COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION PROCESS. A Comprehensive Evaluation will include evaluation of all eight state criteria. A teacher eligible for focused evaluations must complete a comprehensive evaluation once every four years.
COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION PROCESS. A Comprehensive Evaluation will include evaluation of all eight state criteria. A teacher otherwise eligible for focused evaluations must complete a comprehensive evaluation once every six (6) years. Provisional teachers shall be evaluated using the comprehensive process during each year of their provisional status. Any teacher who received a comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating of 1-Unsatisfactory or 2-Basic in the previous school year shall be evaluated on the Comprehensive process during the ensuing school year.
COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION PROCESS. 1. During the evaluation process, there shall not be ratings of Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient or Distinguished (or their corresponding numerical values) given to individual artifacts or observations. Artifacts and observations serve as supporting evidence to inform formative assessment (at the Mid-year Check) and summative rating at the end of the evaluation cycle.
2. Teacher Self-Reflection and Goal Setting:
a. Prior to the Pre-Observation Conference, the Teacher shall self-assess themselves using an agreed-upon self-evaluation form, no later than six (6) weeks after the first student attendance day.
b. The Teacher shall determine a student growth goal for Components 3.1, 6.1 and 8.1. These goals may be related to one another.
c. The Teacher and Principal shall meet to discuss and/or refine the goals for the year no later than nine (9) weeks after the first attendance day.
3. 1st Pre-Observation Conference
a. The pre-observation conference shall be held prior to each formal observation. The Teacher and Evaluator will mutually agree when to conference.
b. The purpose of the pre-observation conference is to discuss the member’s self-evaluation, goals, purpose of the observation, establish a date for the formal observation, and to discuss such matters as the professional activities to be observed, their content, objectives, strategies, and possible observable evidence to meet the scoring criteria.
COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION PROCESS. A. A comprehensive evaluation will include evaluation of all eight state criteria. A teacher eligible for focused evaluations must complete a comprehensive evaluation once every four years. Provisional teachers shall be evaluated using the comprehensive process during each year of their provisional status.
B. Evaluators must observe all classroom teachers for the purposes of a comprehensive evaluation at least twice each school year in the performance of their assigned duties. Evaluators must observe all employees who are subject to a comprehensive evaluation for a period of no less than sixty minutes during each school year.
C. Evaluators must observe new employees at least once for a total observation time of thirty minutes during the first ninety calendar days of the new employee's employment period.
D. Evaluators must observe employees in the third year of provisional status at least three times in the performance of the employee. The total observation time for the school year must not be less than ninety minutes for such employees.
E. Following each observation, or series of observations, the principal or his/her designee must:
1. Promptly document the results of the observation in writing; and
2. Provide the employee with a copy of the written observation report within three days after such report is prepared.
F. Each classroom teacher will have the opportunity for a minimum of two (2) confidential conferences during each school year with his/her principal or principal's designee either:
1. Following receipt of the written evaluation results; or
2. At a time mutually satisfactory to the participants.
F. The purpose of each such conference will be to provide additional evidence by either the evaluator or certificated classroom teacher to aid in the assessment of the certificated classroom teacher's professional performance against the instructional framework rubrics. (WAC 392-191A-070)
COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION PROCESS. The Comprehensive Evaluation is an annual, growth-oriented, employee/evaluator centered process that requires employees to be evaluated on the eight (8) criteria. This includes self-reflection related to attainment of the criterion components and assessment and feedback based on two (2) scheduled observations of at least thirty
COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION PROCESS. A comprehensive evaluation will include evaluation of all 8 Washington State criteria. A teacher eligible for focused evaluations must complete a comprehensive evaluation once every 6 years. Provisional teachers will be evaluated using the comprehensive process during each year of their provisional status.
1. Evaluators must observe all classroom teachers for the purposes of a comprehensive evaluation at least twice each school year in the performance of their assigned duties. Evaluators must observe all employees who are subject to a comprehensive evaluation for a period of no less than 60 minutes during each school year.
2. Evaluators must observe new employees at least once for a total observation time of 30 minutes during the first 90 calendar days of the new employee's employment period.
3. Evaluators must observe employees in the third year of provisional status at least 3 times in the performance of the employee. The total observation time for the school year must not be less than 90 minutes for such employees.
4. Following each observation, or series of observations, the evaluator or his/her designee must:
A. Promptly document the results of the observation in writing within the electronic evaluation system; and
B. Provide the employee with the digital observation report within the electronic evaluation system within 3 days after such report is prepared.
5. Each classroom teacher will have the opportunity for a minimum of 2 confidential conferences during each school year with his/her evaluator either:
A. Following receipt of the written evaluation results; or
B. At a time mutually satisfactory to the participants.
6. The purpose of each such conference will be to provide additional evidence by either the evaluator or certificated classroom teacher to aid in the assessment of the certificated classroom teacher's professional performance against the instructional framework rubrics. (2024 - WAC 392-191A-130) An overall summative score will be derived by a calculation of all criterion scores and determine the final 4 level rating based on the superintendent of public instruction's determined summative evaluation scoring band. Criterion scores, including instructional and student growth rubrics, must be determined by an analysis of evidence. The final summative evaluation report will be completed and shared with the employee within and via the electronic evaluation system. Evaluators must analyze the student growth score in light of the overall summa...