Applicable to Full-Time Employees. Holiday pay is defined as the amount of regular straight time, hourly pay (seven and one-half - 7½ hours) exclusive of shift premium which an employee would have received had he worked a normal shift on the holiday in question.
Applicable to Full-Time Employees. An employee who is scheduled to work on a paid holiday and who fails to do so shall lose his entitlement to holiday pay unless the employee provides an acceptable reason for such absence which his immediate supervisor considers legitimate. The Hospital's judgment of the reason provided shall be fairly and justly exercised.
Applicable to Full-Time Employees. If a paid holiday falls during an employee’s vacation, his vacation shall be extended accordingly, provided the employee qualifies for the holiday pay.
Applicable to Full-Time Employees. An employee who transfers from part-time to full-time status shall not be required to serve a probationary period where he has previously completed one since his date of last hire. Where no such probationary period has been served, the number of hours worked during the twelve months immediately preceding the transfer shall be credited toward the probationary period.
Applicable to Full-Time Employees. If a paid holiday falls during an employee's regular day off, another day off shall be scheduled by the Hospital providing the employee qualifies for the holiday pay.
Applicable to Full-Time Employees. Where an employee's schedule is changed by the Hospital with less than twenty-four (24) hours notice, the employee shall receive time and one half of their regular straight time hourly rate for all hours worked on their next shift. Such changes shall not be considered a lay off.
Applicable to Full-Time Employees. In order to qualify for pay for a holiday, an employee shall complete a full scheduled shift on each of his working days immediately preceding and immediately following the holiday concerned unless the employee is absent due to:
a) Verified illness or accident which commenced within twenty (20) calendar days prior to the holiday;
b) Lay-off for period of not exceeding seven (7) calendar days, inclusive of the holiday;
c) Leave of absence for a period not exceeding seven (7) calendar days inclusive the holiday;
d) Vacation granted by the Hospital;
e) The employee's regular scheduled day off.
Applicable to Full-Time Employees. Employees who report for any scheduled shift will be guaranteed at least four (4) hours of work, or if no work is available will be paid at least four (4) hours unless work is not available due to conditions beyond the control of the Hospital. The reporting allowances outlined herein shall not apply whenever an employee has received prior notice not to report for work.
Applicable to Full-Time Employees. The cut-off date for the purpose of determining vacation entitlement is April 30th in each year. Employees working for the Hospital in the twelve (12) month period preceding April 30th shall be entitled to vacation computed on the following basis according to the individual employee's length of continuous service:
i) a) An employee who has completed less than one (1) year of continuous service as of April 30th shall be entitled to two (2) weeks' annual vacation. Payment for such vacation shall be prorated in accordance with his/her service.
Applicable to Full-Time Employees. The Hospital will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan at least equivalent to that described in the 1992 Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income Plan (HOODIP) brochure.