Summative Assessment Sample Clauses

Summative Assessment. The Summative Assessment is the end judgment of the evaluator about the overall performance level of the employee, either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The evaluator must call attention to area(s) in which an employee may require improved job performance, if any. If performance is satisfactory but the evaluator has suggestions for making it better, s/he comments in Section B. If performance is unsatisfactory in an area, the evaluator notes the concern in Section C. and provides a specific Plan of Improvement. The plan should be specific as to the needed areas of improvement, the goals and objectives desired, and the particular course of action to be followed, including the timeline for accomplishment. F. The work performance of an employee shall be evaluated at least biennially, using the Secretary and Paraprofessional Performance Appraisal (Appendix E). It is mutually agreed and understood that evaluations may occur as frequently as needed in the judgment of the supervisor, consistent with other contract provisions as applicable. Before an employee’s job performance is rated Unsatisfactory on a Summative Assessment, the supervisor shall meet with the individual at least one (1) month prior to such a rating being submitted in order to put the employee on notice that the employee’s job performance is not satisfactory and to discuss means of improvement. A completed Formative Assessment will be used to put the employee on such notice.
Summative Assessment. (See Article 13.C.3.c.5 below.)
Summative Assessment. (See Section V below.)
Summative Assessment. No later than May 15th, the teacher and evaluator shall meet to discuss the teacher's final summative score. This conference will include a review of the evidence gathered including formal and informal observations, artifacts, student growth data, professional contributions, impacts on learning, and other ancillary evidence. Multiple measures of student growth must be used in the evaluation process and such measure may include classroom- based, school-based, District-based and state-based tools. The final summative score will be based on the alignment of evidence gathered based on the CEL'S SD+ and State Student Growth rubrics. The teacher will sign two (2) copies of the evaluation to indicate receipt. The signature of the teacher does not imply that the employee agrees with its contents, only that he or she has read it. The teacher may attach any written comments or rebuttal to the final annual evaluation report no later than June 15th . If the teacher's overall final summative rating is below Proficient, the evaluator will use the evidence as provided by the teacher as an explanation for the Unsatisfactory or Basic rating. When appropriate, a lack of evidence as required in the rubrics may also be used in such an explanation. In the case of a "basic" or "unsatisfactory" rating, the teacher and evaluator shall meet prior to the end of the school year or at the beginning of the following school year to determine what support would best serve the teacher. If a teacher disagrees with the evaluator's overall summative performance rating, the evaluator's rating shall be recorded and the teacher may attach any written comments or rebuttal as outlined above. All continuing contract employees receiving an annual, final summative performance rating below level 3, Proficient, shall be given additional support by the District. Such support may include, but not be limited to, paid in-service training, release time to observe colleagues, assignment of a coach/mentor; additional, focused professional development resources, professional growth opportunities, and guided growth plans, etc. Any teacher whose performance has been judged unsatisfactory may be placed on a program for improvement any time after October 15.
Summative Assessment. All subjects will mark the summative assessments in depth. This must include a question level/knowledge, skill and understanding analysis linked to success criteria so that pupils are able to identify where they are successful in their learning and which areas they need to improve or develop. Following the summative assessment pupils must be provided with opportunity to improve their knowledge, skills or understanding. All assessment of pupil work should: • Inform future planning and individual target setting. • Focus on student learning. • Be given at frequent intervals and follow appropriate timings. • Be positive and personal in tone and accessible. • Be supportive of achievement in all its forms. • Help the student to improve their work. • Promote learner confidence and motivation. • CITIZENSHIP and PSHE Many aspects of life, both in and outside the school are dealt with in this subject. Careers, study skills, bullying, drugs and Relationship and Sex education are some of the main topics. British values and other pertinent topics such as Child Sexual Exploitation and grooming are also discussed to raise awareness to young people. Citizenship and PSHE will be taught by your child’s form tutor. There are many outside speakers and events which are covered in this subject area. If you wish to withdraw your child from Relationship and Sex Education, please make a written request to Xxx Xxxxxxxxxx (Headteacher) to
Summative Assessment. The summative assessment that corresponds with the chosen syllabus should be included in the mini-portfolio. If a final exam is not used, an appropriate capstone project or presentation, or other assessment tool should be included. It is important that the directions/questions are clear and that an exam meets the appropriate standards of good test design. Whatever the summative assessment or capstone project is, it must elicit information that promotes the stated learning outcomes for the course.
Summative Assessment. The third assessment, which constitutes the final annual evaluation report, is based on the evaluator's prior classroom visitations as well as his/her holistic and summative assessment of the Professional Staff Member's professional performance. The Professional Staff Member has the opportunity to reflect on and respond to the evaluator's summary statements and recommendations. Additional classroom observations may be scheduled at the request of the classroom Professional Staff Member or at the discretion of the evaluator. Each observation will be recorded using the clinical observation form. The primary foci of the two classroom observations are the components of domains B and C. Evaluators, however, will also use the pre- and post-observation conferences to collect and record evidence relating to domains A and D from the Pathwise model. Once completed, the final evaluation report will be placed in the Professional Staff Member's personnel file.
Summative Assessment. Subject to clause 5.1(c), the maximum amount of Grant payable to the Grant Recipient in respect of the summative assessment in accordance with clause 14.2(e) shall be £11,452 and shall not exceed 1% of the Project Specific Eligible Expenditure or £100,000, whichever is the lower.
Summative Assessment. Standardized, norm-referenced formal assessments are published tests that are generally developed by experts in the field. They have precise directions for administration and scoring procedures. Standardization requires that procedures specified for these be followed exactly in order to assure that all students perform under similar conditions.