Annual Open Enrollment Period. An Annual Open Enrollment is a period of time each year when enrollment or benefit changes can be made. Each year, the Annual Open Enrollment period is determined by the federal government and the State of Rhode Island. Please contact Blue Cross Dental Customer Service to obtain specific dates. If you apply during the Annual Open Enrollment Period, coverage will begin on the first day of the month of the plan year, as long as you have submitted a complete application and premium payment. A Special Enrollment Period is a time outside the Annual Open Enrollment Period when you and your eligible dependents may enroll or make benefit changes. In order to enroll, you would need to provide the required enrollment information within sixty (60) days following one of these events: • you get married, the coverage effective is the first day of the month following your marriage. • you have a child born to the family, the coverage effective date is the date of birth. • you have a child placed for adoption with your family, the coverage effective date is the date of placement. In addition, if you lose your dental coverage, you may enroll or add your eligible dependents by providing required enrollment information within sixty (60) days following the date you lost coverage. Coverage will begin on the first day of the month following the date your coverage under the other plan ended. In order to be eligible, the loss of coverage must be the result of: • legal separation or divorce; • death of the covered policy holder; • termination of employment or reduction in the number of hours of employment; • the covered policy holder becomes entitled to Medicare; • loss of dependent child status under the plan; • employer contributions to such coverage are being terminated; • COBRA benefits are exhausted; or • your employer is undergoing Chapter 11 proceedings. You are also eligible for a Special Enrollment Period if you and/or your eligible dependent lose eligibility for Medicaid or a Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or if you and/or your eligible dependent become eligible for premium assistance for Medicaid or CHIP. In order to enroll, you must provide required enrollment information within sixty (60) days following your change in eligibility. Coverage will begin on the first day of the month following our receipt of your enrollment information. In addition, you may also be eligible a Special Enrollment Period if you provide required information within sixty (60) days ...
Annual Open Enrollment Period the annual period during which an eligible individual may enroll for coverage under this Agreement.
Annual Open Enrollment Period. The designated period of time each year during which:
Annual Open Enrollment Period. (OEP). The OEP is the period of time each year, determined by the Marketplace or AvMed, when you can apply for individual coverage or change your coverage. If you apply for and are enrolled in coverage during the open enrollment period, the effective date of your new coverage will be January 1st. If you don’t apply for or change your coverage during the OEP you must wait until the next OEP, or an SEP if applicable.
Annual Open Enrollment Period. A notification regarding the annual open enrollment period of each carrier providing benefits/insurance coverage under this Article will be posted in each School Building prior to and during such annual open enrollment period.
Annual Open Enrollment Period. The State will provide an opportunity for members to change MCOs during an Annual Open Enrollment Period which, unless otherwise specified by the State, shall be the month of October for Enrollment during the calendar year that begins the following January 1. All DSHP or DSHP Plus members may choose a new MCO during this Annual Open Enrollment Period. Members who decide to change MCOs during the Annual Open Enrollment Period must inform the HBM. The HBM will process the Transfer request and update the Enrollment Files so that both the old and the new MCOs are informed of the Transfer. Members who do not select another MCO will be deemed to have chosen to remain with their current MCO. The HBM will mail an advance notice postcard annually to members at the end of August or as otherwise specified by the State. This notice will include a description of DSHP and DSHP Plus and the role and responsibility of the HBM and will alert members that they will be receiving Enrollment information from the HBM. The HBM will then mail Enrollment materials to members approximately five business days before open enrollment begins. This information will include the Contractor’s approved Marketing Materials pursuant to Section 3.3 of this Contract. The HBM will inform each member in writing at the time of Enrollment and at least 60 calendar days before the start of each Annual Open Enrollment Period of the right to Transfer to another MCO in accordance with Section 3.2.7 of this Contract.
Annual Open Enrollment Period. The Annual Open Enrollment Period is a specified period of time each Year during which Individuals who are eligible as described above can apply to enroll for coverage or change coverage from one plan to another. To be enrolled for coverage under this Plan. You must submit a completed and signed application for coverage under this Policy for Yourself and any eligible Dependent(s), and We must receive that application during the Annual Open Enrollment Period. Your coverage under this Policy will then become effective upon the earliest day allowable under federal rules for that Year’s Open Enrollment Period. Note: If You do not apply to obtain or change coverage during the Annual Open Enrollment Period, You will not be able to apply again until the following Year’s Annual Open Enrollment Period unless You qualify for a special enrollment period as described below.
Annual Open Enrollment Period. The Annual Open Enrollment Period is the period of time each year, as designated by the Marketplace, when you can change coverage or enroll in a new QHP through the Marketplace. Any changes made to your coverage during the Annual Open Enrollment Period can be effective as early as January 1st. If you do not enroll or change coverage during the Annual Open Enrollment Period you will need to wait until the next Annual Open Enrollment Period unless you or your Eligible Dependents are eligible for a Special Enrollment Period.
Annual Open Enrollment Period. The annual open enrollment period under this Agreement is set forth on the Execution Page hereto. All eligible Enrolled Employees and Dependents enrolled during an annual open enrollment period shall be entitled to Benefits as of the effective date of coverage for Benefits set forth on the Execution Page. Except as provided in Section 6.1.3, any then-eligible person failing to enroll in Plan during an annual open enrollment period must wait until Employer Group's subsequent annual open enrollment period to enroll. The initial and subsequent open enrollment periods shall be a period of at least 30 days.
Annual Open Enrollment Period. October 15 through December 7 of each year beginning in 2014. [APPROVED CANCER CLINICAL TRIAL. A scientific study of a new therapy or intervention for the treatment, palliation, or prevention of cancer in human beings that meets the following requirements: The treatment or intervention is provided pursuant to an approved cancer clinical trial that has been authorized or approved by one of the following: 1) The National Institutes of Health (Phase I, II and III); (2) the United States Food and Drug Administration, in the form of an investigational new drug (IND) exemption (Phase I, II and III); 3) The United States Department of Defense; or 4) The United States Department of Veteran Affairs. The proposed therapy has been reviewed and approved by the applicable qualified Institutional Review Board. The available clinical or pre-clinical data to indicate that the treatment or intervention provided pursuant to the Approved Cancer Clinical Trial will be at least as effective as standard therapy, if such therapy exists, and is expected to constitute an improvement in effectiveness for treatment, prevention and palliation of cancer. The Facility and personnel providing the treatment are capable of doing so by virtue of their experience and training The trial consists of a scientific plan of treatment that includes specified goals, a rationale and background for the plan, criteria for patient selection, specific directions for administering therapy and monitoring patients, a definition of quantitative measures for determining treatment response and methods for documenting and treating adverse reactions. All such trials must have undergone a review for scientific content and validity, as evidenced by approval by one of the federal entities identified in item a. A cost-benefit analysis of clinical trials will be performed when such an evaluation can be included with a reasonable expectation of sound assessment.]