DATA PROTECTION Clauses Exemplaires
DATA PROTECTION. The personal data that might be requested from the Purchaser by the Supplier are essential to ensure the processing of the order or compliance with legal obligations. Access to personal data will be strictly limited to those employees of the Supplier authorised to process such data on account of their roles. The data might also be communicated to third parties linked to the Supplier by a contract for the provision of outsourced services (eg. carrier), without requiring the authorisation of the Purchaser. Personal data will be retained for as long as necessary to fulfil the orders and the associated guarantees. The Purchaser has the right of access, rectification, erasure and portability on its data, as well as the right to object to the processing of its data on legitimate grounds. It may do so by contacting the Supplier’s data controller at the following electronic address: For any complaints, the Purchaser may contact the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (the French Data Protection Authority, abbreviated to the CNIL).
DATA PROTECTION. The Holder is informed that at the time of subscription and during the execution of the contract, personal data will be collected by the issuing company. This data will be used for the purpose of managing the contract, in its various aspects, and may also be used for marketing operations. The data collected is intended for the issuing company and the operators referred to in Article II of these general terms and conditions, as well as their subcontractors. In addition, the issuing company may communicate the collected data to its partners if the Holder expressly authorises it to do so. The Contract Holder is informed that they have the right to access, rectify, object to receiving marketing material, limit, and erase their personal data, as well as the right to data portability. These rights are exercised with the issuing company, which is responsible for processing the data collected, whose details are provided in the specific terms and conditions of the contract. As from the termination of the contract, the personal data collected will be erased at the latest at the end of the statutes of limitation for civil proceedings and the legal retention periods.
DATA PROTECTION. The parties, as non-joint controller, exchange contact details of the persons in charge of the management of their business relationship and of the monitoring of the Contract. Both parties undertake to comply with the national and European regulations regarding data protection and in particular to only use personal data for the purpose of performing this Contract, to implement all the necessary measures of security and confidentiality in order to protect this type of data, to ensure the compliance of potential transfer outside European Union, to delete said data at the expiry of the retention period agreed between the parties or any deadline provided by law and to reply to any request from data subjects. Furthermore, each party undertakes to give notification to the other Party in case of any security breach that may have consequences on the data processing.
DATA PROTECTION. The information you provide during your order will not be transmitted to any third party. This information will be considered confidential by the campsite. They will be used only by the campsite services for the processing of your order and to strengthen and personalize the communication. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, rectify, and oppose personal data concerning you. To do so, simply make the request by mail to the campsite, mentioning your name and address. +00 0 00 00 00 00 - - Deze algemene voorwaarden regelen de reserveringen van verblijven bij Camping Le Dolmen. Ze maken integraal deel uit van elk contract dat wordt gesloten tussen de camping en zijn klanten. Elke klant erkent kennis te hebben genomen van deze algemene voorwaarden voorafgaand aan enige reservering van een verblijf, voor zichzelf en voor xxxx xxxxxxx die deelneemt aan het verblijf.
DATA PROTECTION. Date: University of Franche-Comté President Prof. Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Head of UFR SJEPG M. Xxxxxxxxxx XXXX
DATA PROTECTION. For the purposes of this section, the term "personal data" "processing of personal data", "data controller" shall have the meaning of Article 4 of the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). As individual data controllers, the parties shall process the personal data of the other Party's contact persons and representatives only for the purposes of the performance and management of this agreement. The Parties undertake to comply with the requirements of the data protection regulations and in particular to preserve the confidentiality and security of data in accordance with Article 32 of the GDPR. The UL will transmit to the a.s.b.l. the contact details (surnames, first names, e-mail addresses) of students who gave their consent to this transmission at the time of their registration. Personal data have been collected legally and transparently, so as to allow the processing of such data by each Party. They undertake not to use them for purposes other than those for which they were collected and that they will not be kept longer than necessary for the fulfilment of those purposes. In case the parties wish to exchange personal data, in the event of processing in the name and on behalf of a third party or if the parties jointly determine the processing of personal data, they undertake to conclude the necessary separate agreement.
DATA PROTECTION. 8.1 BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems shall process and use the personal data entered by the Licence Holder for the exclusive purpose of facilitating the free use of the Software by the Licence Holder.
8.2 BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems is entitled to collect, process and/or use the Licence Holder’s data if and insofar as this is necessary in order to facilitate the free use of the Software by the Licence Holder.
DATA PROTECTION. The data gathered is necessary for your registration and to manage any optional services (individual option for organisation of medical care, cancellation…) that you may have chosen to acquire. Data is subject to computer processing and is intended for the use of the organiser’s secretariat. By registering, the participant accepts and expressly authorises the collection and processing of their personal data for the aforementioned purposes.
DATA PROTECTION. Pour les besoins de la gestion de ses ressources humaines et de l’exécution du présent Contrat de travail, le Salarié accepte que la Société, ainsi que toute personne qu’elle mandate à ces fins, procède à la mise en œuvre de traitements automatisés des données personnelles le concernant. For the needs of human resources management and for the execution of the current Employment contract, the Employee accepts that the Company and any person mandated for this purpose proceed to the automatized treatment of personal data related to him. Le Salarié accepte que ses données personnelles soient communiquées aux services de la Société intéressés par la gestion The Employee accepts his personal data to be communicated to the departments of the Company interested by human resources des ressources humaines et à toute personne qu’elle mandate à cette fin. management and any other person mandated for this purpose. Le Salarié accepte également, pour les finalités précitées, que ses données personnelles fassent l’objet d’un transfert en dehors de l’Union européenne de la part de la Société et à destination de toute entité du groupe auquel elle apparlient, ainsi que de la part de toute personne mandatée par l’une ou l’autre d’entre elles. The Employee also agrees, for the foresaid purposes, to the transfer of his personal data outside of the European Union from the Company to the destination of any entity of the group which it belongs, and from any person mandated by one or the other of them. Conformément aux dispositions de la loi n° 78-17 modifiée du 6 janvier 1978, le Salarié dispose d’un droit d’accès, d’opposition, sous réserve d’un motif légitime, de rectification et de suppression des données personnelles le concernant, auprès du service en charge de la gestion des ressources humaines ou de toute personne mandatée par la Société à cet effet. Ce service, ou, le cas échéant, la personne mandatée par la Société, est également compétent pour répondre aux questions concernant les traitements automatisés mis en œuvre au sein de la Société à partir des données personnelles concernant le Salarié. In accordance with the dispositions of the law n° 78-17 modified of January 6th 1978, the Employee has a right of access, opposition subject to a legitimate reason, rectification, and removal of personal data related to him, with the department in charge of human resources management or any person mandated by the Company for this purpose. This department, or as the case may be, th...
DATA PROTECTION. Annexe 6 : Conditions particulières Annexe 7 : Contacts Orange En cas de contradiction entre les Conditions générales, les Conditions particulières et les annexes, les Conditions générales prévalent. Les stipulations du Contrat expriment l'intégralité de l'accord conclu entre les Parties relatives à l’objet du Contrat. Elles prévalent sur toute proposition, échange de lettre antérieure à sa signature, ainsi que sur toute autre stipulation figurant dans des documents échangés entre les Parties et relatifs à l'objet du Contrat. La signature du Contrat s’entend par la signature des Conditions particulières par le Cocontractant.