Floater Days Sample Clauses

Floater DaysThe Company will recognize seven (7) days off at straight time in each calendar year (January 1 – December 31). These days will not be taken while on shift or standby. This restriction will not apply to permanent shifts.
Floater Days. Each Regular Full Time employee may receive one (1) Floating day off with pay per employee per year (i.e. once every 12 months) subject to the following:
Floater Days. 18.01 The Company will recognize seven (7) paid days off at straight time in each contract year for employees hired on or before June, 2003. Such leave may be on any shift where it can be granted based on the operational needs of the Company on that shift. Employees who currently receive seven (7) floater days and the corresponding lower wage schedule set out in 27.02, will have a one-time opportunity before December, 2005 to reduce to 2 floater days commencing January 1, 2006 and be paid on the basis of the corresponding higher wage rates set out in 27.05 from January 1, 2006 forward. For all employees hired after June, 2003, the Company will recognize two (2) paid days off at straight time in each contract year and these employees will be paid on the basis of the higher wage rates set out in 27.05. 18.02 Employees hired after the anniversary date in each contract year will be granted one (1) floater day for each seven (7) weeks of completed service. 18.03 These days to be arranged by mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor. 18.04 Requests shall be responded to within forty- eight (48) hours, provided that at the time of the request the operational needs of the company are known, or the combination of absences on the requested day are within acceptable limit. 18.05 Lieu days will be scheduled on the same basis as floaters.
Floater Days. Full-Time Employees will be entitled to two (2) days off with pay each calendar year as follows: a) The first floater day off will be credited on January 1st; and b) The second floater day will be credited on July 2nd. Floater days must be used before December 15th. Unused floater days will be forfeited and will not be paid out.
Floater Days. All permanent full time employees are entitled to two (2) floater days per year, to be taken any time during the year, with Team Leader approval. Entitlement is pro rated in the first year of employment, based on start date. Floater days must be used during the year they were earned.
Floater Days. (a) It is agreed that floater days off will be assigned to employees to keep the yearly total hours of work in line with this agreement. If there is an accumulation of hours at the end of the year over the normal work year of 2080 hrs less vacation, these hours will be reimbursed at time and one-half. (b) Floater days will be administered through the shift Sergeant. Floater days will be picked by the members within each Platoon according to seniority and will not interfere with vacations, training courses, or other human resource requirements which may arise from time to time. Dates selected are subject to the approval of the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police has the authority to cancel and reschedule floater days off when necessary. Floater days off will be picked by members following the vacation pick, on each Platoon, as outlined in Article 19.03 (c) Floater days will be picked by seniority under the following guidelines: 1. The most senior person picks a block of four floater days, followed by any remaining floater days, blocks consist of 2, 3, or 4 followed by the next senior person until everyone on the Platoon has picked blocks of floater days. 2. After each Platoon member has selected his/her blocks of floaters, individual days will be picked again by seniority. For clarification, a senior person will not be permitted to take one floater day from the four scheduled days unless no other member has picked that time. 3. Floater days may be taken at any time during the year as long as there is a full shift scheduled and no special operational requirements are expected. Any employee who fails to use his/her floater days by the end of the year, will lose those floater days unless it was through no fault of the employee. In such cases the floater days will be rescheduled by mutual agreement. 4. Seniority normally applies to the picking of floaters, but, if an employee requests a floater day off under the above guidelines and is approved by the Shift Sergeant, it will be granted to the first requester, seniority will have no bearing. 5. The NCO on each Platoon will be required to notify the Chief of Police or his designate that an employee has received a floater day allotment. (d) It shall be the responsibility of all members to ensure that all floater days off to which they are entitled are used within the calendar year. If a member fails to allow sufficient time for the use of all of his/her floater days off, then he/she will lose those not used and w...
Floater DaysEmployees who have successfully completed their probation period will have one paid floating day to be used at the Employees’ discretion to minimize wages lost for missing one shift (either eight (8) or ten (10) hours). The employee shall provide the Company with as much notice as possible. Further, one (1) working days notice is required when using single floater days as vacation and seven (7) calendar days notice is required when using multiple floaters as vacation. Part-time Employees’ floater pay will be pro-rated based on their regularly scheduled hours. Eligibility is based on an Employee’s anniversary date. When an Employee reaches their second anniversary up to and including the year of their seventh year of employment, the Employee will have one additional floater day (maximum of two each year). When an Employee reaches their eighth anniversary up to and including the year of his thirteenth year of employment, the Employee will have one additional floater day (maximum of three each year). When an Employee reaches their fourteenth anniversary of employment and in each year up to and including the year of his nineteenth year of employment, the Employee will have one additional floater day (maximum of four each calendar year). When an Employee reaches their twentieth anniversary of employment and in each year thereafter, the Employee will have one additional floater day (maximum of five each year). If not used by the end of the year, the Company will pay the Employee eight (8) hours pay at year-end for each unused floater. If an Employee gives their resignation they will no longer be eligible to use their floaters. If an Employee leaves for any reason before using the floater(s), the Company will pro-rate the money to be paid the Employee based on a maximum of eight (8) hours. At the start of a layoff, an Employee may request the floater(s) to be paid out on their final pay.
Floater Days. 18.01 The Company will recognize nine (9) days off at straight time in each calendar year (January 1 – December 31). These days will not be taken while on shift or standby. This restriction will not apply to permanent shifts. 18.02 Employees hired after January 1 in each year will be granted floater days on a prorated basis. A) These days are to be arranged by mutual agreement between the employee and the supervisor. B) Floater time must be used in the calendar year that they are received, and cannot be carried over into the next calendar year. Employees who leave the Company’s service before taking their floater days will not be entitled to have these days liquidated.
Floater Days. 18.01 The Company will recognize seven (7) days off at straight time in each contract year. These days will not be taken while on shift or standby. This restriction will not apply to permanent shifts. * 18.02 Effective April 1, 2001, The Company will recognize six (6) days off at straight time * 18.03 Effective April 1, 2002, the Company will recognize five (5) days off at straight time
Floater Days. 12.01 Upon completion of one (1) year of service, employees will be entitled to three (3) floater days to be used in that calendar year. 12.02 A floater day off must be requested no later than three (3) hours prior to the end of shift one (1) working day in advance of the requested day and will be subject to management approval, which will not be unreasonably denied. In the event that management has to deny a requested day to some employees due to the number of requests for that day, any approvals will be granted within the department by facility by seniority in conjunction with vacation approval under Article 11. The ten (10%) percent rate of approval referred to Article 11 shall be inclusive of Vacation and Floater days. 12.03 Floater days must be scheduled and taken within the calendar year or are forfeited.