal break together, or in 2 (two), or 3 (three) parts totalling 50 minutes, subject to operational requirements. 88.9 Whenever an employee is on a meal break, the employee will be required to be ready to return to duty as and when the need arises, and to resume the employee’s break at a later time. 88.10 The employee and the employee's manager/supervisor will agree on the usual pattern of breaks within a shift, to best meet the employee's requirement for relief from work, and to best meet service requirements. 88.11 Subject to subclause 88.12 where as a result of exceptional clinical workload, an employee has not been able to take a 30 minute meal break, the employee is entitled to be paid at overtime rates as per subclause 95.1 of this Agreement. 88.12 The employee must contact the shift coordinator (or equivalent) and either: (a) make an arrangement for relief to be provided to permit the employees to take a break; or (b) obtain approval to work without the break. 88.13 The sum paid in respect of the paid meal break will be taken to be included in the extra payment made in respect of the missed meal break under subclause 88.11.
PAID MEAL BREAKS. In a defined area where there is a straight eight operation, all employees shall receive a paid meal break whilst the straight eight operation continues.
PAID MEAL BREAKS. All employees, other than dealers, slot attendants, slot supervisors and dealer supervisors, working shifts of more than five (5) hours are entitled to a paid meal break between the third and fifth hour of work. Such meal breaks shall be for one-half (1/2) hour.
PAID MEAL BREAKS. An employee working a shift of not less than four (4) hours shall receive one (1) fifteen (15) minute paid rest period. An employee working a shift of more than six and one-half (6 ½) hours shall receive one (1) additional fifteen (15) minute paid rest period.
PAID MEAL BREAKS. All meal breaks throughout the duration of the shift are to be deemed as time worked unless established meal breaks are authorised by the Incident Controller.
PAID MEAL BREAKS. 15.2.1 Instead of the unpaid meal break provided in clause 15.1, a team member whose entitlement to a meal break in accordance with sub-clause 15.1.1 falls between the hours of midnight and 6.00am, shall be entitled to a paid meal break of 30 minutes.
PAID MEAL BREAKS. (a) The paid meal break arrangements set out in this clause 6.18.1 and clause 6.18.2 do not apply to employees in Edition Control, Quality Digital Publishing and Advertising Production. (b) Subject to clauses 6.18.1(e) and (f) and to clause 6.18.2, each employee will be allowed a paid 30 minute meal break commencing within five hours of starting work and commencing within each five hours worked by the employee thereafter if the employee is to continue work after the meal break. Provided that where the work at the end of a shift can be completed within another 30 minutes, up to 5 ½ hours (not including dirty work wash up time) will be worked without a meal break or payment of a Meal Penalty. (c) The Company may require meal breaks to be taken on a staggered basis, a split crew basis or with employees taking a meal break at the same time in order to meet the objectives set out in clause 6.18.1 (d) below. Subject to those objectives, every effort will be made to regularise times of meal breaks and to compress the spread of meal breaks into as short a time as possible.
PAID MEAL BREAKS shiftworkers
PAID MEAL BREAKS. An employee working a shift of not less than four (4) hours shall receive one (1) fifteen