Education and Experience ▪ Secondary School Honour Graduation, plus a minimum of 13 years' pertinent experience, or the equivalent in experience, additional education and/or training; ▪ Graduation from a recognized institute of advanced technology, or equivalent formal education, and a minimum of nine years' pertinent technological experience.
RECOGNITION OF UNION Clause 2.01 The Employer hereby recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining agency for all employees of Greater Sudbury Hydro Plus Incorporated in respect of hours of work, wages and working conditions save and except non-union supervisors, persons above the rank of non-union supervisor, and staff employed in a confidential capacity in matters relating to Labour Relations. That the Employer agrees to recognize the duly appointed officials of the employees as the Official Committee(s) of the Union pertaining to the question of wages, hours of work and working conditions. The Union shall have the right to have the assistance of representatives of the Canadian Union of Public Employees when dealing with the Employer, or their duly appointed designates. Persons whose jobs are not in the Bargaining Unit shall not work on any jobs which are included in the Bargaining Unit to the extent that this would eliminate positions. There shall be no Union activity of any kind on the Employer's time other than that provided for in this Agreement or that specifically authorized by the Employer. No person shall be required as a condition of employment to become or remain a member of any Union or other organization. The Employer shall, for direct collective bargaining prior to Conciliation, pay the normal wages and benefits for maximum of three (3) employees who are members of the Union Negotiating Committee for a total of one hundred and twenty (120) hours and thereafter pay fifty percent (50%) of normal wages and full benefits.
Knowledge and Experience The Purchaser has such knowledge and experience in financial and business matters that it is capable of evaluating the merits and risks of an investment in the Securities and of protecting its interests in connection with an acquisition of the Securities.
RECOGNITION OF THE UNION 1. The BCPSEA recognizes the BCTF as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for the negotiation and administration of all terms and conditions of employment of all employees within the bargaining unit for which the BCTF is established as the bargaining agent pursuant to PELRA and subject to the provisions of this Collective Agreement.
CONTRACT CONSEQUENCES In the case of a state contractor, contributions made or solicited in violation of the above prohibitions may result in the contract being voided. In the case of a prospective state contractor, contributions made or solicited in violation of the above prohibitions shall result in the contract described in the state contract solicitation not being awarded to the prospective state contractor, unless the State Elections Enforcement Commission determines that mitigating circumstances exist concerning such violation. The State shall not award any other state contract to anyone found in violation of the above prohibitions for a period of one year after the election for which such contribution is made or solicited, unless the State Elections Enforcement Commission determines that mitigating circumstances exist concerning such violation. Additional information may be found on the website of the State Elections Enforcement Commission, Click on the link to “Lobbyist/Contractor Limitations.”
Financial Consequences The Department reserves the right to impose financial consequences when the Contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Contract. The following financial consequences will apply for the Contractor’s non-performance under the Contract. The Customer and the Contractor may agree to add additional Financial Consequences on an as-needed basis beyond those stated herein to apply to that Customer’s resultant contract or purchase order. The State of Florida reserves the right to withhold payment or implement other appropriate remedies, such as Contract termination or nonrenewal, when the Contractor has failed to comply with the provisions of the Contract. The Contractor and the Department agree that financial consequences for non-performance are an estimate of damages which are difficult to ascertain and are not penalties. The financial consequences below will be paid and received by the Department of Management Services within 30 calendar days from the due date specified by the Department. These financial consequences below are individually assessed for failures over each target period beginning with the first full month or quarter of the Contract performance and every month or quarter, respectively, thereafter. Deliverable Performance Metric Performance Due Date Financial Consequence for Non-Performance Contractor will timely submit completed Quarterly Sales Reports All Quarterly Sales Reports will be submitted timely with the required information Reports are due on or before the 30th calendar day after the close of each State fiscal quarter $250 per Calendar Day late/not received by the Contract Manager Contractor will timely submit completed MFMP Transaction Fee Reports All MFMP Transaction Fee Reports will be submitted timely with the required information Reports are due on or before the 15th calendar day after the close of each month $100 per Calendar Day late/not received by the Contract Manager
Protection of Reputation During Executive’s employment with the Company and thereafter, Executive agrees that he will take no action which is intended, or would reasonably be expected, to harm the reputation of the Company or any of its affiliates or which would reasonably be expected to lead to unwanted or unfavorable publicity to the Company or its affiliates. Nothing herein shall prevent Executive from making any truthful statement in connection with any investigation by the Company or any governmental authority or in any legal proceeding.
