Night Shifts Sample Clauses
Night Shifts. Deviations may be made from Section 2.4. of the general collective agreement, with night shifts for 7 days running being separated by 7 days’ shift leave by agreement between employer and employee.
Night Shifts. Any continuous eight (8) hours (including one hour meal break) between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Night Shifts. (a) Effective September 1, 2008, a shift bonus of 69¢ per hour shall be paid for all hours worked between 12 midnight and 8:00 a.m.
(b) Effective September 1, 2009, a shift bonus of 71¢ per hour shall be paid for all hours worked between 12 midnight and 8:00 a.m.
Night Shifts. 1. Unit employees who are assigned to work any hours that begin on or after 12:00 a.m. but before 8:00 a.m. of the next following day shall receive one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hour extra above their base hourly rate for each hour worked within this time period.
Night Shifts. Exemptions from the general rule of Section 2.4 in the general collective wage agreement can be made by organising 7 days of nightshifts with 7 days of shift breaks, with an agreement between employee and employer.
Night Shifts. 6.1. Following the last night shift worked, a Correctional Health Services employee will have a minimum break of two clear days between midnight and midnight. For example: if an employee completed block of night shifts on Monday morning (6.00am) he/she would not commence duty until at least Thursday (6.00am).
6.2. Overtime shifts/changes of duty may be worked by consent after a break of one whole day, midnight to midnight, subject to all other guidelines being observed.
Night Shifts. The time of completion shall be deemed to exclude working during night shifts. However, Engineer may consider granting permission for working during night shifts if considered essential to complete the work in the stipulated time, on a specific request by a contractor. Night work shall not entitle the contractor any extra payment. Where night work is in progress, sufficient lights shall be provided by the contractor at his cost to safe - guard the workmen and the public and suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent accidents. Excavated areas and under-ground open structures shall be properly barricaded and shall be provided with red lights to prevent accidental falls.
Night Shifts. 7.1 Rosters may only provide for a maximum of three consecutive 12 hour night shifts or in the case of eight hour shifts, four consecutive eight hour night shifts, for any individual. An additional night shift may only be worked in extreme special compassionate circumstances and only upon presentation of medical evidence. Any decision in this regard is to be endorsed by the Director General or delegated officer.
7.2 Following the last night shift worked, staff are to have a minimum break of two clear days between midnight and midnight. For example: if nurse completed block of night shifts on Monday morning (6.00am.) he/she would not commence duty until at least Thursday (6.00am).
7.3 Overtime shifts/changes of duty may be worked by consent after a break of one whole day, midnight to midnight, subject to all other guidelines being observed.
7.4 Rosters are not to provide for a permanent night shift.
Night Shifts. A night shift is defined as any shift where the majority of hours worked by an employee occur between 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. When an employee is assigned to work a night shift:
a. The employee shall receive a minimum of six (6) hours pay for each night shift provided the employee remains on the job for six (6) hours after his designated starting time, unless his supervisor gives permission to do otherwise; and
b. A premium of one dollar ($1.00) shall be added to the employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours paid.
Night Shifts. (a) A "Night Crew" is a group of employees who are regularly scheduled to work in stores after they have been closed to the public and whose duties primarily are connected with receiving and stocking the stores and the incidental functions connected therewith.
(b) A Night Crew Chief will be appointed in each store where a night shift is in operation.
(c) Regular employees shall have five (5) working days' notice of transfer to the night crew, prior to such transfer being implemented, except in the case of sickness, accident or bereavement in their particular store.
(d) The following rules shall apply to all night crew operations:
i) An employee who works on a Night Crew and who is not classified in one of the night classifications as set forth in Article 22 of this Agreement shall receive a shift premium of eighty cents (80¢) per hour for all hours worked on the night shift. For purposes of any Statutory Holiday Pay, Vacation Pay, Sick Pay or Weekly Indemnity benefits to which such an employee may be entitled during a week during which he is scheduled to work on a Night Crew, his hourly rate be deemed to include the eighty cent (80¢) premium aforesaid.
ii) The night shift shall commence between 10:00 p.m. and midnight and conclude not later than 8:30 a.m.. All night shifts shall include a one-half (½) hour unpaid meal period.
iii) Days off will be at the beginning or the end of the week.
iv) Before a Night Crew is established, the General Manager and the area Union representative will work together to locate any employees who desire night work. If insufficient volunteers are located, then the Clerks in the store involved will be required to take their turn on a rotation basis (six
v) In a situation where the Employer finds it necessary to assign employees to a Night Crew, any extenuating circumstances regarding an employee will be taken into consideration, and based on those circumstances, the Employer may not require that employee to go on nights.
vi) Employees who prefer to work on Night Crews will not participate in any rotation schedule.
vii) If a night shift employee who has been on nights for a reasonable length of time and who is senior to anyone on days wishes to work days instead of nights, he will be accommodated provided arrangements for his replacement can be worked out between the area Union representative and the District Manager.
viii) The Employer agrees that no employee will be required to work alone on a store night shift and the Employer...