Audiences. At this time, the use of live audiences is discouraged and, in some jurisdictions, prohibited. On a case-by-case basis, live audiences may be used as long as audience members • Wear face coverings at all times • Maintain 6 feet of physical distance, including while waiting in line and sitting in a studio; and • Undergo symptom screening on entry. • An appropriate physical separation shall be maintained at all times between performers working without PPE and audience members. Medical professionals shall be consulted to determine the nature of the physical separation required for the safety of the performer in such situations, including additional physical distance or physical barriers (e.g., plexiglass walls). Working Remotely (Telecommuting) • On a temporary basis and without diminishing work opportunities, consider remote work/telecommuting opportunities for cast and crew. This should only apply to those who can perform their job duties effectively while working remotely/telecommuting.
Audiences. 42.9. Audience segments within territories of interest as defined by Framework Public Bodies – this may include social demographic, geographic, local, regional, national and/or international territories;
Audiences. On a case-by-case basis, live audiences may be used as long as audience members are fully vaccinated and undergo symptom screening on entry. • An appropriate physical separation shall be maintained at all times between performers working without PPE and audience members. Medical professionals shall be consulted to determine the nature of the physical separation required for the safety of the performer in such situations. Shared Workspaces • To the extent possible, reduce crowding of all shared workspaces (e.g., production offices and shops) with a goal of keeping people 6 feet apart. • In control rooms, editing rooms and other small spaces, if physical distancing cannot be maintained, all individuals must wear face coverings and should practice hand hygiene.
Audiences. E-ScienceTalk aims to increase awareness of the scientific impact of European grid and e-Infrastructure projects by providing interesting, useful and insightful material aimed at four main audiences.
Audiences. The HBP has a broad range of audiences and stakeholders, both inside, and outside the HBP. These have various interests and motivations regarding the Project, which need to be taken into account when determining the right messages, channels and tools for each audience. Key external audiences include: The neuroscience community and potential users of the HBP Research Infrastructure National, regional, European and international research institutions, initiatives and infrastructures Member states Funding agencies International organisations, Intergovernmental Organisations Academics Civil society, Non-Governmental Organisations and interest groups Industry Media The public at large Key internal audiences include: Opinion leaders and decision makers of the Consortium (e.g SP Leaders, Board members) Subprojects (SPs) The Consortium at large The European Commission and its affiliate groups Flag-ERA Objectives & Strategy Improve internal communication and engagement We will first focus on building a sense of team spirit and excitement for belonging to the HBP, across the Consortium, through regular communication and information to ensure that all HBP Partners are kept informed of what is going on in the project and of the actual state of progress of the whole Project. Content areas will include science progress reports and updates, as well as decisions taken at board level, ongoing work, changes in organisations/management – e.g. interactions with the Member States, Partnering Projects, Open Calls, SGAs, project reviews, and information about what is going on in the other SPs. Key messages, talking points and Q&As for Managers on key topics and issues will be provided on a regular basis to help leaders play their role as communicators with their staff. We will also include bottom-up communications working with the communications coordinators who are not only responsible for disseminating message from the centre to the sub-projects but also to pass critical information in the opposite direction, helping project management to be aware of issues and opportunities on the ground. Improve external communication and interactions with the media We intend to work proactively with the media, focusing on promoting science stories. A full-time media manager will be hired as part of the communications team in the Project Coordination Office; media requests for scientific topics will be directed to experts. In addition, a spokesperson with a good...
Audiences. (a) SC1 Public awareness campaign: Victims’ stories would be used to motivate the public to report suspicions of MS to partners
Audiences. Although the consortium recognises the value of communicating the project’s activities and outcomes to a broad public, to ensure its effectiveness and impact this plan identifies and targets more specific audiences. Communities of interest Communities of interest and communities and of practice that are involved with the pilot interventions will be targeted locally via the each partner (PEN in Pristina, IAAC in Barcelona and Waag in Amsterdam) and globally via the Making Sense outreach activities. Additionally, external communities of interest and practice, activists, artists, students, innovation agencies and sustainability experts will be targeted via the Making Sense communication channels and contacted via the non-pilot partners (Dundee and JRC). Communities of practice There are two main groups comprised in what we have labelled as “communities of practices”: the makers and the open source hardware and software developers. We aim to reach out to both of them. With regards to the makers, we aim to specifically target individuals and groups that gather around maker spaces, Fab Labs, and hackerspaces. On the one hand, we expect these engagements to occur naturally via face to face communication as the Waag and IAAC host Fab Labs in their facilities, and PEN has strong links with the Hackerspace Pristina. On the other hand, we will target the maker community in Europe by reaching out EU-based fablabs and Makers group and/or organisations in the pilot cities and their extended networks. We will additionally establish contacts with the broad Fab Lab international network (www. and present the project at relevant conferences and events such as the Fab 12 annual conference and maker xxxxxx. With regards to the Free & Open Source communities, although many of them already gather at maker spaces and Fab labs, we will extend our engagement with them by contacting the national communities of GNU/Linux, the Free Software Foundation Europe, a list of Free Software/Linux networks, and Open Source Hardware stakeholders such as OSHWA. Policy makers and city leaders Policy makers and analysts in the pilot cities and the broader European context will be targeted. Also, the project partners will make an effort to communicate the Making Sense activities to their respective city councils and political representatives. Two of the partners, Dundee and JRC will have a key role in connecting the Making Sense experiences and findings with policy make...
Audiences. Target audience groups are to be identified for each borough and communications channels to be identified/designed for these groups. For each audience group it will be pre-determined where responsibility for communications lies, either with the Partnership or the individual borough. All communications should remain accessible to all members of our community, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability etc.
Audiences. The 3 focus audiences of this plan are: 1. Wholesalers
Audiences. The Communication and Dissemination Campaign for the Patient and Community Engagement Platform targets, as a primary audience: patients and caregivers, patient representatives and organisations, and the research community. The secondary audience for the Campaign includes policy makers, funders, and the general public. T1.7 relies on its extended network to ensure effective outreach.