Rotating Shift Employees Sample Clauses

Rotating Shift Employees. Any employee on the rotating shift schedule required to work on a rotating shift basis, will receive a premium of seven per cent (7%) of his/her regular rate for all shifts.
Rotating Shift Employees. The st andard hours shall be an average of thirty-five (35), thirty-seven and one-half (37.5), or forty (40) hours per w eek on a 4 to 6 w eek cycle as the case may be w ith a maximum of one (1) hour lunch in accordance w ith Clause 5.4. Rotating shif t shall be defined as part of a rotating shif t schedule of a 16 -hour or greater operation. The hours of st arting and f inishing of each shif t shall be determined by the Employer. Normally an employee on a rotating shif t w ill alternate through day, afternoon and night shif ts as laid dow n in the shif t schedule. Alternate arrangements in relation to the length of the cycle may be made by mutual agreement betw een the Employer and the Union.
Rotating Shift Employees. Any employee on the rotating shif t schedule required to w ork on a rotating shif t basis, w ill receive a premium of seven per cent (7% ) of his/her regular rate for all shif t s.
Rotating Shift Employees a. Rotating shift employees, except dispatcher, shall work five days of the seven day work week according to their schedules. b. Rotating shift employees who are temporarily assigned from their regular shift to another shall be paid the applicable overtime rate for the first day of work on the new shift on which they work. This provision shall apply only to the first change of schedule and does not apply when returning to the original shift. c. A rotating shift employee who is assigned to another shift other than his/her normal rotation shift in sequence will be paid the applicable overtime rate for the first day on the new shift on which he/she works. A rotating shift employee who works a new shift in normal rotation shall not be entitled to any premium pay or overtime. d. Rotating shift employees on the night shift who lose one hour of work due to change from standard to daylight savings time shall be given the opportunity to make up that hour.
Rotating Shift Employees. A. Rotating Shifts
Rotating Shift Employees. Between Labour Day and May 31st inclusive, an average of forty (40) hours per week on a four (4) or six (6) week cycle as the case may be. Between June 1st and the Friday next before Labour Day inclusive, an average of thirty-seven and one-half (37½) hours per week on a four
Rotating Shift Employees a. Rotating shift employees shall work five (5) days of the seven (7) day work week according to their schedules. b. Employees working rotating shifts in Generation Station who are temporarily assigned from their regular shift to another shift shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half for the first two days of work in the new shift for which they would normally have been paid at the straight time rate. This premium shall apply only to the first change of schedule and does not apply when returning to the original shift.
Rotating Shift Employees. Any employee of the rotating shift schedule required to work on a rotating shift basis, will receive a premium of of the regular rate of pay for his classification for all shifts. Rotating shift employees who are granted their request that they not rotate through day, afternoon and night shifts shall not receive the premium. Premium for Hours Worked Between and a.m. than Computer Operations) Where the Employer requires any employee to work hours other than what has been defined under Hours of Work, the employee shall be paid the premium for all regular hours worked provided that or more of those regular hours fall between and a.m. Regular (Permanent) Shift Employees than Snow Removal Operations) Employees who are granted their request that they not work the shift as requested by the Employer, shall not receive the premium. Work on Saturday and Sunday than Park) All hours which fall within an employee's regular work hours or work week which fall on Saturday and/or Sunday shall be subject to a premium. Work on Saturday and Sunday Park Administration) All hours which fall within an employee's regular work hours or work week which are worked on Saturday shall be subject to a premium. All hours which fall within an employee's regular work hour or work week which are worked on Sunday shall be subject to a premium of time and one half (1 the employee's hourly rate and the employee shall not be entitled to a premium for such hours. However, when such hours are subject to the payment set out in Clause the employee shall only receive the four hour short notice payment and a premium of for all regular hours worked. Posting of Shift The Employer agrees that, where possible, a schedule reflecting the changed hours of work for any employee shall: Be posted at least one week (5 working days), prior to the commencement of the shift; Be five (5) consecutive days, Monday through Friday. Monday through Friday for this purpose shall be defined as Monday commencing at a.m. and finishing on Saturday at a.m.
Rotating Shift Employees. Officers assigned to rotating shifts shall be rotated on a regular basis insofar as is practicable to meet the needs of the department. Regular shift assignments shall be posted not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the beginning of a eight (8) week shift assignment cycle. In the event that officers desire to exchange shifts they may request such exchange not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the beginning of the shift. No such shift exchange shall be permitted without the express consent of the Division Commander or his designee; provided, however, that such consent will not be arbitrarily withheld. Nothing in this Article shall limit the right of the City to call officers in for duty.
Rotating Shift Employees. A. Rotating Shifts Workweek for Rotating Shift Employees C. Work Hours for Rotating Shift Employees Rotating Shift employees will work shifts consisting of 8, 9, 10 or 12 consecutive hours, except for unpaid meal periods, as determined by management. The Company may provide on-duty meal periods at its discretion. All schedules shall be posted. Mutual shift swaps and / or trading may be allowed at no additional cost to the Company with Management’s approval.