Taking of Leave of Absence. The taking of a leave of absence shall be governed by the following provisions:
Taking of Leave of Absence. Participants in the Plan shall give the Employer a minimum of six (6) months notice prior to taking of such leave, which shall not normally be less than four (4) months or greater than one (1) year. At this time, the participant will choose either a lump sum payment at the commencement of the leave, or receive regular biweekly salary payments. The salary to be paid to the employee during the leave of absence shall be related to the monies retained by the College under this plan, less any deductions made by the College for health and welfare benefits, as identified in 11.11.8. If the Employer is genuinely unable to obtain a suitable replacement, the Employer will notify the participant in writing not less than four (4) months prior to the requested leave date, that the leave is postponed. The deferred leave may be postponed by not more than one (1) year. In the event of a postponement, the participant may choose to remain in the plan or withdraw from it; in the latter case the Employer shall pay the participant the deferred compensation in one lump sum payment within sixty (60) days of such withdrawal. Participants must take the deferred leave after a maximum of six (6) years within the plan or after salary deductions have totaled one hundred percent (100%). Employees may, no later than six (6) months prior to this date, request a postponement of the commencement of their leave. This postponement shall not normally exceed twelve (12) months.
Taking of Leave of Absence. The taking of a Leave of Absence shall be governed by the following provisions:
4.1 The Leave of Absence shall occur according to, and be governed by the terms of this Article.
4.2 The leave of absence shall be for not less than six (6) consecutive months. NB: To comply with Revenue Canada - Income Tax Act
4.3 The leave of absence shall commence and subsequently cease coinciding with the natural breaks in the delivery of the education program.
4.4 The time and manner of payment to the participant during the leave of absence shall be in accordance with a plan determined by the participant prior to the commencement of leave, but in any event payments shall not be more frequent than provided for the payment of regular salaries and all amounts payable shall be paid to the participant no later than the end of the first taxation year that commences after the end of the deferral period. NB: To comply with Revenue Canada - Income Tax Act
4.5 The salary to be paid to a Participant during a Leave of Absence shall be related to the moneys retained by the Board in accordance with clause 3.1 for such Participant, as augmented by the interest earned thereon in accordance with clause 3.3, but less any deductions made by the Board under clause 5.1 and any monies required by law to be paid by the Board for or on behalf of a Participant. NB: To comply with Revenue Canada - Income Tax Act
4.6 The total of the payments to be made to a participant in accordance with clause 4.2 during a leave of absence shall be the deferred compensation amount retained by the board, but less any monies required by law or in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement, to be paid by the board for or on behalf of a participant. The participant shall not receive any salary from the board during the leave other than the deferred compensation amount. NB: To comply with Revenue Canada - Income Tax Act
4.7 Notwithstanding the period of leave specified in the Memorandum of Agreement, a participant may, on one occasion only, with the consent of the Superintendent or designate, and, given not less than six (6) months notice prior to the scheduled date for the commencement of the leave, postpone such leave for a period not greater than one year. This postponement will not move the commencement of the leave beyond six years from the date of enrollment in the Plan. NB: To comply with Revenue Canada - Income Tax Act
4.8 Subject to 4.7 above, the leave of absence shall immediately follow the deferr...
Taking of Leave of Absence. The taking of a Leave of Absence shall be governed by the following provisions:
4.1. The Leave of Absence shall occur according to and be governed by the Collective Agreement then in force between the Employer and the Association. In no case shall the Leave of Absence be for a period of less than five (5) months and each Participant shall return to employment for a period of time at least equal to the period of the Leave of Absence.
Taking of Leave of Absence. 4.1 The Leave of Absence shall occur according to, and be governed by, the provisions of the Collective Agreement.
4.2 The manner of payment to the Participating during the Leave of Absence shall be in monthly installments commencing one month following the start of the Leave of Absence. In no event shall payment be made more frequently than monthly and all of the Deferred Compensation Amount will be paid to the Participant no later than the end of the first taxation year that commences after the end of the period of deferral.
4.3 The amounts to be paid to the Participant during the Leave of Absence shall be related to the monies retained by the Federation in accordance with 3.1 above, but less any deductions made by the Federation under 4.6 below, and any monies required by law to be paid by the Federation for or on behalf of the Participant.
4.4 While the Participant is enrolled in the plan, any applicable health and welfare benefits computed with reference to salary shall be structured according to the Current Compensation Amount.
4.5 The Federation will continue paying its share of applicable health and welfare benefit premiums for the Participant during the non-leave years of the plan.
(a) The Federation will maintain applicable health and welfare benefit coverage for the Participant during the Leave of Absence. The Federation will pay the costs of these plans for the first two months of the leave period, and the Participant will assume the full costs for said benefits for any period of leave in excess of two months, save those required to be paid by the Federation by law.
(b) The cost of the Participant’s applicable health and welfare benefit coverage for leave periods in excess of two months shall be deducted from the monthly installment payments.
(c) The Federation will pay from the Deferred Compensation amount all union dues that may be required under the Union’s constitution.
4.7 During the Leave of Absence, the Participant will not accumulate nor be entitled to statutory holidays, maternity, sick or other leaves, or promotions.
Taking of Leave of Absence. (a) Participants in the Plan shall give the Employer a minimum of six (6) months notice prior to taking of such leave, which shall not normally be less than four (4) months or greater than one (1) year. At this time, the participant will choose either a lump sum payment at the commencement of the leave, or receive regular biweekly salary payments.
(b) The salary to be paid to the employee during the leave of absence shall be related to the monies retained by the College under this plan, less any deductions made by the College for health and welfare benefits, as identified in Article 11.10.8.
(c) If the Employer is genuinely unable to obtain a suitable replacement, the Employer will notify the participant in writing not less than four
Taking of Leave of Absence. 3.1 The Leave of Absence shall occur according to, and be governed by, the provisions of the Collective Agreement.
3.2 The manner of payment to the Participant during the Leave of Absence shall be in monthly instalments commencing one month following the start of the Leave of Absence. In no event shall payment be made more frequently than monthly and all of the Deferred Compensation Amount will be paid to the Participant no later than the end of the first taxation year that commences after the end of the period of deferral.
Taking of Leave of Absence. The Leave of Absence shall occur according to, and be governed by, the provisions of the Collective Agreement.
Taking of Leave of Absence. The taking of a Leave of Absence shall be governed by the following provisions: The Leave of Absence shall occur according to this Article and the Memorandum of Agreement signed by the Employee and the Board. The manner of payment to the Participant during the Leave of Absence shall be in installments commencing September being approximately equal to one-tenth of the monies for the 10-month employees and one-twelfth of the monies for the 12-month employees by the Board for the Participant in accordance with clause as determined at the beginning of the Leave of Absence, unless otherwise directed by the Participant prior to September of the Leave of Absence. In no event shall payment be made more frequently than monthly. The total of the payments to be made to a Participant, in accordance with Clause during a leave of absence, shall be the deferred compensation amount retained by the Board, but less any monies required by law to be paid by the Board for or on behalf of the Participant. Notwithstanding the date shown in paragraph of the Memorandum of Agreement for a requested Leave of Absence, a Participant may, with the consent of both the Board and the Union, given not less than five (5) months prior to the scheduled date, postpone such leave for one year. The Leave of Absence shall be for a period of one half of a school year or one school year. A Leave of Absence of one half of a school year shall be taken in the first half or in the second half of the school year. The providing of benefits will be as follows: During a Leave of Absence, the responsibility for payment of premiums for benefits for a participant shall be as set forth in the agreement then in force. Where a Participant is obligated to pay the cost of any benefits during the Leave of Absence, the Board shall pay such cost on behalf of the Participant on request and deduct the monies so paid from the monies otherwise payable to the Participant during the Leave of Absence. During the Leave of Absence, no sick leave credits will be earned.
Taking of Leave of Absence