SCHOOLING Sample Clauses

SCHOOLING. The Parents agree to work together to ensure that the Child(ren) receive a quality education and shall cooperating in making decisions regarding the Child(ren)’s education. The Parents shall share information about the Child(ren)’s academic progress and shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Child(ren) complete assigned homework and projects.
SCHOOLING. Up to three (3) employees shall be allowed a maximum of two (2) paid leave days annually to attend schooling of their choice to improve their skills related to their current position with the District after application to their Supervisor. A minimum of one (1) weeks’ notice to the Director of the Department is required. This section does not apply to any Employer-required schooling.
SCHOOLING. The company will be responsible for all costs associated with tuition and manuals required. In the event the Apprentice terminates his/her employment with the Company, reimbursement of all tuition and manual costs will be made to the Company by the Apprentice in question. Trainees will not be required to participate in the Ministry basic course if proof can be shown that a passing grade was obtained on the basic exam. Trainees will not be exempt from the intermediate and advanced courses. The courses assigned are expected to be completed by the trainee(s) within the following timeframe: - Basic course by the end of the 2nd year in the program. - Intermediate course by the end of the 3rd year in the program. - Advanced course by the end of the 4th year in the program.
SCHOOLING. In which country were you born? Australia ☐1101 Other – please specify 7) Do you speak a language other than English at home? No, English only ☐1201 English only – Go to Question 9 Yes, other – please specify 12) What is your highest COMPLETED school level? (Please tick ONE box only) Year 12 or equivalent ☐12 Year 11 or equivalent ☐11 Year 10 or equivalent ☐10 Year 9 or equivalent ☐09 Year 8 or below ☐08 Never attended school ☐02
SCHOOLING. All Officers and Firefighters will be reimbursed at their overtime rate of pay for required schooling or training required by the Employer to be taken while off duty. All training other than those required must be by the recommendation of the Chief.
SCHOOLING. Employees are encouraged to maintain and upgrade their job skills. In order to assist the employee in achieving this objective, the District will make every reasonable effort to schedule the employee’s working hours so that he/she can engage in job-related schooling or training. Employees shall receive reimbursement in the amount of fifty per cent (50%) of the tuition cost for preapproved academic or vocational courses that are job related upon successful completion of such courses. The employee shall attend such classes at a bona fide college, university, trade or technical school. Any employee desiring a change in scheduled work hours or shift shall submit a request in writing to the Director of Buildings and Grounds. The approval of any employee’s request for a change in scheduled work hours or shift for the purpose of engaging in job-related training or schooling shall be at the discretion of the Director of Buildings and Grounds. Change in scheduled work hours shall be for the duration of the specific course(s).
SCHOOLING. Job related college credit courses, approved in advance by administration, will be reimbursed at Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per contact hour upon successful completion.
SCHOOLING. The Employer shall pay the tuition, reasonable expenses and provide proper transportation for schools provided. Employees will receive mileage reimbursement at the Board approved mileage rate if the class is held outside Lapeer County and if transportation is not otherwise available. Whenever an employee is requested by the Employer to use his own personal vehicle in the line of duty and on the business of the Employer, he shall be accorded mileage reimbursement at the Board approved mileage rate.
SCHOOLING. 5.1 Apprentices are required to work in the position for a minimum of 6 months and be evaluated once by the department prior to attending school. In the event that the evaluation shows that the employee does not have the aptitude to continue within the apprenticeship, the employee would be placed in a vacant position that they are qualified to perform. On the availability of their previously held incumbent position, the employee would have the first right of refusal. 5.2 All apprentices must attend schooling at an institution in British Columbia. Exceptions will be granted only in the face of extenuating circumstances. 5.3 Apprentices must locate and schedule schooling on their own in conjunction with the Supervisor’s approval and the approval of the Human Resource Department. 5.4 Required travel time to and from school when attending academic training will not be paid. Those affected may elect to take holiday pay, or unpaid leave. 5.5 Apprentices will be placed on a 5x2 schedule while attending school and will be paid accordingly, less any subsidy paid by the government. 5.5.1 Proof of successful completion of the school term (from ITA) must be provided to the Human Resources Coordinator before the wage increase is initiated. 5.5.2 The Company’s obligation is limited to one (1) repeat during the duration of the employee’s apprenticeship, except if the failure is due to illness/injury. The Company will discontinue the sponsoring of the apprenticeship where the apprentice has failed the required schooling more than once during the term of the apprenticeship. 5.5.3 Upon removal from an apprenticeship due to failure from schooling or the writing of the IP or Final Examination, the employee will be ineligible from posting on future apprenticeship vacancies for all trades for a minimum of two (2) years and with General Manager approval. 5.5.4 Reimbursement of books will be initiated upon completion of each school term once receipts have been given to the Human Resources Coordinator. 5.5.5 The Human Resource department will provide sponsorship letters to those institutions that are willing to accept them. In the event that the employee has to pay tuition, the Company will reimburse 100% of tuition fees once receipts are received by the Human Resource Coordinator.
SCHOOLING. What is your highest COMPLETED school level? (Tick ONE box only)