Short Term Coverage. The Corporation shall provide the following coverage in each calendar year:
a) Employees with less than one (1) years' service as of January 1st shall be entitled to a total of fifteen (15) working days at regular straight time pay and the balance at seventy-five percent (75%) of regular straight time pay.
b) Employees with one (1) to two (2) years' service as of January 1st shall be entitled to a total of thirty (30) working days at regular straight time pay and the balance at seventy-five percent (75%) of regular straight time pay.
c) Employees with two (2) to three (3) years' service as of January 1st shall be entitled to a total of forty-five (45) working days at regular straight time pay and the balance at seventy-five percent (75%) of regular straight time pay
d) Employees with three (3) to four (4) years' service as of January 1st shall be entitled to a total of sixty (60) working days at regular straight time pay and the balance at seventy-five percent (75%) of regular straight time pay.
e) Employees with more than four (4) years' service as of January 1st shall be entitled to a total of seventy-five (75) working days at regular straight time pay and the balance at seventy-five percent (75%) of regular straight time pay.
Short Term Coverage. For continuous disability absences involving a minimum of one hour to a maximum of two full work days, a short term coverage program is available to full time employees.
Short Term Coverage. One and one half (1 ½) working days per month shall be allowed for a total of 18 working days per year. In the event that an employee has established a claim under the WSIB, he or she may elect to use their sick leave allowance as an alternative to the benefits under the Act. Where this election is made, the compensation payment shall be made payable to the Company, and the differential in income shall be charged against the employee’s sick leave credits. If in the application of the clause an employee would receive, in the net pay, more than he had they been at work, the amount of additional pay shall be calculated at the end of the taxation year. The amount in excess shall be paid to the Company at the employee’s option by a lump sum payment or by payroll deduction in an amount not to exceed 10% of the normal bi-weekly pay. Once the repayment has been made the employee’s sick leave bank will be credited with the equivalent of the refunded amount. O-10:07 In the event an employee does not use his sick leave or has a balance of days left in the calendar year, his unused portion will be carried forward to the next year as accumulated sick leave. O-10:08 The Company agrees to provide each employee annual statements of their sick leave credits. O-10:09 Benefits under the Long Term Disability Plan begin after the one hundred and nineteenth (119th) calendar day of illness at which time the Company shall maintain payments in the amount of the Long Term Disability coverage under the LTD Plan as provided by the Company’s insurer at sixty-six and two thirds (66 2/3%) percent of salary to a maximum of $4,000.00 per month Long Term Disability payments will not be paid to an employee on WSIB. The Company shall pay for a period of time not to exceed twenty-four (24) months from this first day of illness or injury (compensable or non-compensable) its share of the premium costs for benefits listed in Articles O-11 and O-12 of this agreement. O-10:10 For a period of time not to exceed twenty-four (24) months, those employees on leave covered by WSIB shall be given consideration for any job, if available, which the employee is capable and qualified to perform. From the twelfth (12th) month to and including the twenty-fourth (24th) month, for only those employees covered by WSIB, the total cost of premiums for benefits in Articles O-11 and O- 12 of the agreement shall be paid by the employer. O-10:11
Short Term Coverage.
a) The purpose of the Short-Term Coverage is to provide regular and probationary employees with pay continuity and job security during all periods of sickness or injury up to the point an employee who is ill or injured is eligible for long term coverage. Benefits in the short term for each occurrence of sickness or injury are:
i) Employees with less than one (1) year's service –fifteen (15) working days at regular pay and the balance at seventy-five percent (75%) of regular pay;
ii) Employees with one (1) but less than two (2) years' service – thirty (30) working days at regular pay, balance at seventy-five percent (75%) of regular pay;
iii) Employees with two (2) but less than three (3) years' service – forty- five (45) working days at regular pay, balance at seventy-five percent (75%) of regular pay;
iv) Employees with three (3) but less than four (4) years' service –sixty (60) working days at regular pay, balance at seventy-five percent (75%) of regular pay;
v) Employees with four (4) years' service – eighty-five (85) working days at regular pay.
b) The Employer shall have the right to have an employee who is claiming sick pay produce a Doctor's certification of illness, for each occurrence of illness, if absent for three (3) days or more, or upon request. The cost of the Doctor’s certification of illness is at the expense of the Employer to a maximum of $50.00. Subsequent Doctor’s certifications for the same occurrence required by the Employer shall be at the Employer’s expense. Note: This Article does not create any new right for the Employer to require additional medical notes or reports.
i) In the event of a disagreement between the Consulting Physician and the employee’s Physician, the issue will be resolved by a referral to a neutral Physician who will be selected by agreement between the parties.
ii) In order to receive payment for sick time, the employee must contact his/her immediate Supervisor. If unavailable, leave a message with the immediate Supervisor and contact an alternate supervisor. If the alternate Supervisor is also unavailable leave a message with the Alternate Supervisor. The above must take place within thirty (30) minutes prior to his/her regularly scheduled start time for each day of absence or less frequently as determined by the immediate supervisor.
Short Term Coverage. The Corporation shall provide the following coverage in each calendar year:
(a) Employees with less than one (1) year's service as of January 1 shall be entitled to a total of fifteen
Short Term Coverage. Periods of less than one hundred and nineteen (119) consecutive calendar days.
Short Term Coverage a) With prior agreement from the Union, the Employer may employ its members in positions within the jurisdiction of USW 2009 without a posting for a temporary period not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days.
b) Any employees working under this provision shall be covered by all terms and conditions of this CBA, as per clause 26.08
Short Term Coverage. Benefits in the short term for each occurrence of sick- ness or injury are:
Short Term Coverage. It is expected that both job sharers will cover each other’s incidental illness and vacation. If because of unavoidable circumstances, one cannot cover the other, the manager must be notified, by the booked job sharer, to book coverage.
Short Term Coverage. The Employer will make all reasonable efforts to backfill absences of three (3) or more weeks using the following process:
a) The Employer will canvass employees within the USW Local 2009 bargaining unit to fill the temporary assignment prior to utilizing its members. The senior employee will be awarded the temporary assignment.
b) With prior agreement from the Union, the Employer may employ its members in positions within the jurisdiction of USW 2009 without a posting for a temporary period not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days if the Employer is not able to fill the temporary assignment as stated in Article 14.07(a).
c) Any employees working under this provision shall be covered by all terms and conditions of this CBA, as per Article 26.08