SHORT TERM INCOME PROTECTION PLAN. Short-term coverage will apply to disabilities lasting up to twenty-six (26) weeks and pay will be continued in accordance with the following:
SHORT TERM INCOME PROTECTION PLAN. (3) (i) Short term coverage will apply to disabilities lasting up to twenty-six (26) weeks and pay will be continued in accordance with the following
(a) Employees shall be entitled to Short Term coverage as follows: From date of eligibility until completion of one year of service – 26 weeks at 66 2/3% pay.
(b) All employees, who have completed at least one full year of service, shall accrue entitlement to short-term income protection at 100% of pay, in increments of working weeks, at the rate of one week of 100% benefit for each 12 month absence-free period. Completion of the 12 month periods will be measured on the basis of a rolling calendar beginning initially on the date of ratification (for all employees with at least one (1) year of service as of that date) and continuing subsequently from the date of return to work from each and every successive absence. For new employees, the rolling calendar will begin initially upon their completion of one (1) year of service from date of eligibility.
(c) Employees hired before November 1, 1997 shall have previously accrued 100% entitlements frozen as existing on November 1. 1997.
(d) Absences extending for a time frame beyond that for which accrued 100% weeks are available, are covered at 66 2/3% of pay.
(e) An employee who is not present at work on becoming eligible, will commence coverage following his/her return to work. Where available, sick leave credits may be used to extend the payment of 100% weeks.
SHORT TERM INCOME PROTECTION PLAN. 23.01.01 Employees shall have the first seven (7) working days of illness, in a calendar year, covered by a Short Term Income Protection Plan, at one hundred percent (100%) of daily earnings. The Employer shall be responsible for the coverage for this portion of the Plan. These days cannot be banked, and are intended as insurance against income loss due to the employee's illness only.
02 a) Employees shall have the next eighty-three (83) working days of illness, in a calendar year, covered by the Short Term Income Protection Plan, at seventy- five percent (75%) of daily earnings.
SHORT TERM INCOME PROTECTION PLAN. Employees shall be paid for a non-occupational accidental injury or absence due to illness. Any absence of four hours or more on a scheduled working day shall constitute an "occasion” for which the employee shall be paid according to the following:
SHORT TERM INCOME PROTECTION PLAN. Short term coverage will apply to disabilities lasting up to twenty-six (26) weeks and pay will be continued in accordance with the following schedule: From the date of eligibility to December 31st 1st full year of service as of January 1st 2nd full year of service as of January 1st 3rd full year of service as of January 1st 4th full year of service as of January 1st 5th full year of service as of January 1st 6th full year of service as of January 1st plus 15 weeks 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks 7 weeks plus 24 weeks plus 23 weeks plus 22 weeks plus 21 weeks plus 20 weeks plus 19 weeks 7th full year of service as of January 1st 8 weeks plus 18 weeks 8th full year of service as of January 1st 9 weeks plus 17 weeks 9th full year of service as of January 1st 10 weeks plus 16 weeks 10th full year of service as of January 1st 11 weeks plus 15 weeks 11th full year of service as of January 1st 12 weeks plus 14 weeks 12th full year of service as of January 1st 13 weeks plus 13 weeks 13th full year of service as of January 1st 14 weeks plus 12 weeks 14th full year of service as of January 1st 15 weeks plus 11 weeks 15th full year of service as of January 1st 16 weeks plus 1O weeks 16th full year of service as of January 1st 17 weeks plus 9 weeks 17th full year of service as of January 1st 18 weeks plus 8 weeks 18th full year of service as of January 1st 19 weeks plus 7 weeks 19th full year of service as of January 1st 20 weeks plus 6weeks 20th full year of service as of January 1st 21 weeks plus Sweeks 2pt full year of service as of January 1st 22 weeks plus 4 weeks 22nd full year of service as of January 1st 23 weeks plus 3 weeks 23rd full year of xxxxxxx.xx of January 1st 24 weeks plus 2 weeks 24th full year of service as of January 1st 25 weeks plus 1 weeks 25th full year of service as of January 1st 26 weeks plus O weeks Where available, sick leave credits may be used to extend the payment of 100% weeks.
SHORT TERM INCOME PROTECTION PLAN. (a) Short term coverage will apply to disabilities lasting up to twenty-six (26) weeks and pay will be continued in accordance with the following
(i) Employees hired on or after November 7, 1996 shall be entitled to Short Term coverage as follows: From date of eligibility until completion of one year of service – 15 weeks at 66 2/3% of pay. Upon completion of the 1st full year of service – 26 weeks at 66 2/3 of pay.
(ii) All employees, who have completed at least one full year of service, shall accrue ent itlement to short- term income protection at 100% of pay, in increments of working weeks, at the rate of one week of 100% benefit for each 12 month absence-free period. Completion of the 12 month periods will be measured on the basis of a rolling calendar beginning initially on the date of ratification (for all employees with at least one (1) year of service as of the date) and continuing subsequently from the date of return to work from each and every successive absence. For new employees, the rolling calendar will begin initially upon their completion of one (1) year of service from date of eligibility.
(iii) Employees hired before November 7, 1996 shall have previously accrued 100% entitlements frozen as existing on November 7, 1996.
(iv) Absences extending for a time frame beyond that for which accrued 100% weeks are available, are covered at 66 2/3% of pay.
(v) An employee who is not present at work on becoming eligible, will commence coverage following his/her return to work. Where available, sick leave credits may be used to extend the payment of 100% weeks.
SHORT TERM INCOME PROTECTION PLAN. (a) The Plan provides that all full time employees who have completed their probationary period and are unable to perform their duties due to non-occupational illness or injury shall be entitled to income protection in accordance with the following schedule:
SHORT TERM INCOME PROTECTION PLAN. The following plan is designed to provide both long and short service employees with an income security, after they have completed an eligibility period, who are prevented from doing their normal duties due to illness or non-occupational injury. employee who has completed three ( 3 ) months continuous service prior to the implementation of The Income Protection Plan A new employee is a permanent f employee who has not completed his three ( 3 ) months continuous service.
SHORT TERM INCOME PROTECTION PLAN. The Plan is designed to provide the employee with an income if he/she cannot perform his/her normal duties due to illness or injury during both short and long term disabilities. This Plan is not intended to duplicate or replace any Workplace Safety and Insurance Benefits. An employee will be paid while he/she is disabled until the earlier of:
(i) the employee returns to work; or
(ii) the employee retires, either at the normal retirement age or opts to retire early; or
(iii) the employee exhausts his/her entitlement under either of the plans; or
(iv) the employee dies; or
(v) the employee resigns.