PERSONNEL CATEGORIESSection 1. During or at the completion of a nurse’s probationary period, the manager will determine whether any step advancement is appropriate. The parties recognize that the probationary review will not result in an automatic increase and that the decision regarding any adjustment is in management’s sole discretion.
PERSONNEL CATEGORIES. 3 1. Introductory Nurse- A newly employed experienced nurse with less than 4 six months of service who may be dismissed or disciplined during such 5 period without recourse to the grievance procedure. If dismissed, an 6 introductory nurse shall, upon request, be given an exit interview in which 7 the reasons for dismissal will be stated. A New Graduate Nurse or RN 8 Intern’s introductory period will commence upon completion of training or 9 the internship program and will last for three (3) months. 11 2. Regular Nurse - A nurse who has completed the introductory period.
PERSONNEL CATEGORIES. In general personnel in Danish Armed Forces are organised in three categories: Officers, NCOs and privates (additionally you will find conscripts). Reserve personnel are equally organised.
PERSONNEL CATEGORIES. 3 1. Introductory Nurse- A newly employed experienced nurse with less than 4 six months of service who may be dismissed or disciplined during such 5 period without recourse to the grievance procedure. If dismissed, an 6 introductory nurse shall, upon request, be given an exit interview in which 7 the reasons for dismissal will be stated. A New Graduate Nurse or RN 8 Intern’s introductory period will commence upon completion of training or 9 the internship program and will last for three (3) months. 11 2. Regular Nurse - A nurse who has completed the introductory period. 13 3. Regular Full Time Nurse - A full-time nurse shall be defined as any nurse 14 who holds a .9 FTE to 1.0 FTE and who is regularly scheduled to work 15 thirty-six (36) hours per week to forty (40) hours per week. 16 4. Regular Part Time Nurse - A part time nurse shall be defined as any 17 nurse who holds a .1 FTE to .89 FTE and who is regularly scheduled to 18 work eight (8) hours per week to thirty-five (35) hours per week. 20 For the purpose of determining health and welfare benefit eligibility, 21 nurses working .8 and above shall be granted such benefits consistent 22 with full-time employees as offered to the majority of SHS employees. 23 Nurses working .5 to .79 shall be granted health and welfare benefits 24 benefits as outlined in Article 18. consistent with part-time employees as
PERSONNEL CATEGORIES. 3 1. Introductory Nurse- A newly employed experienced nurse with less than 4 six months of service who may be dismissed or disciplined during such 5 period without recourse to the grievance procedure. If dismissed, an 6 introductory nurse shall, upon request, be given an exit interview in which 7 the reasons for dismissal will be stated. A New Graduate Nurse or RN 8 Intern’s introductory period will commence upon completion of training or 9 the internship program and will last for three (3) months. 11 2. Regular Nurse - A nurse who has completed the introductory period. 13 3. Regular Full Time Nurse - A nurse scheduled to work a predetermined 14 work schedule of at least 72 hours per pay period A full-time nurse shall 15 be defined as any nurse who holds a .9 FTE to 1.0 FTE and who is 16 regularly scheduled to work thirty-six (36) hours per week to forty (40) 17 hours per week. 18 4. 3.
PERSONNEL CATEGORIES. 2 A. Definitions: 3 1. Introductory Nurse- A newly employed experienced nurse with less than 4 six months of service who may be dismissed or disciplined during such 5 period without recourse to the grievance procedure. If dismissed, an 6 introductory nurse shall, upon request, be given an exit interview in which 7 the reasons for dismissal will be stated. A New Graduate Nurse or RN 8 Intern’s introductory period will commence upon completion of training or 9 the internship program and will last for three (3) months. 10 2. Regular Nurse - A nurse who has completed the introductory period. 11 3. Regular Full Time Nurse - A nurse scheduled to work a predetermined 12 work schedule of at least 72 hours per pay period 13 4. Regular Part Time Nurse - A nurse scheduled to work a predetermined 14 work schedule less than 36 hours per week. 15 5. Per Diem Nurse - A nurse who is scheduled on an as-needed basis with 16 no assigned F.T.E. but who works an average of any of the following 17 combinations: 1) one weekend per calendar month or four (4) non- 18 weekend shifts per calendar month, as well as one of the following 19 holidays pre-scheduled by the manager by rotation each year 20 (Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas , New Year's Eve or New Year’s 21 Day). If a Per Diem nurse fails to perform the required minimum work 22 over a calendar three (3) month period, they may be terminated. A 23 mandatory absence given to a Per Diem nurse shall satisfy the work 24 requirements for that shift. For purposes of this provision, "weekend" 25 means any combination of two weekend shifts in a calendar month. Per 26 Diem nurses shall not be eligible for overtime pay until they have worked 27 more that forty (40) hours in an identified work week, unless they have 28 been assigned to an eight and eighty (8-80) pay rule. 29 6. Temporary Nurse - A nurse employed as an interim replacement or for 30 temporary work on a predetermined basis which does not extend beyond 1 three (3) calendar months. Upon request, the Medical Center will provide 2 a list of nurses working in a temporary capacity beyond six (6) months. 3 7. Coordinator - A nurse who performs special assigned functions in addition 4 to serving as a shift specific resource regarding patient/unit specific care 5 issues.
PERSONNEL CATEGORIESSection AProbationary Nurses Section BRegular Nurses


  • Employee Categories All employees fall into one or the other of four principal categories as outlined below.

  • Employment Categories (a) Employees under this Agreement will be employed in one of the following categories: (i) full-time; (ii) part time; or (iii) casual. (b) At the time of engagement an employer will inform each employee whether they are employed on a full-time, part time or casual basis. An employer may direct an employee to carry out such duties that are within the limits of the employee’s skill, competence and training, consistent with the respective classification.

