RECOGNIZED PLANT HOLIDAYS. 6:01 a) The following days shall be recognized as holidays: New Year's Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Dominion Day Boxing Day Civic Holiday 3 Floating Holidays The floating holidays shall be determined in January of each year by the Plant Manager and the Local President. In the event Heritage Day is proclaimed as a Statutory Holiday, one of the existing floating holidays may be substituted at another time for Heritage Day. The dates of the holidays are to be posted on the bulletin board immediately thereafter.
RECOGNIZED PLANT HOLIDAYS. 29.01 The Plant holidays recognized by the Union and the Company are as follows: New Year's Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day August Civic Holiday *Four (4) Floating Holidays Four (4) Floating Holidays: Each employee, in order of seniority, will be able to schedule two (2) floater days, but the choice of dates will be subject to Company-approval. With respect to the two (2) remaining floater days, the Company agrees that those days will be scheduled in a manner wherein employees will be free from scheduled work, subject to emergency circumstances. The Employer and Union will meet to discuss the scheduling of the two (2) remaining floater days and attempt to assign those two (2) floater days prior to the end of February in each year of this collective agreement. Canada day will be observed at a date mutually agreed upon by the Company and the Union. Should the Company and Union not agree the date will be observed as per legislation. Each employee shall, for each of these Recognized Plant Holidays, be paid for eight
RECOGNIZED PLANT HOLIDAYS. Weekend Job Postings will be subject to the language under Article 22 of the collective agreement except for the following; When a plant holiday occurs, and the company requires to schedule the weekend job posting(s) for the essential operation of the plant. The employee(s) will receive holiday pay in lieu of an extra day off with pay. When a plant holiday occurs on an employee(s) scheduled work day the employee will be entitled to that day off with pay at the applicable rate.
RECOGNIZED PLANT HOLIDAYS. The following days shall be recognized as holidays: New Year's Day Civic Holiday Good Friday Labour Day Victoria Day Thanksgiving Day Dominion Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Family Day 2 Floating Holidays In the event that either the Federal or Provincial Government should proclaim an additional Statutory Holiday other than those listed above, it is understood and agreed that one of the floating holidays will become that day. Floating holidays shall be celebrated on days to be mutually agreed upon between each individual employee and the Company. However, should an employee elect not to celebrate such holiday, they shall be compensated in accordance with Section 27 within the calendar year.
RECOGNIZED PLANT HOLIDAYS. The plant holidays recognized by the Union and the Company are as follows: New Year’s Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day August Civic Holiday Floating Holidays In the first year of the contract the four floating holidays will be: July December December December In the second year of the contract the four floating holidays will be: July December December December In the third year of the contract the two floating holidays will be: January and May Stationary Engineers working on Christmas Day or New Years Day will be paid at double time for all hours worked. Each employee shall, for each of these recognized Plant Holidays, paid for hours at his straight time base rate provided:
RECOGNIZED PLANT HOLIDAYS. If a recognized Plant holiday, as per Clause B6, is a scheduled day off for a Continuous Operation employee, the employee shall be paid for twelve (12) hours at the straight time base rate in accordance with the conditions in Clause B6. If a recognized Plant holiday, as per Clause B6, falls during an employee’s vacation, the employee shall be entitled to a day off in lieu of the recognized Plant holiday. The Company and the employee will mutually agree to timing of the lieu day. However, the employee must give the Company at least two (2) weeks notice of the employee’s proposed lieu day. Coverage for personnel lieu day shifts will be scheduled at the Company’s discretion.
RECOGNIZED PLANT HOLIDAYS a) The following days shall be recognized as holidays: New Year's Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Dominion Day Boxing Day Civic Holiday 3 Floating Holidays The floating holidays shall be determined in January of each year by the Plant Manager and the Local President. In the event Heritage Day is proclaimed as a Statutory Holiday, one of the existing floating holidays will be used as Heritage Day. The dates of the holidays are to be posted on the bulletin board immediately thereafter.
b) Any of the above specified holidays that fall on a Saturday shall be observed on the preceding Friday by day workers. Any of the above specified holidays that fall on a Sunday shall be observed on the following Monday by day workers. In the case of shift workers, the above specified holidays shall be observed on the days on which they actually fall.
6:02 Holiday pay shall consist of an employees’ basic hourly rate in effect at time of plant holiday multiplied by the number of hours in his normal work day. (See Appendix I and J)
6:03 An employee will be paid for a holiday provided he works his last full scheduled shift before and his first full scheduled shift after such holiday, and works on such holiday if he is scheduled to work, unless he is excused by the Company. Permission will not be unreasonably withheld.
6:04 If any of the above holidays fall during an employees vacation, his vacation period shall be increased by one additional day immediately preceding or following and in conjunction with his vacation period.
RECOGNIZED PLANT HOLIDAYS. The Plant holidays recognized by the Union and the Company are as follows:
RECOGNIZED PLANT HOLIDAYS. If a recognized Plant holiday, as per Clause is a scheduled day off for a Continuous Operation employee, the employee shall be paid for twelve
RECOGNIZED PLANT HOLIDAYS. If a recognized plant holiday, as per Clause is a sched- uled day off for a Continuous Operation employee he shall be paid for hours at his straight time base rate in accor- dance with the conditions in Clause An employee required to work on any recognized plant hol- iday as provided for in Clause shall be compensated for such work at the rate of one and a half times his straight time base rate of pay in addition to the Recognized Plant Holiday pay. If a recognized plant holiday, as per Clause is a sched- uled work day for a Continuous Operation employee, how- ever the plant is closed on this day, he shall be paid for hours at his straight time base rate, in order that he is not dis- advantaged.