Posting of Vacancy Notices Sample Clauses
Posting of Vacancy Notices a. In the event the College determines to fill a full-time vacancy as defined above, the College shall post notice of the availability of the position.
b. The notice shall include the required qualifications and the approximate date the position will be available. Advertising and posting shall be for a minimum of twenty-one (21) calendar days.
Posting of Vacancy Notices. Vacancy notices for any positions included in the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement shall be posted on the District website via the Department of Personnel page prior to filling the vacancy.
Posting of Vacancy Notices. 22.10.1 Vacancy notices for bargaining unit positions shall be distributed to District departments and posted on designated District bulletin boards for seven (7) days and a copy provided to the LBCCE President.
22.10.2 Notifications of vacancies shall include instructions on the duration of eligibility lists, and procedures for applying for a transfer.
Posting of Vacancy Notices. 1. Notices of vacancy shall be posted in all schools and the District office, and on the District website. If a unit member wishes to be notified of vacancies during the summer time, the unit member shall provide the Human Resources with a written request for notification of vacancies by type, which will be mailed to a specified address. The Association shall receive a copy of all notices of vacancy. The notice of vacancy shall be sent for posting not less than ten (10) days prior to the closing date for applications.
2. All notices for vacancy shall include:
a. Closing date for receipt of application which shall not be less than ten days after notices are distributed for posting.
b. Site location for vacancy if known.
c. Grade level and/or subject area if known.
d. Credential requirement and/or job description
3. A list of vacancies, if any, shall be posted in each school by May 1. Updated lists will be posted by June 1 and June 15 and September 1. If a unit member wishes to be notified of vacancies during the summer months, the unit member shall provide the Personnel Office with a written request for notification of vacancies by type, which will be mailed to a specified address. If a unit member wishes to be notified of vacancies during the summer/off track time, the unit member shall provide the Personnel Office with a written request for notification of vacancies by type, which will be mailed to a specified address.
Posting of Vacancy Notices. Notices of all classified job vacancies in bargaining unit shall be advertised by the District by posting at each District site in accessible locations for a period of at least five (5) working days before the application period closes. Any unit member who works within that classification or has requested to be notified of a vacancy within that classification who is on leave or layoff during the period of the posting shall be mailed a copy of the notice by first class mail to the last known address on the date the position is posted.
Posting of Vacancy Notices. 8 14.02.1 When a newly created position or an existing position becomes vacant, the vacancy 9 notices shall be distributed to all worksites within a minimum of seven (7) working 10 days prior to public posting to allow for transfers.
12 14.02.2 Any unit member on leave during the period of the distribution, who would be 13 affected by a lateral transfer opportunity, shall be notified on the distribution date, if 14 requested by the unit member prior to going on leave. The unit member is 15 responsible for notifying the District of the preferred method of communication.
Posting of Vacancy Notices. In the event of a vacancy as defined above, the College shall post notice of the availability of the position at the Human Resources office, on the College web site, and via College e-mail to all employees. The notice shall include the required qualifications and the approximate date the position will be available. Posting shall be for a minimum of five (5) working days during the normal academic year and for fifteen (15) calendar days during the period between the end of the spring term and the beginning of the fall term.
Posting of Vacancy Notices. Notice of all job vacancies shall be posted on bulletin boards in prominent locations within the District and shall show the date and time the notice is posted on the bulletin board. The job vacancy notice shall remain posted for a period of at least seven (7) full working days. All employees who will be on leave or layoff on the date the position is posted shall be mailed or emailed a copy of the notice. Notice must be mailed or emailed on or before the date position is posted in the District.
Posting of Vacancy Notices. Vacancy notices for any positions included in the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement shall be posted at each worksite on the Association bulletin board prior to filling the vacancy. This provision will apply for the regular September-June academic year at traditional sites, and will apply year-round at CSP sites. Vacancy notices published during the summer will be available in the Human Resources Office for perusal. During the summer recess, until July 15, such notices shall be mailed to the home address of any employee who has filed a request for transfer and has submitted a written request for such notices.
Posting of Vacancy Notices. Administration-approved full-time faculty position vacancies shall be posted on the College's website and the staff bulletin board, e- mailed to KCC Faculty and to the Association President. The posting shall include the required qualifications. Postings shall be left open for a minimum of ten (10) working days.