Release Time for Association President. The Association President and his/her administrator and the Superintendent shall collaboratively schedule release time for the Association President.
Release Time for Association President. The President of the Association will be released with pay for up to ten (10) days each year to attend hearings or proceedings involving the Association, provided the Association pays for substitute coverage. The Association will submit requests for released time as far in advance as is feasible, listing the number of days requested and specifying the meetings to be attended. The same provision shall pertain to all other members requesting absence under this section.
Release Time for Association President. The Board shall grant leave with pay for the president of the Association to attend meetings, conventions, and other activities in the interest of the Association or its affiliates. Such leave shall not exceed five (5) days.
Release Time for Association President. The three Association Presidents shall be released from assignment to supervisory duties under Section 11.14 of this contract in order to perform necessary Association business, and the district-level Association President’s release shall be scheduled during the last class period of the school day, provided the Association provides the Superintendent or designee with written notice of the name of the Association President(s) by May 15th of the preceding school year so as to permit the District adequate time to make the necessary arrangements to reassign the supervisory duties to other staff and provided that the District has enough teachers to perform supervisory duties during the time period for which the Association President is released.
Release Time for Association President. Section 1: Upon request, the NTA President shall be placed on full or half-time leave of absence (i.e., the NTA President shall be required to perform none or one-half of his or her usually assigned duties). In the event the NTA President requests and is placed on full or half-time leave of absence by the Committee, the Association shall reimburse the Committee for the exact amount earned by the person or persons who fill the full-time or half-time vacancy except that in no case shall the salary amount reimbursed exceed the salary for the Master's Degree lane, Step 4. In addition, the NTA shall also reimburse the Committee the actual cost of fringe benefits for those appointed to fill such vacancy.
Section 2: Upon request, a second NTA officer of the Association's choice shall be placed on full or half-time leave of absence (i.e., the NTA officer shall be required to perform none or one-half of his or her usually assigned duties). In the event the NTA officer requests and is placed on full or half-time leave of absence by the Committee, the Association shall reimburse the Committee for the exact amount earned by the officer. In addition, the NTA shall also reimburse the Committee the actual cost of the released officer's fringe benefits.
Section 3: All benefits (including, but not limited to, sick leave and seniority) shall continue to be earned and to accrue during the period of the President's leave.
Release Time for Association President. The President of the CTEA or his/her designee shall be given release time for PERC hearings up to a maximum of two (2) days per school year. Additional time if needed will be considered by the Board of Education.
Release Time for Association President. The Association president, or his designees, shall be granted two (2) days release time per year upon two (2) days notice to the superintendent. If it is necessary to provide substitute teachers for the released time granted herein, the Association will reimburse the District for the cost of said substitutes. The District will submit its statement to the Association reflecting the cost at the end of each semester. The Association president shall not be assigned administrative/supervisory duties one (1) day per week to handle Association business.
Release Time for Association President. The District shall provide up to one (1) hour a week of release time to the Association president to implement the mechanics of this Agreement. If any designated Association representative, other than the president, is to use the allocated time, the Association shall notify the Director, Human Resources or the designee.
Release Time for Association President. The Association President shall, with the prior approval of the Superintendent, be released from teaching duties without loss of pay to attend to Association business. Such release time shall be provided to deal only with emergency Association matters that cannot be addressed after the close of the normal school day. Upon election, the Association President shall consult with her/his building principal, who will make a good-faith effort to develop the President’s teaching schedule such that she/he is scheduled for a preparation/conference during the last portion of the regular teacher workday.
Release Time for Association President. A. Full-Time The President of the Elmira Teachers Association will be released from all District responsibilities after one half (1/2) of his/her daily teaching duty day is concluded. The President will accrue seniority at full year’s rate. If the President is a probationary teacher, he/she must fulfill a three (3) year probationary period in order to be considered for tenure. The District will transfer the President to the same or similar position at the end of his/her term.