  • Categories All personnel of the Logistics & Supply Business Unit, within the following work categories and in classifications as enumerated in Article 8.03, are covered by this Agreement. Nothing in this agreement prevents an employee from performing either on a day to day or regular basis, any function or task that is generally performed by any category, provided that the employee is competent to perform the work required. Any efficiencies attained out of this flexibility is not intended to eliminate a category.

  • Client Categorisation 4.1. The client understands and accepts that each category of Clients has its individual level of regulative protection acknowledging that Retail Clients have the highest level of protection whereas Professional Clients and Eligible Counterparties are considered to be more experienced, informed, skilled and able to estimate their risk, therefore are provided with a lower level of protection. 4.2. The Company will treat the Client as a Retail Client, Professional Client or Eligible Counterparty, depending on how the Client completes the Application Form and according to the method of categorisation as this method is explained under the title “Client Categorisation” (Appendix II), and by accepting this Agreement the Client accepts application of such method. 4.3. The Client accepts that when categorising the Client and dealing with him, the Company will rely on the accuracy, completeness and correctness of the information provided by the Client in his Application Form and the Client has the responsibility to immediately notify the Company in writing if such information changes. 4.4. The Company has the right to review the Client’s Categorisation and change his Categorisation if this is deemed necessary (subject to Applicable Laws).

  • Criminal History Category With regard to determining defendant’s criminal history points and criminal history category, based on the facts now known to the government, defendant’s criminal history points equal zero and defendant’s criminal history category is I.

  • PERSONNEL FOLDERS ‌ An employee shall be entitled to review the contents of the employee’s official departmental personnel folder at reasonable intervals, upon request, during hours when the employee’s personnel office is normally open for business. Such review shall not interfere with the normal business of the department. No disciplinary document shall be placed in an employee’s official departmental personnel folder without providing said employee with a copy thereof.

  • Personnel Costs The actual Worker Wage Rate for Contractor’s hourly employees and the Monthly Salary Rate of Contractor’s salaried personnel who are identified to Owner in advance and in writing but only for the time actually stationed at the Project site with Owner’s prior consent. The Project Manager’s Monthly Salary Rate may be included in the General Conditions Costs only when the Project Manager is directly located on and managing the Project. All personnel costs are subject to audit to determine the actual cost of the wages, salaries and allowable employer contributions incurred by the Contractor for services performed for the Project.

  • CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYEES The following categories of employees may apply for benefits under this policy: Category 1: Employees who have acquired eighty-five KPERS retirement points (a combination of age and KPERS service that adds to 85) and who have completed by June 30 of the retirement year fifteen (15) years of service in USD 434 that could include service given through the employment of the Three Lakes Cooperative. Category 2: Employee who qualifies for retirement under the basic provisions of KPERS. These employees must have attained the age of 62 and have 10 years of vested service in KPERS but have not acquired eighty-five retirement points at the time of retirement and who have completed by June 30 of the retirement year fifteen (15) years of service in USD 434 that could include service given through the employment of the Three Lakes Cooperative.

  • Personnel Policies The School shall adopt, update, and adhere to personnel policies. These policies must be made readily accessible from the School’s website or school office, as described in Section 11.4. 1. If the policy is not available from the School’s website, the School shall submit the current policy to the Commission.

  • PERSONNEL REDUCTION Section 1 In the event of layoffs in connection with decreasing the work force, and the recall to work of people so laid off, the following consideration shall govern. Skill and ability as determined by reference to the employee's work record, and length of service shall be the determining factors; however, employees shall be laid off by category of seniority. There shall be three (3) seniority categories: probationary, 1 yearto 5 years seniority, and over 5 years seniority. In case of layoff, all employees in the lowest seniority category shall be laid off before proceeding to layoff of anyone in a more senior category. Where skill and ability within a category are approximately equal, length of service shall govern. Employees having the same seniority within a category shall draw lots to determine the order of layoff. No new employees shall be hired until all laid off employees have been given the opportunity to be re-hired. Employees who have been laid off will be offered re-employment in the inverse order of layoffs when they are needed again, provided they are physically qualified and possess sufficient training and experience to perform the duties of the available work. The City shall give laid off employees ten (10) days notice of its intention to rehire. The employees shall within ten (10) days period notify the City of their intention to, or not to, return to the employ of the City, and shall report to work no later than fifteen (15) days from receipt of said notice to rehire. If an employee fails to notify the City within the ten (10) calendar day period of his/her intentions to return to work, or fails to report to work within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of notice, he/she shall be considered permanently severed from the employ of the City. At the time of a layoff the City shall provide all laid off employees with a complete physical examination. At the time of rehire, the City may require a physical examination prior to the employee's return to duty, and it is expressly understood that any employee found physically unfit to return to duty may be refused re-employment and removed from the employment list. The City shall not be obligated to rehire laid off employees who have been laid off for five (5) or more consecutive calendar years, beginning from the date of layoff. Section 2 Employees laid off under provisions of this ARTICLE, who at the time of layoff had existing and established work-connected injuries, may not be denied re-employment during the five (5) year call-back period because of these work-connected injuries as existing and established prior to the layoff. Section 3 Nothing in this ARTICLE shall limit the ability of the City to provide for a compliment of officers and departmental personnel deemed in the judgment of the Chief necessary for the proper administration of the affairs of the Department and as provided for within the Departmental budget. Collective Bargaining Agreement Dover Professional Firefighters Association FY12-FY14