Union Officials Time-Off Sample Clauses
Union Officials Time-Off. Employees in the Bargaining Unit (Shop Xxxxxxx, Union Executive Board members and/or members of the negotiating committee) shall be granted reasonable time off their regular shift while engaged in official Union/Employer business that is vitally connected with the Employer’s business; provided, such time off shall be taken at the consent of the Department Director or his/her designee. Examples of appropriate uses of release time include participation in labor-management meetings, representing employees in grievance meetings, and/or contract negotiation sessions with the Employer, provided:
1. Employees shall notify the Department Director or designee at the earliest time the employee is made aware of the need to be absent and the Department Director determines that such temporary absence shall not cause unacceptable disruption of services or expenditure of funds.
2. Each Union member shall be assessed one (1) hour of annual leave per year to be used by Delegates to attend union-sponsored training conferences and conventions and/or to perform Union business without loss of pay. Unless otherwise waived by the Department Director, the Delegate shall submit a written request at least two (2) weeks in advance of the need for the leave. Any such leave shall be subject to approval of the Department Director. Assessed leave not used in a calendar year shall be carried over from year to year; provided, however, no more than one hundred and fifty (150) hours shall be accumulated. Once the bank reaches one hundred and fifty (150) hours, no leave shall be assessed until such time as the bank hours are used below the one hundred and fifty (150) hour threshold.
3. The Union shall be allowed use of bulletin board space to post Union notices that have been authorized by a Union official.
Union Officials Time-Off. An employee in the Bargaining Unit (Shop Xxxxxxx and/or a member of the negotiating committee) may be granted release time while engaged in local union business or negotiations provided:
1. They notify the Director or authorized designee, in writing at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the release time period, or at the earliest time the employee is aware of such time off requirement;
2. The Employer is able to properly staff the employee's job duties during the release time period;
3. Employees in the bargaining unit will not transact Union business while working on shift which in any way interferes with the operation or normal routine of any department.
4. Use of release time will not result in overtime.
Union Officials Time-Off. An employee who holds a Union position (Shop Xxxxxxx and/or a member of the Negotiating Committee)may be granted time- off, without loss of pay to meet face-to-face with Employer representatives (including reasonable time for caucuses during negotiations), and unpaid time off while conducting business vital to the employees in the bargaining unit provided: • The Employer is given reasonable notice by such employee prior to the time-off period; • The Employer is able to properly staff the employee's job duties during the time-off period; • The wage cost to the Employer is no greater than the cost that would have been incurred had the employee not taken time-off; and • Employees shall not transact Union business which in any way interferes with the operation or normal routine of any department.
Union Officials Time-Off.
1. Employees in the Bargaining Unit (Shop Xxxxxxx, Union Executive Board members and/or members of the negotiating committee) shall be granted reasonable time off while engaged in official Union/Employer business involving contractual matters, such as attending a grievance meeting or a labor- management meeting, or negotiations, so long as:
a. Employees shall notify the Employing Official or designee at the earliest time the employee is made aware of the need to be absent and the affected Employing Official or designee determines that such temporary absence shall not cause unacceptable disruption of services or expenditure of funds.
2. Each Union-dues paying member shall be able to donate vacation leave once per year to be used by Delegates to attend union-sponsored training conferences and conventions and/or to perform Union business without loss of pay. Employees shall notify the County of their donation between December 1 and December 15.
a. Unless otherwise waived by the Employing Official, the employee shall submit a written request at least two (2) weeks in advance of the need for the leave. Any such leave shall be subject to approval of the Employing Official or designee.
b. Assessed leave not used in a calendar year shall be carried over from year to year. No more than two hundred and fifty (250) hours shall be accumulated. Once the bank reaches two hundred and fifty (250) hours, no leave shall be deducted from employees until such time as the bank hours are used below the two hundred and fifty (250) hour threshold.
Union Officials Time-Off. An employee who holds a Union position (Shop Xxxxxxx and/or a member of the Negotiating Committee – up to two (2) members) may be granted time off, without loss of pay to meet face-to-face with Employer representatives (including reasonable time for caucuses during negotiations), and may be granted vacation or other appropriate accrued leave (or may take unpaid leave) time off while conducting business vital to the employees in the bargaining unit provided: The Employer is given reasonable notice by such employee prior to the time-off period; The Employer is able to properly staff the employee's job duties during the time-off period; The wage cost to the Employer is no greater than the cost that would have been incurred had the employee not taken time-off; and Employees shall not transact Union business which in any way interferes with the operation or normal routine of any department.
Union Officials Time-Off. An employee who holds a Union position (Shop Xxxxxxx and/or member of the Negotiating Committee) may be granted time-off while conducting business vital to the employees in the bargaining unit provided:
1.5.1 They notify the Employer in writing at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time-off period;
1.5.2 The Employer is able to properly staff the employee's job duties during the time-off period;
1.5.3 The wage cost to the Employer is no greater than the cost that would have been incurred had the employee not taken time-off; and
1.5.4 Employees shall not transact Union business while working on shift that in any way interferes with the operation or normal routine of any department.
Union Officials Time-Off. A Union Official who is an employee in the bargaining unit (shop xxxxxxx and/or a member of the negotiating committee) shall be granted time-off while conducting business vital to the employees in the bargaining unit; provided however, such activities do not in any way interfere with the normal routine functions of the Department. No added cost to the Employer shall result in the exercise of this Section.
Union Officials Time-Off. 7.1. An employee in the Bargaining Unit (Shop Xxxxxxx and/or a member of the negotiating committee) may be granted time-off (on County time) while engaged in local union business pertaining to the Employer’s operations or to engage in negotiations; provided:
7.1.1 They notify the Public Works Director or designee, in writing at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time-off period, or at the earliest time the employee is aware of such time off requirement.
7.1.2 The Employer is able to properly staff the employee's job duties during the time-off period.
7.1.3 Employees in the bargaining unit shall not transact union business while working on shift, which in any way interferes with the operation or normal routine of any department.
Union Officials Time-Off. An employee who holds a Union position (Shop Xxxxxxx and/or a member of the Negotiating Committee or other member designated by the Union) may be granted time-off while conducting business vital to the employees in the bargaining unit provided: o They notify the Employer in writing at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time- off period; o The Employer is able to properly staff the employee's job duties during the time- off period; o The wage cost to the Employer is no greater than the cost that would have been incurred had the employee not taken time-off; and o Employees shall not transact Union business while working on shift which in any way interferes with the operation or normal routine of any department.
Union Officials Time-Off. The Union President and Secretary shall be granted release time while conducting labor negotiations, labor- management meetings or grievance resolution on behalf of employees in the bargaining unit provided: They notify the Employer whenever feasible at least forty- eight (48) hours prior to the time-off; The Employer is able to properly staff the employee’s job duties during the time-off period without the need for additional staff; and They remain available for call-back to the floor while conducting negotiations in the event work needs require their return.