SPECIFIED PAID HOLIDAYS. Shall apply to Regular Part Time Employees. However, the eligibility for payment and amount of Specified Holiday Pay owed to the Regular Part Time Employee, shall be as prescribed in the Employment Standards Act. Casual/Seasonal Part Time Employees shall receive Statutory Holiday Pay in accordance with the Employment Standards Act. Summer Student Employees as defined in Article 35:07 shall be considered Casual/Seasonal Employees.
SPECIFIED PAID HOLIDAYS. 13:01 Regular route runs on a Specified Paid Holiday will be paid what the run would normally have paid had it not been a holiday. Spareboard employees on a regular run will be paid what the run would pay a regular assigned Operator. Unassigned employees on the spareboard will receive eight hours pay for all Specified Paid Holidays. The following shall be considered paid holidays: New Year's Day Family Day (3rd Monday in February) Good Friday Easter Sunday Victoria Day Canada Day * Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Christmas Day Boxing Day * When Canada Day falls on a Sunday, it shall be considered a regular work day and the Holiday will be the Monday. It is understood that the employee working the paid holiday will be compensated accordingly.
(a) An employee required to work on the day of observance of a Specified Paid Holiday shall be paid 1 ½ times their regular rate for the hours worked in addition to this holiday pay.
(b) An employee required to work on their regular day off on the day of observance of a specified paid holiday shall be paid two times their regular rate for such hours worked in addition to their holiday pay.
13:03 In order for an employee to qualify for any of the above rates of specified holiday pay an employee must have worked their last scheduled shift prior to and their first scheduled after the day on which the specified paid holiday is celebrated unless absent on authorization of the Manager or their appointee. Such authorization will not be withheld unreasonably.
SPECIFIED PAID HOLIDAYS. 12:01(1) All Permanent Full Time, Probationary Full Time and Temporary Full Time Employees except Students, shall be paid a normal day's pay (i.e. their regular rate times (x) seven (7) hours) for each of the following Holidays, except as otherwise provided under Article 12. Permanent Full Time Employees on sick leave of absence with pay shall receive the same consideration and remuneration.
1. New Year's Day 2. Family Day
SPECIFIED PAID HOLIDAYS. Pumping Station Attendant Pumping Station Attendant Helper Plants Serviceperson Plants Serviceperson (Millwright) Maintenance Operator (Mechanical) Plants Serviceperson Helper *Wastewater Plant Operator "A" *Wastewater Plant Operator "B" Maintenance Operator (Diesel) Maintenance Operator (Electrician/Instrumentation) Electrician Electrician Apprentice Instrument Technician - 15 hours - 3 hours - 7 hours - 7 hours - 7 hours - 3 hours - 3 hours** - 3 hours - 3 hours - 2 hours - 2 hours - 1/2 hour - 1 hour *To revert to two (2) hours per week upon elimination of Lift Station in their areas. ** 12 hours per week, prorated to the actual hours worked in the Lift Station. The Raw Sewage Premium will be SIX ($6.00) DOLLARS times the applicable hourly allotment, and LC:20 - Retirement Incentive will be implemented effective October 1st, 1989. The Raw Sewage Premium will be paid for time worked in Wastewater only. When the Employees are assigned work in Water, the Raw Sewage Premium will not apply.
SPECIFIED PAID HOLIDAYS. Specified Paid Holidays shall be the days on which the following are celebrated:
SPECIFIED PAID HOLIDAYS. Pumping Station Attendant Pumping Station Attendant Helper Plants Serviceperson Plants Serviceperson Helper *Wastewater Plant Operator "A" *Wastewater Plant Operator" B" Electrician Electrician Apprentice Instrument Technician - 15 hours - 3 hours - 7 hours - 3 hours - 3 hours - 3 hours - 2 hours - 1/2 hour - 1 hour *To revert to two (2) hours per week upon elimination of Lift Station in their areas. The Raw Sewage Premium will be SIX ($6.00) DOLLARS times the applicable hourly allotment, and LC:20 - Retirement Incentive will be implemented effective October 1st, 1989.
SPECIFIED PAID HOLIDAYS. 15.01 All permanent and probationary full-time nurses shall be paid a normal working day’s pay at their basic rate for each of the following specified paid holidays: New Year’s Day Family Day Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Christmas Day Boxing Day
15.02 When a nurse is required to work on a specified paid holiday, nurses are under the same obligation to work that day similar to any other scheduled day of work.
(a) Full-time nurses who are required to work on a specified paid holiday, shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1½) their basic rate of pay in addition to their pay for the specified paid holiday.
(b) Notwithstanding Article 15.03 (a), when a full-time nurse options for a lieu day off with basic pay the nurse shall forfeit statutory holiday pay under Article 15.01. A lieu day off must be taken within thirty (30) calendar days before or after the date on which the statutory holiday was observed on a day mutually agreed between the nurse and the Employer, prior to the schedule being posted. If such day off is not taken during either of the thirty
SPECIFIED PAID HOLIDAYS. Pumping Station Attendant Pumping Station Attendant Helper Plants Serviceperson Plants Serviceperson (Millwright) Maintenance Operator (Mechanical) Plants Serviceperson Helper *Wastewater Plant Operator "A" *Wastewater Plant Operator "B" Maintenance Operator (Diesel) Maintenance Operator (Electrician/Instrument Technician) Electrician Electrician Apprentice Instrument Technician - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 hours 3 hours 7 hours 7 hours 7 hours 3 hours 3 hours** 3 hours 3 hours 2 hours 2 hours 1/2 hour 1 hour *To revert to two (2) hours per week upon elimination of Lift Station in their areas. ** 12 hours per week, prorated to the actual hours worked in the Lift Station. The Raw Sewage Premium will be SEVEN DOLLARS AND TWENTY- EIGHT CENTS ($7.28) times the applicable hourly allotment. Effective July 16th, 2019, the Raw Sewage Premium will increase to Effective April 1st, 2020, the Raw Sewage Premium will increase to Effective April 1st, 2021, the Raw Sewage Premium will increase to Effective April 1st, 2022, the Raw Sewage Premium will increase to The Raw Sewage Premium will be paid for time worked in Wastewater only. When the Employees are assigned work in Water, the Raw Sewage Premium will not apply.
SPECIFIED PAID HOLIDAYS. All Permanent, Probationary and Temporary Full Time Employees shall be paid a normal working day's pay at their regular rate for each of the following Specified Paid Holidays, except as otherwise provided under Article #18:03. Permanent Full Time Employees on sick leave of absence with pay shall receive the same consideration and remuneration.
SPECIFIED PAID HOLIDAYS. 15.01 All permanent and probationary full-time nurses shall be paid a normal working day’s pay at their basic rate for each of the following specified paid holidays: New Year’s Day Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Christmas Day Boxing Day Floating Holiday - To be taken in each calendar year at a time mutually agreed to between the nurse and the nurse’s supervisor. Nurses scheduled to replace nurses on floaters will be paid at the prevailing straight time rate for such work.
15.02 When a nurse is required to work on a specified paid holiday, nurses are under the same obligation to work that day similar to any other scheduled day of work.
(a) Full-time nurses who are required to work on a specified paid holiday, shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1½) their basic rate of pay in addition to their pay for the specified paid holiday.
(b) Notwithstanding Article 15.03 (a), when a full-time nurse options for a lieu day off with basic pay the nurse shall forfeit statutory holiday pay under Article 15.01. A lieu day off must be taken within thirty (30) calendar days before or after the date on which the statutory holiday was observed and payment shall be made to the nurse in accordance with Article 15.01.
(c) A part-time nurse who works on a designated holiday listed in this Agreement shall be paid two and one-half (2½) times the regular straight time hourly rate for all hours worked on such holiday. Where the nurse is required to work additional hours following the full tour on that day, the nurse shall be paid two