Cultural Leave Sample Clauses
Cultural Leave. Where such leave is approved by the employer, teachers participating in recognised cultural activities within New Zealand or outside New Zealand are entitled to leave with pay on the same conditions as for sports leave.
Cultural Leave. Where such leave is approved by the board, principals participating in recognised cultural activities within New Zealand or outside New Zealand are entitled to leave with pay on the same conditions as for sports leave. Provided that relieving principals, except those employed on a casual basis for only a few days at a time, may apply for leave to be granted as for permanent principals.
Cultural Leave. 254. The CEO may grant up to 3 days of paid leave and up to 3 months of unpaid leave per calendar year for the purpose of attending significant religious or cultural obligations associated with the employees’ particular faith or culture.
Cultural Leave. For the purpose of this paragraph:- An Aboriginal is a person who identifies as such and is regarded as an Aboriginal person by the Aboriginal Community. NAIDOC Week shall mean the week in which the National Aboriginal days fall as determined by the national Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC).
Cultural Leave. XXXXX - Xxx Lv Bilingual Classes HUICO - Hui Lv - Contests
Cultural Leave. XXXXX - Xxx Lv Bilingual Classes HUICO - Hui Lv - Contests IMPOC - Family Reasons Import family & Other Occass MISCL - Miscellaneous Xx XXXXX - Family Reasons Serious Illness SLAUT - Meeting Stat/Local Authorities SPORT - Sport Leave STUDY - Training/ Study COV19 - COVID-19 related leave JURYL - Jury Leave n/a - Reason code not required LWOP - Leave Without Pay ELCWO - Candidates in General Elections EMERG - Emerg'cy Situation OSTOU - Overseas Tour OUTBD - Outward Bound RELIG - Religious Observances ROTEX - Rotary Group Exchange SPCWO - Discretionary LWOP SRESC - Search & Rescue COV19 - COVID-19 related leave MLWOP - Maternity Leave Without Pay n/a - Reason code not required MILLE - Military Leave n/a - Reason code not required MILWO - Military Training Leave Without Pay n/a - Reason code not required n/a - Reason code not required PRFDV - Prof Development n/a - Reason code not required REFWO - Refreshm't Lv Without Pay n/a - Reason code not required SABBL - Sabbatical Leave n/a - Reason code not required SL - Sick Leave SICK - Sick Leave XXXXX - Domestic/Dependant/ Family Leave REDUC - Reduced Hours due to Sick Leave (0.8 day or less) SANTS - Anticipated Sick Leave - Statutory n/a - Reason code not required SANTC - Anticipated Sick Leave of future entitlement-MOE n/a - Reason code not required SLWOP - SL Without Pay NASL - No Anticipated Sick Leave Requested Leave blank - Leave blank if any other reason DISSK - Disregarded Sick Leave Secretary for Ed approved n/a - Reason code not required SLWOP - SL Without Pay COV19 - COVID-19 Related Leave COVDO - COVID-19 Domestic Related Leave SL - COVID-19 Related Leave COV19 - COVID-19 Related Leave COVDO - COVID-19 Domestic Related Leave UNWOP - Union Leave Without Pay n/a - Reason code not required DVVL - Domestic Violence Leave n/a - Reason code not required ACWK1 - ACC Work Related Paid - Week 1 n/a - Reason code not required Form Required: NOVO12 ACNW2 - ACC Non-Work Related - Week 2+ n/a - Reason code not required Form Required: NOVO12 ACWK2 - ACC Work Related Paid - Week 2+ teaching n/a - Reason code not required ACCWO - ACC Without Pay n/a - Reason code not required PARBI - Attend Birth of Child n/a - Reason code not required BREVL - Bereavement/Tangihanga Leave n/a - Reason code not required BRVWO - Bereavement /Tangihanga Leave Without Pay n/a - Reason code not required
Cultural Leave.
6.12.1 The value of First Nations Peoples’ (being Aboriginals or Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islanders) spiritualities and cultures is recognised and affirmed, and the important relationship between the people, their culture, traditional lore and country is acknowledged.
6.12.2 An employee, as defined in clause 6.12.9, may apply for up to a maximum of ten (10) days cultural leave per calendar year, of which two (2) days will be paid and the remainder will be unpaid. Cultural leave does not accumulate from one calendar year to the next calendar year.
6.12.3 Such applications will be considered within the normal leave provisions, guidelines and application procedures.
6.12.4 The employer must not unreasonably refuse the leave.
6.12.5 In considering the employee’s request for leave, the employer must consider at least the following:
(a) the employer’s capacity to reorganise work arrangements to accommodate the employee’s request;
(b) the impact of the employee’s absence on the operations of the school;
(c) the particular circumstances of the employee; and
(d) the impact of a refusal on the employee, including the employee’s ability to balance his or her work and family responsibilities.
6.12.6 The employee must give the employer:
(a) reasonable notice of the intention to take cultural leave before taking the leave;
(b) the reason for taking the leave; and
(c) the period that the employee estimates the employee will be absent.
6.12.7 If it is not practicable for the employee to give the notice before taking the leave, the employee must give the employer notice of the matters in clause 6.12.6 (b) and (c) at the first opportunity.
6.12.8 It is declared that leave provided under this section is a welfare measure for the purposes of the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, section 104.
6.12.9 In this clause 6.12: an “employee” who may apply for cultural leave means an employee who is required by Aboriginal tradition or Island custom to attend an Aboriginal or Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander ceremony.
Cultural Leave. An employee may request special leave for the purposes of cultural leave. The leave request must be submitted in writing to the Manager of Human Resources and Facilities a minimum of 1 month prior to the start of the leave, and must be approved by the appropriate senior manager.
Cultural Leave. 297. The Director may grant up to 3 days of paid leave per calendar year for the purpose of attending significant religious or cultural obligations associated with the employees’ particular faith or culture.
Cultural Leave. The Commissioner may grant up to 3 days of paid leave per calendar year for the purpose of attending significant religious or cultural obligations associated with the employees’ particular faith or culture. The Commissioner may approve additional leave for cultural purposes as miscellaneous leave, with or without pay. Cultural leave can be taken as part days. For the avoidance of doubt, this leave does not cover cultural purposes or obligations which are eligible for paid leave under clause 6.102.