Annual Leave Scheduling Sample Clauses
Annual Leave Scheduling. 1. Upon the completion of six (6) months of continuous employment, an employee may submit a request for annual leave. Requests for annual leave must be submitted by the employee in writing in advance of the effective date.
Annual Leave Scheduling. Annual leave should be used to provide periodic vacation and employees should be permitted the opportunity of taking a minimum of 10 consecutive days’ vacation during a fiscal year provided that number of annual leave credits has been accrued. Annual leave credits may be used for purposes other than vacation when authorized by the department head. Upon reasonable notice, a department head may require an employee to use any part of his/her accrued annual leave for vacation purposes at any time that it is deemed advisable. Annual leave for an employee shall be so scheduled that there will be minimum disruption of the operation of the school system. In setting annual leave schedules, preference as to annual leave dates will be given to those employees with the greatest amount of service in the same classification. Employees may request annual leave at any time. The scheduling of such leave is with the approval and at the discretion of the supervising administrator. Such approval shall not be arbitrarily withheld.
Annual Leave Scheduling. 1. Requests for annual leave must be submitted by the employee in writing in advance of the effective date.
Annual Leave Scheduling. The Employer shall provide a full year annual leave calendar to each Care and Custody Team and Support section for the purposes of annual leave bidding.
14.5.1 Annual leave opportunities shall be as follows:
A. Teams or sections of 9 and under on duty: one (1) leave opportunity per week block.
B. Teams or sections of 10 to 15 on duty: two (2) leave opportunities per week block.
C. Teams or sections of 16 to 24 on duty: three (3) leave opportunities per week block.
D. Teams or sections of 25 or more on duty; four (4) leave opportunities per week block. Of the four (4) leave opportunities per week block, only two (2) may be used for corporals and sergeants.
14.5.2 Annual leave calendars for bidding shall be available from September 1st through December 15thth for the following year.
14.5.3 Annual leave bidding shall be in the order of seniority by rank for each team or section. A week block is any 7 consecutive calendar days.
Annual Leave Scheduling. An employee must notify his/her supervisor 24 hours in advance when not more than sixteen (16) hours paid annual leave is desired. When longer periods of paid annual leave are desired, at least two weeks advance notice must be given. Paid annual leave requested will be granted if, in the opinion of the supervisor, the employee can be spared from the section at the time requested. Otherwise, such requests shall be granted as soon as the employee can be spared from his/her duties.
Annual Leave Scheduling. A. Requests for Annual Leave must be submitted by the Employee in writing in advance of the effective date. Exceptions may be made by an Appointing Authority or designee, if advance notice was unable to be provided by the Employee prior to the effective date of the leave.
Annual Leave Scheduling. Shift Assignments
1. Seniority, as defined in Section 6.6 (A) above, shall be applied on a budgeted divisional basis within classification for annual leave scheduling. Nothing herein shall preclude a Department Head or their designee and the employees inthat department from mutually agreeing, without prejudice or precedent, to some other formula or method of scheduling annual leave.
2. In the Police Department, seniority, as defined in Section 6.6 (A) above, shall be applied on a budgeted divisional basis within classification for shift selection for non-probationary employees in the following classifications: Police Clerk, Communications Operator I, Communications Operator 11, Communications Center Supervisor, Police Assistant, and Senior Police Assistant. ltis understood and agreed that shifts covered by this provision only pertain to operations that are scheduled for six (6) or seven (7) days of coverage per week. Operations that are day shift operations only are not covered by this subsection (Section 6.6, F- 2). Nothing herein shall preclude the Chief of Police, or their designee and the employees covered by this subsection from agreeing, without prejudice or precedent, to some other formula or method of selecting shifts.
a. Non-probationary employees assigned to the following classifications: Communications Operator I, Communications Operator 11, Communications Center Supervisor, Police Assistant, Senior Police Assistant and Police Clerks shall be entitled to select by seniority the same shift for all rotations during a single calendar year during the term of this Agreement. There shall be up to four (4) rotations per year at the discretion of the Chief of Police.
3. Where an employee covered by this Agreement is transferred from one department to another department, such employee shall not be entitled to exercise their seniority in regard to annual leave scheduling until the expiration of six (6) months after the date of initial transfer.
Annual Leave Scheduling. Seniority shall apply to vacation schedules in accordance with Section 10.4.1.
Annual Leave Scheduling. 1. The Employer agrees that an employee's request to take annual leave credited to the employee shall normally be honored, provided that it does not interfere with work load requirements and schedules.
2. Other factors being equal, employees with the greater seniority within the same job classification shall be given preference of annual leave requests within the respective selections involved.
Annual Leave Scheduling. 27 1. Requests for annual leave must be submitted by the employee in writing 28 in advance of the effective date. This requirement may be waived at the 29 sole discretion of the employee’s supervisor for emergency situations. 30 The employee may be required to provide verification that the situation 31 was such that advance notice was not possible.