ARTICLE HARASSMENT. As per Board Policy It is understood that the Board may amend this policy from time to time. Amendments that affect teachers would only take effect receiving the approval of the Executive of the Secondary Unit.
ARTICLE HARASSMENT. The Board and the Union agree that every employee has the right to freedom from harassment in the working environment.
ARTICLE HARASSMENT. The Employer, the employees and the Union recognize the right of all persons employed by the Employer to work in an environment free from unwanted personal harassment, abuse of authorityor violence and agree that any of the aforementionedactions will not be tolerated in the workplace. Cases of proven unwanted personal harassment, sexual harassment or abuse of authority by a person employed by the Employer is considered a disciplinary infraction, and be dealt with as such. Personal harassment means any improper behaviour by a person employed bythe Employer that is directed at and offensive to another person employed by the which the first person knew or ought reasonably to have known would be unwelcome., Personal harassment comprises objectionable conduct, comment, act or display that demeans, belittles or causes personal humiliation or embarrassment to the recipient. nature
ARTICLE HARASSMENT. The principles and values of the school division include the right of all employees to self respect and dignity. It is agreed that the workplace should be free from sexual and other forms of personal harassment. Harassment is any objectionable conduct, comment, or display directed at another based on, but not limited to, gender, race or place or origin, physical appearance, age or disability. Employees who feel that they are victims of harassment shall as a first recourse, use the provisions of Board Policy (dated June See Appendix If that is not successful, then the employees may appeal under the grievance route beginning at Step One. If a grievance is referred to Arbitration in accordance with Article the Arbitrator or Arbitration Board may in its own deliberations make a determinationwhether or not reasonablesupervisory practices relatedto job performance constituted harassment.
ARTICLE HARASSMENT. The Board and the Federation agree that every teacher has the right to freedom from harassment in the working environment. Dated at Pembroke, this day of March, Signed and agreed on behalf of the Renfrew County District School Board Signed and agreed on behalf the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, The parties have noted the government’s intention, conditional upon the approval by the to allocate an additional provincial annual enhancement of million effective in to enhance group benefits and other working conditions to be locally negotiated for implementation by September The Board must spend no less than their allocated amount under this enhancement. The District Secondary Teachers’ Bargaining Unit share of the Board‘s allocation, under the Ministry‘s million enhancement, shall be the ratio of its of employees eligible for benefits compared to the total of unionized and employees as reported in the Financial Statements. In determining the ratio, occasional teachers shall be excluded. group benefit coverage levels, provisions, and practices in place in and not revised under the Ministry’s million enhancement, shall remain status quo for this agreement. The total Board’s estimated funding is subject to October enrolment which is due to the Ministry of Education by December and the Financial Statements. The Unit’s estimated share is The Secondary Teachers’ Bargaining Unit agrees that the Office Managers’ Bargaining Unit can elect to participate in the Benefit Plans (excluding Life) of the Secondary Teachers’ Bargaining Unit Benefit Agreement. The parties shall determine the appropriate implementation date. This Unit’s estimated share is As of December has indicated that its priorities are as follows: increase premium sharing for Supplementary Medical and Hospital Coverage on the basis of by the teacher and by the Board for teachers working or more of full-time and for teachers working less than of full-time will receive assistance on the cost of premiums; increase premium sharing for the Dental Plan to paid by the Board for teachers working or more of full-time and paid by the Board for teachers working less than of full-time: require mandatory generic drug substitution; removal of combined yearly maximum of from include eye examinations within the current vision care maximum. The Board shall share the financial analysis and calculations of this allocation with District Secondary Teachers’ Bargaining Unit. The Negotiating Committees for the part...
ARTICLE HARASSMENT. Each employer shall maintain a policy, in consultation with the Union, with respect to harassment in the workplace. The Union and the Employer recognize the right of employees to work in an environment free from harassment and the Employer agrees to take such disciplinary action as is necessary respecting any person employed by the Employer who engages in harassment in the workplace. An employee who wishes to pursue a concern arising from harassment may, with the approval of the Union, submit a grievance in writing directly to the final level in the grievance process. Grievances of this nature shall be treated in strict confidence by both the Union and the Employer.
ARTICLE HARASSMENT. For the purpose of this Article, “harassment” is defined as vexatious behaviour in the form of hostile or unwanted conduct, verbal comments, actions or gestures, that affects an employee’s dignity or psychological or physical integrity and that results in a harmful work environment for the employee. The parties recognize that the problem of harassment may exist. However, the parties agree that harassment will not be tolerated in the workplace or in connection with the workplace. Where an employee is of the opinion that the employee has been or is being harassed, the employee may forward a written complaint directly to Human Resources. Where this is not possible, the complaint may be forwarded to the College President. The complaint shall be marked “Personal and Confidential.” The Director of Human Resources, College President or designate will endeavour to resolve the matter in an expeditious and confidential manner. The alleged offender shall be entitled to notice of the complaint and shall be given the opportunity to respond to the complaint. The Director of Human Resources, College President or designate, after an investigation is conducted, shall have the authority to:
ARTICLE HARASSMENT. It is in the interest of the Company and the Union to provide a work environment that is supportive of productivity and the dignity and self-esteem of every employee. The provisions of Company Policy "Harassment", are applicableto all employees in this regard. Should a complaint proceed under the grievance procedure, neither the complainant nor the alleged harasser shall function as a representative Union or the Company during the processing of the grievance. Such grievances will be handled with possible and dispatch by the Company and the Union.
ARTICLE HARASSMENT. It is the obligation of the Board to ensure that every Teacher is free from harassment in the working environment. A joint committee shall be convened at the request of either party to review the Board’s Harassment policy. This joint committee must be convened prior to altering the Harassment Policy May The joint committee shall make recommendations to the Board for any amendments to the policy and may recommend procedures and training to ensure implementation of the policy. The Board and the Teachers agree that every Teacher has a right to freedom from harassment by, but not limited to, the following: the Board, an agent of the Board, employees of the Board or those contracted by the Board, volunteers, parents, students and any and all persons engaged in an activity with the Board.
ARTICLE HARASSMENT. The Board and the Union agree that every employee is entitled to freedom from harassment in the workplace. A teacher will not be subject to any reprisals as a result of filing a legitimate harassment A complainant shall not be transferred without consent. Nothing this CollectiveAgreement shall be construed as limiting or affecting the right of any teacher who complains of harassment to pursue any other remedy that might be available In any other forum. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as limiting or affecting the right of any teacher who has been accused of harassment to grieve unjust discipline, dismissal, discharge or demotion or to pursue any other remedy that might be available in any other forum.