Coordination and Meetings a. This task includes bi-weekly meetings/conference calls with the Design Team during the design and permitting phase of the project to obtain information necessary to complete the design of the project, including:
1) Project schedule, and
Coordination and Meetings. This subtask includes biologists support during the project. This task includes the following: • Communication with the project design team, permit agencies and other stakeholders. We anticipate one pre-NEPA meeting with WSDOT, one on-site meeting with permit agencies, and monthly coordination calls with the project design team. • Provide design support with regard to environmental constraints, including but not limited to: landscape plans, permit-related design constraints, environmental commitments, and developing proposed design/construction Best Management Practices and Minimization Measures. Assumed meetings specific to this task include: • WSDOT (1) • Permit agencies (1) • Monthly coordination calls (12)
Coordination and Meetings. A. Notify the Owner prior to work requiring shutdowns. The Town will operate valves in the distribution system to provide sufficient shutdown of the water system to depressurize the work area. The Town cannot guarantee a complete water shutdown. The Contractor is required to xxxxxxx excavations to a minimum 6- inches below pipe invert until the connection is complete and the pipe has been bedded and backfilled sufficiently as determined by the Owner, at no additional cost.
B. Coordinate with the Town to provide public notification on the Project as specified below.
a. Notification to the Town at least 15 calendar days prior to beginning Work in a new area of the Project to allow Owner and Engineer to complete pre-project notification to residents.
b. Posting parking restriction signs in accordance with DPW requirements, no less than 7 days prior to beginning construction or paving on a street.
c. Notification to residents who will experience an interruption in water service, no less than 48 hours prior to interruption in water service.
d. Notification to residents who will be connected to the temporary bypass system, no less than 24 hours prior to connection to temporary bypass.
C. Contractor shall attend weekly site meetings to discuss schedule of work and general progress. At a minimum, the site superintended for the work shall attend. Town Engineer will coordinate to have members of DPW present as needed.
Coordination and Meetings. During development of the LOI and BRIC application, VHB will coordinate our efforts with the Client and the State Hazard Mitigation Officer. To review plan progress and solicit input in developing the funding application, VHB will conduct regular Teams meetings. Assuming a Notice to Proceed on September 7, 2021, this Agreement includes four coordination meetings prior to the November 24 submittal to the state, and one additional meeting prior to the January 7, 2022 final submittal. VHB will begin the work included in this scope of service upon approval of this Agreement. Consistent with the BRIC funding program, VHB will complete the work in accordance with the following schedule milestones: • Letter of Interest October 1, 2021 • BRIC application November 24, 2021 • Final application January 7, 2022 The following services are not anticipated and, therefore, not included in this Agreement at this time: • Topographic and boundary survey; • Subsurface utility locating; • Geotechnical investigations; • Final plans for the proposed improvements; • Permitting of the proposed improvements; • ALTA survey; • Traffic or safety data collection or studies; • Field surveys of threatened and endangered species; • Cultural resource surveys; • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation; • Subsurface testing for hazardous materials; • Variance, special use, or conditional use permit requests or rezoning assistance; • Design of public or private utility relocations.
I. Fees and Reimbursable Expenses
Coordination and Meetings. The grantee shall coordinate closely with Conservancy staff and other involved entities, including local, state and federal agencies, and shall participate in meetings and other communications as necessary to ensure coordination.
Coordination and Meetings. The consultant will coordinate with up to one slide gate and aluminum stop log manufacturers. The consultant will attend up to two meetings with the COUNTY. The first meeting (kickoff meeting) shall occur upon NTP to verify layout and design criteria for the above listed structures. The second meeting will take place upon receipt of 90% submittal comments. Additional Services Any other services, including but not limited to the following, are not included in the Agreement.
Coordination and Meetings. Each party shall designate one (1) individual as a "Repair Vendor Contact." The Repair Vendor Contacts shall be responsible for generally overseeing the performance of the parties' respective obligations under the Agreement and for resolving any issues which arise between the parties, as set forth in the SOW.
Coordination and Meetings. Consultant will coordinate and conduct weekly progress and field meetings with the contractor, design team, City of Burbank, and Caltrans Oversight Staff, as necessary and appropriate.
Coordination and Meetings. The Grantee shall coordinate with ABAG staff and shall participate in meetings and other communications as necessary to ensure coordination.
Coordination and Meetings. The Consultant’s Project Manager will take the lead in the coordination of all project activities, including coordination with other agencies, deliverables submissions, permits, and similar coordination efforts consistent with the Scope of Work. • The Consultant shall conduct a project kick-off meeting with the City, and Xxxxxx Road Joint Powers Authority (JPA) staff. The Consultant will present the Work Plan, introduce the project team, request information, and conduct other similar activities. The Consultant shall prepare and distribute kick-off meeting minutes. • The Consultant shall schedule, attend, and conduct monthly Project Development Team (PDT) meetings throughout the work. The Consultant shall prepare and distribute PDT meeting minutes to all PDT members. • The Consultant shall attend other meetings as required (e.g., CVWD coordination, utility company, other agencies) • Through the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians and the Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians Tribal Governments, the Consultant shall coordinate with Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to execute the Scope of Work.