Reproductive Loss Leave. Bargaining unit members who have been employed for at least 30 days, will be entitled to take up to 5 days of unpaid leave (which may be paid utilizing vacation or sick leave) as a result of a failed adoption, failed surrogacy, miscarriage, still birth, or unsuccessful assisted reproduction. This leave can be taken following any related paid leaves;, but must be taken within 3 months of the loss. This leave shall not exceed 20 days in a 12-month period if multiple loss events occur. When a bargaining unit member elects to use vacation
Reproductive Loss Leave. A professor shall be entitled to take up to five (5) days of unpaid reproductive loss leave per reproductive loss event. A reproductive loss event means the day or for a multiple-day event, the final day of a reproductive loss event. A reproductive loss includes, but is not limited to, failed adoption, failed surrogacy, loss of pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, or unsuccessful assisted reproduction as defined by Government Code 12945.6.
Reproductive Loss Leave. Each classified employee shall be entitled to utilize their leave balances for a reproduction loss event consistent with Section 12945.6 of the Government Code.
Reproductive Loss Leave. Employees who have been employed for at least 30 days, are entitled up to a maximum of five days of reproductive loss leave for a reproductive loss event, as defined by a failed adoption, failed surrogacy, miscarriage, stillbirth, or unsuccessful assisted reproduction.
Reproductive Loss Leave. 10.1 Members of the unit shall be entitled to a leave of absence, not to exceed five (5) days, following a reproductive loss event, including miscarriage, unsuccessful assisted reproduction, failed adoption, failed surrogacy, or stillbirth, as defined.
10.1.1 An “unsuccessful assisted reproduction” includes methods of achieving a pregnancy through an artificial insemination or an embryo transfer.
10.1.2 A “failed adoption” includes the dissolution or breach of an adoption agreement with the birth mother or legal guardian, or an adoption that is not finalized because it is contested by another party.
10.1.3 A “failed surrogacy” includes the dissolution or breach of a surrogacy agreement, or a failed embryo transfer to the surrogate.
10.1.4 A “miscarriage” includes not only a miscarriage suffered by the employee or the employee’s spouse or registered domestic partner, but also a miscarriage suffered by a surrogate after an initially successful embryo transfer or by the birth mother following an adoption agreement.
10.2 Unit members who experience a reproductive loss event may use three (3) days of Bereavement Leave, plus two (2) days of Category 2 Personal Necessity Leave. Unit members, who have exhausted their accrued sick leave, may request an unpaid leave of absence.
10.3 Unit Members are limited to a total of 20 days of leave within a 12-month period if they experience more than one reproductive loss event during that 12-month period.
10.4 The leave need not be taken immediately following the reproductive loss event, but must be taken within three (3) months of the event.
10.5 Unit members must be employed for at least 30 days prior to being eligible for Reproductive Loss Leave.
10.6 Such leave shall not accumulate from year to year.
Reproductive Loss Leave. 10.1.2 All paid leaves granted pursuant to the provisions of this article shall be credited as service for step advancement on the salary schedule and to the extent permitted by law shall be credited towards retirement in the same proportion as salary received.
10.1.3 Upon return from a leave granted pursuant to this article, an employee shall be assigned to a position substantially similar in duties to that which was held at the time that the request for leave was granted and for which the employee is credentialed and qualified. An employee returning from leave may make other arrangements with the District prior to the leave or prior to returning from the leave. An employee shall be entitled to return to the same campus except if otherwise required by district necessity.
10.1.4 All leaves of absence for whatever reason shall be requested/ reported, as appropriate, within ten
Reproductive Loss Leave. 10.16.1 An employee may be eligible for reproductive loss leave in accordance with applicable state laws.
Reproductive Loss Leave. 5 The District agrees to grant leave to process the grief caused by a reproductive loss event as required by 6 Government Code Section 12945.6.
Reproductive Loss Leave. A unit member is entitled upon request to take up to five (5) days of leave 782 following a reproductive loss event (i.e., miscarriage, stillbirth, failed adoption, 783 failed surrogacy, or an unsuccessful assisted reproduction). Leave may be taken 784 nonconsecutively. Reproductive loss leave shall not exceed twenty (20) days 785 within a 12-month period if a unit member experiences more than one 786 reproductive loss event. 787 788 8.6.2 Leave shall be completed within three (3) months of the reproductive loss event. 789 However, if a unit member is on or elects to go on any leave provided under state 790 or federal law, then leave shall be completed within three (3) months of the end 791 date of the other leave. 792
Reproductive Loss Leave. An eligible unit employee may take up to five (5) days of reproductive loss leave following a reproductive loss event. A “reproductive loss event” is defined as the day or, for a multiple-day event, the final day of a failed adoption, failed surrogacy, miscarriage, stillbirth, or an unsuccessful assisted reproduction. Days for reproductive loss leave may be taken nonconsecutively. Such leave must be completed within three months of the event, except that if a unit employee takes another available leave prior to or immediately following a reproductive loss event, the unit employee shall complete the reproductive loss leave within three months of the end date of the other leave. A unit member may use bereavement leave, accrued and available sick leave, personal leave, or compensatory time off for reproductive loss leave. If no such paid leaves are available, reproductive loss leave shall be unpaid.