Recognition of Previous Experience (a) The Employer will recognize recent related RN experience on the basis of one (1) annual increment for each one (1) year of service up to the maximum of the grid. Part-time service shall be recognized on the basis of fifteen hundred (1500) hours paid in previous employment equals one (1) year of service. It shall be the responsibility of a newly hired employee to make a claim of recent and related experience within the probationary period in order to be considered for a salary increment. If she/he fails to make a claim in the specified time period or fails to provide reasonable proof of recent related experience, she/he shall not be entitled to recognition.
Financial Exigency 14.01 The termination of the employment of any Employee because of financial exigency shall only occur after a declaration of financial exigency by the Board of Governors. 14.02 The Board of Governors shall not declare a state of financial exigency except on bona fide financial grounds. 14.03 If the Board of Governors believes a financial exigency exists it shall give notice to the Union of that belief together with a statement of the financial reasons for that belief and shall establish a financial commission of three (3) persons. The Board of Governors shall consult the Union to establish an agreed list of names from whom these three (3) shall be chosen. The three (3) persons shall be selected by the Board of Governors within thirty (30) days of the decision to establish a financial commission. The terms of reference of the commission shall be: 14.03.1 to assess whether in the light of a full examination of the University's financial situation a bona fide financial exigency exists; the commission shall have access to all that financial information referring to the operations, assets and the ancillary enterprises of the University which is necessary to make a judgment as to whether there is a financial exigency or not; the commission shall invite submissions or written representations from the Union, the faculty and the student representative council; the occurrence of an operating deficit in any given year shall not necessarily constitute a bona fide financial exigency; 14.03.2 to make recommendations, if it sees fit, as to what measures might be taken, whether through reductions of academic staff or other means, to resolve the exigency; 14.03.3 to assess whether a decision to resolve the financial exigency through reductions of academic staff is necessary. 14.04 The report of the commission shall be advisory to the Board of Governors. The report shall be submitted to the Board of Governors within twenty (20) Days of the commission being constituted. After receiving the report the Board shall make a decision as to whether or not a financial exigency exists, and shall promptly communicate this decision to the President, the Senate and the Union. The Board may not unreasonably disagree with the report of the commission. If the Board declares that a state of financial exigency exists it shall make the report of the commission available to the Senate and the Union. 14.05 It is the responsibility of the Senate to recommend the general areas, by discipline, in which reductions are to be made. 14.05.1 Within twenty (20) Days of receiving the commission's report, the Senate shall make its recommendations to the President. If the President does not accept all the recommendations of the Senate he or she shall, within twenty (20) Days of receiving them, convoke a meeting of the Senate to discuss his or her reasons for rejecting or modifying them. Within thirty (30) Days of this meeting the President shall communicate his or her final decisions to the Departments with a statement of all the reasons of which the decisions are based. 14.05.2 The decision of the President shall not be subject to arbitration procedures as set out in Article 15 of this Agreement unless the grievance to be submitted to arbitration is based on an alleged violation of Article 2.04, Article 2.05 or Article
Experience, Financial Capability and Suitability Subscriber is: (i) sophisticated in financial matters and is able to evaluate the risks and benefits of the investment in the Shares and (ii) able to bear the economic risk of its investment in the Shares for an indefinite period of time because the Shares have not been registered under the Securities Act (as defined below) and therefore cannot be sold unless subsequently registered under the Securities Act or an exemption from such registration is available. Subscriber is capable of evaluating the merits and risks of its investment in the Company and has the capacity to protect its own interests. Subscriber must bear the economic risk of this investment until the Shares are sold pursuant to: (i) an effective registration statement under the Securities Act or (ii) an exemption from registration available with respect to such sale. Subscriber is able to bear the economic risks of an investment in the Shares and to afford a complete loss of Subscriber’s investment in the Shares.