Transition Phase Sample Clauses

Transition Phase. In/Phase-Out Requirements
Transition Phase. During the Transition Phase, HHSC will offer a one-time opportunity for the HMO to propose two additional Value-added Services to its list of current, approved Value-added Services. (See Attachment B-3, Value-Added Services). HHSC will establish the requirements and the timeframes for submitting the two additional proposed Value-added Services. During this HHSC-designated opportunity, the HMO may propose either to add new Value-added Services or to enhance its current, approved Value-added Services. The HMO may propose two additional Value-added Services per HMO Program, and the services do not have to be the same for each HMO Program. HHSC will review the proposed additional services and, if appropriate, will approve the additional Value-added Services, which will be effective on the Operational Start Date. The HMO’s Contract will be amended to reflect the additional, approved Value-added Services. The HMO does not have to add Value-added Services during the HHSC-designated opportunity, but this will be the only time during the Transition Phase for the HMO to add Value-added Services. At no time during the Transition Phase will the HMO be allowed to delete, limit or restrict any of its current, approved Value-added Services.
Transition Phase. 23.1.1 The Operator is required to ensure the orderly transition of the Project/ Project Facilities from it to the Authority and/or any successor operator, in the event of Termination or Expiry of this Contract; 23.1.2 The Parties shall continue to perform their obligations under this Contract notwithstanding the issuance of any Termination Notice until the end of the transition phase in accordance with the Transition Management Plan. The Operator shall be responsible for the overall management of the transition phase; 23.1.3 During the Contract Period, the Operator shall: a. maintain a register in respect of all the components and facilities comprising the Project Facilities and all the equipment, plant, machinery, materials, spare parts, etc. at the Bus Depot, detailing : i. their ownership and status - as either owned by Authority or Operator; ii. their net book value;
Transition Phase. Communicate with all unsuccessful candidates at the close of the search and the appointment of the new superintendent;
Transition Phase. Sabre shall transfer all management and control functions associated with the Improvements over to Customer in a controlled manner in order to help the Improvements to deliver the expected benefits.
Transition Phase. 6 2.1 GENERAL....................................................... 6 2.2
Transition Phase. 23.1.1 The Operator is required to ensure the orderly transition of the Project/ Project Facility from it to the Authority and/or any successor operator, in the event of Termination or Expiry of this Contract; 23.1.2 The Parties shall continue to perform their obligations under this Contract notwithstanding the issuance of any Termination Notice until the end of the transition phase in accordance with the Transition Management Plan. The Operator shall be responsible for the overall management of the transition phase; 23.1.3 During the Contract Period, the Operator shall: a. maintain a register in respect of all the components and facilities comprising the Project Facility and all the equipment, plant, machinery, materials, spare parts, etc. at the Bus Depot, detailing : i. their ownership and status - as either owned by Authority or Operator; ii. their net book value; iii. all Project Agreements executed with any contractors/ sub- contractors/ Third Parties for the implementation of the Project including all software licenses, maintenance and support agreements, equipment rental and lease agreements; b. maintain a database detailing the technical infrastructure/ procedures including, without limitation, software through which the Operator provides the Bus Service in sufficient detail to facilitate the Authority and/or successor operator to understand how the Operator operates, runs and monitors the Bus Service so as to enable the smooth transition of the Project (or any part of the Bus Services) with minimum of disruption or inconvenience to the general public.
Transition Phase. 4.1. The transitional arrangements shall operate for a term of eighteen (18) months from the time this MRA enters into force. 4.2. The purpose of the transition phase is to provide the responsible/designating authorities with an opportunity to build confidence and understanding of each other’s procedures for recognising CABs and in the ability of those bodies to carry out their mandates. Successful completion of the transition phase should result in the determination by the responsible authorities that nominated CABs comply with the applicable criteria and are competent to conduct conformity assessment activities acceptable to the other Party. 4.3. During the transition phase, the authorities may jointly sponsor two seminars, one in Canada and one in the EC, concerning the relevant technical and product approval requirements.
Transition Phase. (a) Transition Management. VENDOR will be responsible for all transition --------------------- management and transition planning. To the extent MCG has any suggested additions or modifications, the parties shall immediately confer and in good faith attempt to resolve any disagreements that may arise. Both MCG and VENDOR will diligently and timely perform their respective duties and tasks under a mutually agreed-upon Transition Plan in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Statement of Work and the Transition Plan so that the Transition Phase will be completed successfully within the schedule established in the Transition Plan. (b) Failure to Meet Transition Completion Date. In addition to MCG's right ------------------------------------------ to recover actual damages, in the event that VENDOR fails to perform its obligations hereunder with respect to the Transition Phase in accordance with the Statement of Work and the Transition Plan such that the Transition Completion Date does not occur on or before the date set by mutual agreement of the parties: (i) VENDOR shall make available to MCG all personnel, equipment and other resources in addition to such personnel, equipment and other resources then dedicated to the MCG Transition Phase that are necessary under the circumstances to maintain MCG's service and maintenance operations fully operational at the same service level at which it was operating on the Effective Date. VENDOR shall be reimbursed for use of the technical people at the telephone only support rates. On site services performed by VENDOR during this period will be reimbursed by the Flat Rate Per Incident On-site Labor Rate as set forth in the Statement of Work. (ii) If the Transition Completion Date has not occurred by the mutually agreed date, VENDOR shall as soon as possible submit to MCG a written plan to complete the Transition. MCG shall have a mutually agreed to time period in which, by written notice to VENDOR, to (A) accept the written plan, (B) terminate this Agreement as of a date specified in the termination notice, without any further financial obligations to VENDOR or (C) elect to stay at current implementation level of the Transition Plan. If MCG does not provide a written response, it shall be deemed to have elected to stay at the current implementation level. Nothing in this Section 4 shall be intended to restrict or limit MCG's right to initiate discussions and/or negotiations with any other maintenance servi...
Transition Phase. (a) The period commencing from Effective Date and terminating three (3) months thereafter shall constitute the Transition Phase. Provided however that in the event the activities proposed to be undertaken during the Transition Phase have not been completed within the abovementioned period of three (3) months, then the Transition Phase shall be extended by an additional period of three (3) months, and in such event, the period commencing from Effective Date and terminating six (6) months thereafter shall constitute the Transition Phase. (b) During the Transition Phase, the following activities shall take place: